Wednesday, March 17, 2010

“I’m a person of integrity,” says Quisling Boy

I guess the OC Reg’s Jennifer Muir was waiting around all day to see who would get their papers in by 5:00 p.m. to run for OC Treasurer, now that Chriss “corrupt pal of Tom Fuentes” Street has decided not to run for reelection—what with that nasty court case going against him and all. She just reported that four poor souls have made it to the starting line: Four join race to replace county treasurer

Naturally, one of ‘em is our own Dave “pal o’ Fuentes and Quisling too” Lang:
South Orange County Community College District Trustee Dave Lang, 56, is a CPA and shareholder in a small public accounting firm in Irvine. He is just beginning to drum up support, and he admits he'll have to make time to campaign since he's "a CPA during tax season."

"I think I'm very well qualified," Lang said Wednesday. "I'm a person of integrity, which the office needs."
Well, that tears it. Obviously, Dave, a guy who's been known to invoke the Lord in his role as community college trustee, doesn’t believe in God, cuz, if he did, he would surely believe that some serious fire and brimstone is headed his way saying something as absurd as, “I’m a person of integrity.”

(THE SAGA OF INTEGRITY BOY: Starting in 1996, David Lang was strongly supported by a group of faculty especially at Irvine Valley College. He was a strong and consistent voice of opposition to the "board majority's" Brown Act violations, its occasional disastrous misjudgments (e.g., supporting' Frogue's "Warren Commission" forum, despite warnings), and, especially, its support of Raghu Mathur (first as IVC President; later as district Chancellor). Five years ago, he suddenly changed tack, allying himself with Wagner, Fuentes (Mathur's most ardent supporter), and Williams, becoming the swing vote for Mathur's contract renewal. Since then, Lang (that "changer of men") has been a steadfast supporter of the hated Mathur, even as Mathur's boners and outrages piled up. Back in '05, there was a tense meeting in Laguna Beach in which many of Lang's longstanding faculty supporters asked him to explain himself. He offered no coherent explanation. Soon, the notion surfaced that Lang had political ambitions: he sought to become the Orange County Treasurer, and he had made some adjustments in order to eventually secure that office. —And now, of course, he is a candidate for OC Treasurer.)

(Apparently, DtB’s 1st reference to the rumored Fuentes/Lang “Treasurer” pact occurred in March of 2006, here)


Anonymous said...

Integrity is, apparently, a relative term.

Anonymous said...

In spite of some changes in who he supported and didn't, I still like Dave. He is the only BOT member who reads the entire agenda.

And, like Roy, I'm puzzled why he changed directions regarding Raghu several years back, Dave does have integrity.

Roy Bauer said...

I don't get it, 12:45. Lang has never satisfactorily explained his sudden and mysterious (and disastrous) change of heart. Now why do you suppose that is? He clearly seeks to become the county Treasurer. As we scratch our heads over Lang's curious reticence, all of the facts point to this: that Lang sold out his faculty supporters--people who had worked very hard for his campaigns--for the sake of personal political advancement. If that is true, the notion that he has "integrity" is just preposterous. There are few sins more detestable than selling your friends down the river for personal gain. Such a man is capable of nearly anything. Why doubt that he would sell out the voters if given the opportunity for further advancement?

Anonymous said...

The obsession of faculty with Raghu is interesting. We love Lang till he supports Raghu. We hate Wagner til he ends his support for Raghu. What will we do once Raghu is gone? How will we organize. I hope the Board will hires someone who will piss us off as much as Raghu.

Anonymous said...

Well, even with Raghu gone we'll have to deal with his residue...and I'm not sure he's really gone until, as they say, the fat lady sings.

Roy Bauer said...

5:49, I don't think that faculty obsess over Raghu. Judging by comments here on DtB and hallway chatter, I would judge that most faculty seem aware that the more fundamental problem is the board of trustees and especially Mr. Fuentes. Now, the district community's focus is the Chancellor search, for, as we all know, hiring a decent Chancellor, one who will truly lead and who will call out the board when necessary, is very important if not crucial to our district's future. How we're doing will depend, I think, on the result of the Chancellor search. Things could remain the same. Things could, I suppose, get worse. But things could get lots better. I do not worry about the return of Raghu Mathur, for, if that is engineered, it will quickly underscore for all the world to see how deeply and inappropriately political some of our trustees are. Fuentes will become as great an embarrassment as Frogue became.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...