OC Weekly’s R. Scott Moxley posted about Sheriff Sandra Hutchens’ victory over those seriously right-wing Hunt People (Bill Hunt, Craig Hunter, Hunter Thompson, and Hunt-Wesson) last night: Now We Begin the Real Sheriff Sandra Hutchens Era.
“This election must sting local gun-rights lobbyists, who angrily viewed Hutchens as a liberal, anti-gun figure. They'd wanted Hunt or Hunter, believing they'd be significantly more open in the distribution of concealed-weapon permits. In perhaps the defining moment of her campaign, Hutchens defiantly told audiences to vote for one of her opponents if they wanted a less-restrictive gun-toting policy.
“So we now begin the real Hutchens era at California's second-largest policing agency. At about 9 p.m. last night, when the first round of election returns gave her an insurmountable 41,000-vote lead just from absentee ballots, she became the most powerful government official in OC. The supervisors, who'd appointed her and then quickly soured on her style, likely won't be as openly rude now to the county's first elected female sheriff.
“Now, with the trappings of an $800 million annual budget and 3,600 employees comes the question: Will Hutchens stick to a reform agenda or, like her predecessors, succumb to the potent intoxication of the office?”

Those Hunt People looked pretty staunch. And intolerant. And Tea Partyistic.
Pictures of Hutchens in uniform always remind me of Laverne of “Laverne & Shirley.”
But, somehow, she’s prevailed.
Ooooh, how the old right-wing of the OC must hate her. Imagine!
Hey, don't knock Hunt-Wesson: My mom worked there for 30 years. Then again, they unceremoniously dumped her and hundreds of Mexican women due to NAFTA. Carry on...
Gustavo, I threw in "Hunt-Wesson" cuz I worked there for a month or two one summer. It was the dreariest job I've ever had. The factory was a kind of medieval zone of grey and stink and frowning faces. Plus shitloads of tomatoes. The experience made we avoid Fullerton for years.
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