“This is transparent bullshit,” I said, referring to the draft.
See if you agree. The document begins with this sentence:
Irvine Valley College is an institution led by strategic planning based on data-driven decision making and continuous evaluation and improvement.Can “planning” be said to lead things? Don’t think so. The above sentence looks like something created simply to contain such phrases as “strategic planning,” “data-driven decision making,” and “evaluation and improvement” (but of what?).
Shouldn’t the sentences of the college mission also make sense? Evidently, for the author, making sense is a low priority.
The draft goes on to explain that,
To best serve the needs of a diverse population and workforce, the college delivers its curriculum in a variety of … methods through high quality faculty and staff.“It delivers its curriculum”?, I asked. Curriculum-delivery is bullshit. Can’t we say that we “teach” or that students “learn”? Why not say things that make clear sense?
When a student writes like this, he is corrected. If an administrator writes like this, he gets an Ed.D. You should see the Chancellor's writing. He got his "Ed.D." from a box of Cracker-Jack (Nova Southeastern).
2. THANK GOD FOR FOREIGNERS! In today’s Inside Higher Ed:
Cultural attitudes in the United States discourage the most talented students in mathematics — especially female students — from advancing in the field, according to a study that will appear today in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Unlike many previous studies that have focused on the poor performance of American students overall, this report examined participants in top mathematics competitions for students. “The U.S. culture that is discouraging girls is also discouraging boys,” says Janet Mertz, a professor of oncology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and the senior author of the study. “The situation is becoming urgent. The data show that a majority of the top young mathematicians in this country were not born here.” One bit of evidence cited in the report: Eighty percent of female and 60 percent of male faculty members hired in recent years by the very top research university mathematics departments in the United States were born in other countries.3. DOES A BEAR SCRATCH IN THE WOODS, SENATOR McNASTY? In today’s What’s New:
Several readers sent me articles about a McCain ad that ridiculed $3 million for a study of grizzly DNA. The object is to match DNA against fur samples taken from back-scratch trees to get population trends without following the bears around, which is expensive. Congress requires that the information be collected. It's not "pork." Pork-barrel refers to lines inserted into bills by Appropriations Committee members in conference without any vote. It is reprehensible and should be stopped—but that's not what happened here.
1 comment:
As a part-time faculty I have seen the following "(put your school here) is an institution led by strategic planning based on data-driven decision making and continuous evaluation and improvement"
I bet you can find this at various schools.
I think they are copying and pasting it! Can you suggest that every school run their mission statement through TurnItIn.com?
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