Williams, an SOCCCD trustee, is infamous for his hinky expenses, especially for travel to far-away places (Orlando is a fave) and stays at fine hotels—all paid for by the taxpayer.
Gosh. As it turns out, Street and Williams are twins in that regard as well:
Chriss Street’s travel bill: $60,000 (OC Reg)
As trustee of a bankrupt company, Chriss Street got in trouble for using his client’s money for his own self interests, including expensive dinners and resort hotels.Bryson is a trustee for the notorious CAPO school district. You know the one. She used to show up with Street at SOCCCD board meetings, evidently at the request of trustee (and former OC GOP chief) Tom Fuentes.
As Orange County’s treasurer-tax collector, Street and his top managers have spent more than $60,000 during the last two years attending conferences in such far-flung places as New York, Las Vegas and Washington D.C. — with stays at the Waldorf Astoria and Venetian hotels.. . .
Street defended his travel, saying that the things he and his staff learned helped them invest $6.5 billion for the county and more than 20 local school districts. Under his guidance, the county treasury was highly praised by outside groups for its safety, Street said, with its money market fund earning 0.54 percent in the last year.
“Many of our skills and innovations we’ve learned by going to conferences,” Street said.
However, Street was stripped of his investment duties by county supervisors in March. The action followed a U.S. bankruptcy court ruling that he wasted millions of his client’s money in his former job as a bankruptcy trustee.
Barred from investing, Street and his staff continue to travel and spend, with about six months left on his term as treasurer-tax collector.
Expense documents reviewed by the Orange County Register show that Street and his human resources chief went to San Francisco for a “business process management” class in June at a cost of $11,462. Street’s executive aide Anna Bryson is scheduled to go to South Carolina for a treasurer’s conference later this month.
You know what he’s about. Remember the "poll guard" incident? He's a total creep.
The Reg gives examples of Street’s curious expenses:
• Spent $241 in December to attend the funeral of lobbyist Don Peterson in Sacramento. Travel documents stated the trip was to attend the California Association of County Treasurers and Tax Collectors legislative meeting — which was held a day before Street went to Sacramento. In an interview, Street confirmed he went to the funeral, but said he also met that day with state education officials.
• Spent $560 to stay one night at the Waldorf Astoria in February 2008, because other hotels near the conference were booked. “You look for the best price you can, but New York is New York,” Street said.
• Charged the county $250 for a meal in February 2009 at Zeffirino, a high-end Italian restaurant at the Venetian resort in Las Vegas. Street said the tab was for three people and did not include alcohol. “We went there for dinner and that’s what they charged,” he said.
• Routinely made last minute flight arrangements and changes that boosted the cost of travel. In April 2008, Street and Bryson made so many changes that it pushed the cost of airfare for a San Francisco trip from $1,620 to $2,300. One of the reasons for the changes was so that Street and his wife could appear in the South Coast Medical Center Fashion Show, according to an email from Bryson to a staff secretary. ”I try to fly and book in advance, but oftentimes there were conflicts,” Street said. “You want to try and live my life?”
• Traveled six times to New York, mostly to meet with an investment advisor called Lombard Street. He and staff also went seven times to Washington, D.C., mostly to meet with a group called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which advocates limited government.
My, my, my. Who does Street think he is? John F*cking Williams?
Street reminds me of former SOCCCD Chancellor—and pal of Fuentes—Raghu Mathur, who is notorious for spending over $1000 for an office chair and goofy New Age posters and books. He even charged the district for his expensive and absurd commencement Raghulia.
One time, Mathur tried to pull a fast one: he snuck a raise for himself onto the board agenda and buried it under the heading “academic personnel actions.”
They caught 'im. But Fuentes protected him.
Greer is Mathur’s lawyer too.
It's Orange County, man.
*For the latest on CAPO Unified, see Vern Nelson’s Capo Unified Throwdown: Alpay & Pritchard take on extremists Maddox & Winsten
The Real Scandal at Illinois? (Inside Higher Ed)
If you want to study Buddhist or Methodist or Jewish thought at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, there are relevant courses in religious studies -- courses where the instructors have been selected by a department of scholars, through standard academic procedures.
But if you want to study Roman Catholicism, your instructors have been through different vetting – they will have been nominated by (and their salaries paid by) the St. John's Catholic Newman Center, a church organization independent of the university, set up to serve Catholic students at the university.
This arrangement has existed for decades, and been opposed by faculty members – also for decades. Not only is it highly unusual for a college to give an outside group the right to screen and nominate candidates to teach, but the situation raises church-state issues at a public institution, presents issues of fairness when it is permitted for only one religious group at a secular college, and may undercut the values of the field of religious studies, faculty critics say….
Outsourced Ed: Colleges Hire Companies to Build Their Online Courses (Chronicle of Higher Ed)
Michael Tricoli was a middle manager looking for a leg up in his career, so he got an online M.B.A. from Northeastern University.
Well, not only from Northeastern. Much of his college experience was outsourced to a private company.
The company, Embanet, put up millions to start the online business program. Its developers helped build the courses. Its staff talked Mr. Tricoli through the application. It even pays—and, in rare cases, refers for possible hiring—the assistants who help teach students….
My mother's home in Bärwalde, Germany (now in Poland), just prior to the Russian invasion (1945). Owing to its size and ideal location, the home had been taken over as a headquarters by the Wehrmacht (army). You can see a sign on the fence. It appears to be a Star of David, but it's hard to say if that's what it is. (Click on the image to enlarge it.) Mom says that there were indeed official military signs placed on the fence.
Maybe some of the good time spending boys and girls can see how the rest of us live when they lose their cushy posts. Williams, who is not bright nor talented, has lived high on our tax dollars. His time of reckoning is coming. A scandal is brewing.
I agree. Batton down the hatches cause the Williams storm is coming and it will not be pretty (for him).
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