Friday, February 6, 2009

Hey, I was raised by wolves

Ongoing Wolf Slaughter

Eye on Palin

Actress Ashley Judd will be making the case against Palin-supported wolf-killing practices on The Larry King Show (CNN) tonight.

"[W]hen it comes to animals, every man is a Nazi."

— Isaac Bashevis Singer


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this, Chunk. The woman is a real barbarian. Nothing worse than a nitwit who is also cruel. Gotta hate that.

Anonymous said...

More importantly than Ashley Judd's weighing in is the fact that many wildlife biologists have condemned Alaska's policy. The response of the Alaskan guy who was interviewed by phone on Larry King was: "they're not Alaskan scientists." Good lord.

What is it with these big states (Alaska and Texas)? Somehow geographical size seems to correspond directly with mental--and moral-- midgetry.

Bohrstein said...

Holy shit! Severed forelegs? Why do they even do this? Isn't there a reason? I highly doubt there is an urge to fly a plane over ice just to take out animals. Well, I HOPE there isn't anyways.

Palin as president? Not a chance; I'd move to Canada.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Ashley Judd is an idiot

Ashley Judd has become an embarrassment to the state of Kentucky. If you have ever watched Jerry Springer or America's Dumbest Criminals, you realize how difficult that is to do. She has stopped drinking the cool aid and started eating the powder straight from the package. In September she declared that “a woman who votes for McCain-Palin is like a chicken voting for Colonel Saunders.” Now she is in an ad for a far left animal rights group protesting Governor Palin´s support for aerial wolf hunting. Ashley Judd seems to still be suffering from Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Left-wingers beleive the dumbest shit.

Roy Bauer said...

4:18, did Judd really say that “a woman who votes for McCain-Palin is like a chicken voting for Colonel Saunders”?

If I didn't like her before, I sure do now.

And it's Colonel Sanders, not Saunders.

And 4:30, it's "believe," not "beleive."

I love when rednecks refute themselves.

Anonymous said...

4:18: Defenders of Wildlife is hardly an animal rights group, and they are far from far left. They're one of the oldest conservation groups in the U.S., with a huge membership; their philosophy is not leftist at all. They insist that if wildlife is going to be culled (killed), there should be a real reason grounded in biology, and that the methods not be savagely cruel. They have nothing to do with animal rights (although many of us do who admire their work).

Get a clue, please.

Anonymous said...

4:18, you're no intellectual--or if you are, you're a piss-poor one, based on this ill-informed post. Please select another, more honest moniker.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...