Monday, October 13, 2008

The further adventures of McCain's stupid people

The "OBAMA IS AN ARAB" woman hangs tough:

CNN's Dana Bash, among others, interviews the McCain supporter who, last Friday, informed the Senator that "Obama is an Arab." Here, she reveals where she received this information. According to the YouTube site:
Interviewers include Noah Kunin, Senior Political Correspondent from The UpTake, Adam Aigner of NBC News and Dana Bash of CNN. [Gayle] Quinnel cited that she obtained the information on Obama being an Arab at "her local library" and from a pamphlet obtained at a local McCain campaign office (provided by a fellow volunteer not the campaign itself).
IF MCCAIN LOSES, IT'S GOD'S FAULT: the Rev. Arnold Conrad prays

Conrad reminds God that millions of people will be praying to their God "Hindu, Buddah, Allah," et al. to bring about the victory of Senator McCain's opponent. So, says Conrad, the Divine "reputation" is at stake here!

Rachel Maddow on Sarah's BIG LIES re "Troopergate":

I guess that young Sarah thinks that her supporters are, um, really stupid.


Anonymous said...

Yes, obviously, they are really stupid. God save us.

Anonymous said...

Maddow is clueless. Palin did nothing that was unlawful. As an executive she is well within her right to appoint and terminate lower executives who serve at her will. Call it unethical if you want, but no law has been broken. Any judge will tell you that you can't litigate politics.

Now if you were in her shoes and some armed lunatic ex-relative, who tazes children BTW, was threatening your family, what would you do?

This "troopergate" pales in comparison to Obama's "terroristgate," "ACORNgate” and "bilkgate" ($50 mil. in fed. education funds)

Bohrstein said...

Okay, Okay 1:10, you clearly didn't watch the video.

You begin with "Maddow is clueless" and then you continue to basically repeat stuff Maddow said in the video ("Palin did nothing that was unlawful. As an executive she is well within her right to appoint and terminate lower executives..."), so you just shot yourself in the foot.

Watch it again, and pay close attention to the fact that the judge came to a conclusion about Palin's unethicalness... and then Palin says "This report says I am cleared of any ethical wrongdoing."

Okay, that is called lying. That's what a lot of this hub-bub is about; a judge is saying one thing and she is saying the opposite. People don't like that. I mean really, do you feel comfortable with that person being so close to the top? Also, it's not like she is using the whole "he tazed children" argument you are using, she is just plain old lying.

So, why are you so thick? Why do you stand by this crap? How do you feel comfortable saying something like "call it unethical if you want..."

And seriously, do some googling on ACORN.

Anonymous said...

from Talking Points Memo:

No Questions, Please
From the Journal ...

Then came the event in Wilmington, N.C., held at -- irony alert!- Cape Fear Community College. McCain stood in front of the crowd and said he would take questions or comments after he delivered his remarks. He finished his prepared speech and tacked on a longtime stump story about the bracelet he wears. But then the music and handshaking began. No questions or comments to be heard--at least those directed at the senator. "I thought this was a town hall meeting?" a man asked the press corps.
Curious. And this isn't a rhetorical question. Has McCain taken audience questions since the Obama/Arab question last week?

--Josh Marshall

(Yeah and please shut the "gate" on the way out.)

Anonymous said...

Like McCain is somehow responsible for something some lady said at his one of his meetings? This is also greatly insignificant compared to what's going on in the Obama camp with all of his XXXgates scandals

It's funny how the dems have tried limiting what McCain or others can say and do by calling it racism when their own strategy is to play the race card and try diverting attention to insignificant things like troopergate.

All of Obama's XXXgate scandals are real and serious issues he MUST address. I hope McCain calls him out on every single one of them this Wednesday so the PEOPLE can decide who will be the next president, not the media.

Anonymous said...

Close the gate on your way out, please!

Bohrstein said...

I think the idea behind publicizing the crazy lady and crazy reverend are to poke fun at the supporters of McCain. If it is political in that these supporters are being publicized so much, then it is cheesy. I agree that it is irrelevant what kind of people support McCain when we are discussing the policies of McCain. Though the idea of publicizing this 'crazy lady' is McCain's response to her, i.e. the "He's an Arab," "No, he's a good man," which implies that Arabs are some how bad. Note also that McCain didn't even attempt to correct her.

People think about these things before voting.

What "XXXgate" scandals are you talking about? A lot of what I have read up on regarding ACORN are simple misunderstandings that are trying to be spun out by McCain supporters, which hold no water upon closer inspection.

This isn't the same thing as Troopergate which has had a real court meeting, and a real judge coming to real conclusions (i.e. Sarah Palin has behaved in an unethical manner). Sarah Palin misbehaving is a real thing. McCain supporters have to accept this, and they have to really compare it to their own values.

Obama's "scandals" so far have surfaced as a bunch of nothings and misunderstandings.

Unless I am missing something? If I am, could you please post a link to some evidence?

Anonymous said...


All things being equal then according to your logic, one could simply say the very bloated so-called "troopergate" is merely a "simple misunderstanding." I have a feeling this observation would be unacceptable to you.

I think it’s inherent that "XXXgate" refers to any of the many scandals surrounding your Obama. Substitute anything in for "XXX" Come on - an educated person such as yourself couldn't figure that one out?

Anonymous said...

No no, 8:47, you tossed out the XXX, so fill in the blanks, please. Make it something coherent.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...