Monday, August 16, 2010

Don's statement

     Today, the generally wacky and colorful OJ Blog posted about the curious unavailability of Don Wagner’s “candidate’s statement” on the OC Registrar of Voters' website. (Don Wagner’s Amazing Invisible Candidate Statement.)
     Don is running for the 70th Assembly seat. He's hit the big time.
     Those Juicers seem to suggest that Don might be hiding his views or something (the real Don is, as we know, way right-wing). Evidently, they called the Registrar, and those people say all statements are posted online. In fact, Don's isn't (clicking on the link produces weirdiosis). But it seems more likely that the people down at the Registrar’s Office have simply failed to push the right button on their old PCs. Last week, we noted that candidates’ statements (in the SOCCCD trustees race, Area 2) failed to appear despite evidence that they were duly submitted. Then, suddenly, the statements appeared.
     So there you go. SEE UPDATE BELOW.
     Hope to see some of you at tomorrow’s “Chancellor’s Opening Session” down at Saddleback College.

UPDATE: Sheesh. Part of the OJ post concerning Don Wagner didn't appear on my screen when I looked at it a few hours ago (I hate when that happens). Now I can see all of it. Here's what it says:
So one of our operatives actually paid a visit to the Orange County Registrar of Voters this morning and asked to see Don Wagner’s candidate statement. After a round of frustration (“Well sir, you can look that up on our website”) it turned out that Don Wagner had never filed a candidate statement for the general election.

Which leads us to some questions for Mr. Neal Kelly. Why does it look like Don Wagner filed a candidate statement when he didn’t? Who put that broken link up there, and who instructed them to do that? Why is it still up there?

And then there are some questions for Don Wagner. Does he really have such contempt for the voters in the district that he only needs to communicate with Republican primary voters? Does he think that getting 32% of the Republican primary vote, only 5.4% of all the registered voters in the district, is all he has to do? Is he that arrogant? Is he too broke to spend another $4,000 filing a candidate statement to communicate with all voters after lending himself $100,000 for the primary? Just incompetent ? Or did his contract with his consultant only go through the primary?
Hey, yeah!

     UNRELATED: for some reason, a local Lutheran (I don't think I know her) sent me the following poster for Concordia University's upcoming "German Day":

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