You'll recall that, during an Accred site visit back in April, some OCC faculty charged the administration with an attempt to sweep faculty "shared governance" issues under the rug. I think the administration was hiding secret papers in some pumpkin or something. Not sure.
You can read all about it in an old Coast Report article (from last April): Faculty hands over complaints: Teachers give notebook of grievances to state accreditation team.
The OCC crowd sound like they just fell off the turnip wagon. You can judge for yourself.
And think of it: boot enthusiast Armando "double dip" Ruiz is the leader of their district's conservative (?) Board Majority!
What if you could trade trustees: Fuentes for Ruiz? Would you do it? That's a tough one. Ruiz is stupid, so I'd have to say Yep.
Last Wednesday, OCC’s Coast Report (Senate Seeks Transparency) explained that the Academic Senate President is proposing a new process that would route the college's Accred reports through the Senate.
Gosh, is this the first time they thought of that? Sheesh. I wonder if they have indoor plumbing yet over there.
The fellow is quoted as saying, “I want to make sure the report to the ACCJC is accurate, transparent and reflects what is."
—As opposed to what is not, I guess.
Armando "double dip" Ruiz is the leader of their district's conservative Board Majority!
Really now, conservative you say? That is hard to believe, Roy. Coast has never been conservative. Very affirmative action, multicultural oriented with a Chicano - Chicana leaning. Is it just your perception or can you give us examples of their right leaning orientation?
Well, 9:13, just for you, I added a question mark.
I spoke with an apparently knowledgeable person over the phone a few days ago. She had contacted me to get information on Ruiz, whom she is working to help unseat in the upcoming election. She described Ruiz as the leader of the Coast board's three "conservatives" (it's a five-person board). It is possible that she calls them conservatives only because they are disinclined to "share" governance with anybody. Dunno.
Someone who knows about the county Democratic Party told me recently that Ruiz was seeking that group's endorsement, for what that's worth. But Ruiz is probably too stupid to know which party he should be in.
Clearly, he should be in the Asshole Party.
Yep Roy. That's what happened. Sure, Armando sought the endorsement, but that went down in flames at the central committee meeting. From what I understand it was pretty big for his opponent. As I said, he's never shown up to one single thing that the party has put on w/the exception of showing up at the endorsement meetings. It was like, "Armando who?" You are definitely right Roy. From what a lot of people can see he's a DINO (Democrat In Name Only).
2nd, a little bit OT, but Dottie was also once on the central committee and we bent over backwards (combed through all the bylaws) to make sure she got ousted. Nope, no more faxed in excuses every 4th Monday of the month. I guess he & Dottie can join each other.
P.S. Oh, by the way, Dottie left kicking & screaming. No, she didn't want to go, but cest la vie.:-)
P.S. Actually Roy, the local Democratic Party's endorsement can carry some weight depending on what area you live in. For all we know, Armando could have a stronger Democratic Party constituency. It's like w/Garden Grove. More Democrats. Bruce Boardwater was the mayor for several years for GG, and the party endorsement helped I'm sure. No, it would be the kiss of death down here in South OC, but not up in that area.
Clearly, he should be in the Asshole Party.
That, my dear fellow, is one assertion we agree on.
I received the following email regarding Armando Ruiz which I would like to share on this blog. The "cccdcitizen" has not identified themselves - but given that so much of this information is accurate, the email message is believable. A six figure pension would afford a Mercedes Benz, I guess.
Dear Members of the Coast District Community: If you did not know, the Coast Community College District board has three seats up for election this Fall. I live in the Coast District community, but am writing anonymously to protect my privacy. I am writing to you specifically about Area 3 of the District, the seat held by trustee Armando Ruiz. If you did not know, Mr. Ruiz, with the full complicity and knowledge of the Coast District adminstration, took advantage of a state loophole in 2004 to double the size of his pension, which so far has cost taxpayers over $250,000, and will cost over $1,000,000 throughout the remainder of Ruiz's natural life. Many people in the community expressed outrage at Ruiz's actions - there was a recall attempt in the community, and local political leaders rebuked Mr. Ruiz for his conduct. Since that time, Ruiz has continued to collect his six figure pension and his salary as a trustee. In addition, he drives around the District in a Mercedes Benz coupe, and uses District resources for his personal use. This year, Mr. Ruiz is being challenged by Lorraine Prinsky, a professor at Cal State Fullerton. Ms. Prinsky is running on a platform of ethics and pledges to the stop pension abuse like Mr. Ruiz's that takes place on community college governing boards. In addition, it is Ms. Prinsky, not Armando Ruiz, that secured the endorsement of the Orange County Democratic Party last month. Whatever your political affiliation, the Democratic Party should be commended for endorsing a candidate that is running on a platform of ethics and integrity in public service, and who will stop pension abuse by college trustees that work both as a trustee and a government employee at the same time. (www.lorraineprinsky.com). There is a third person in the race, Don Apodaca, but little is known about him. But, more importantly, Ms. Prinsky will support openness and transparency in the management of the Coast District board. If you did not know already, Mr. Ruiz has served on a land development committee for the board. This committee is the one that brought the CVS Pharmacy, which will be selling alcoholic beverages on the campus, to Golden West College, and also, which secretly supported the proposal to build a Costco on the Golden West College campus. How could administrators like the Golden West College president tell people that the Costco deal was "approved" without the support of some higher authority? He has no power whatsover. The proposal may have came from the City of Huntington Beach, but Ruiz and others on the board were looking at Golden West College "surplus land" for development as far back as 2005. At a very recent meeting of the board, Mr. Ruiz rebuffed and delayed the request of some of his board colleagues to make the board's land development activities more open. Why wouldn't Mr. Ruiz support a more open and transparent land development process at the Coast District? Wouldn't an open and public land development process best protect the interests of the community, the students, and the District? Hasn't Ruiz learned anything after the community's reaction to the Costco proposal? And, as president of the board, Mr. Ruiz delayed sharing a letter from State accreditors, with his fellow trustees. This letter placed Orange Coast College on a Warning status. And, at this time, Mr. Ruiz is doing nothing in his current leadership capacity on the board to oversee or correct, the deficiencies that prevail at Orange Coast, the flagship campus of the Coast Community College District. This is yet another reason why new leadership is needed on the board. Each of you are all intelligent, informed people. You have to make your own decisions about the elected officials that you want representing you on the Coast District board, but I hope you will take some of these comments into serious consideration this Fall on election day when you vote for your trustees
Is it true that Orange Coast College President Dees was arrested for a Felony DUI? How does this complicate OCC's ability to deal with the accreditation crisis at the school, as well as the faculty unrest that prevails there. And in that vain, why isn't Armando Ruiz using his position as president of the district to deal with the whole mess?????
I saw this post today on Armando Ruiz ... it looks like concerns about Ruiz's ability to serve as a trustee in community colleges are spreading....Professor Lorraine Prinsky provides a great alternative and hopefully Coast voters will give her serious consideration this November!
I hope everyone who has dirt on Ruiz will give it to his opponent. He doesn't deserve to sit another day on that board, let alone another term. I looked up Lorraine Prinsky and she looks like a good choice. You can see her web page: www.lorraineprisky.com
Our old friend Armando Ruiz is being hit again. Check out: http://www.theliberaloc.com/2008/10/06/coastline-college-trustee-wasting-money-on-nyc-trip/
Here is the text:
Coastline College Trustee wasting money on NYC trip
Posted on October 6th, 2008 by Chris Prevatt
Orange County, CA-Coast Community College Board Trustee, Armando Ruiz, known for resigning just before the last election four years ago so he could double-dip on his retirement, is feeding from the trough once again. He has booked a trip to New York City the weekend before the election to attend a conference of the Association of Community College Trustees.
At a time of severe budget shortfalls, Ruiz has decided to extend his stay an extra night even though the conference ends at noon and there is plenty of time to catch a flight back the same day. I wonder if he is staying the extra night so he can watch the New York City Marathon?
“The fact that he’s going to the conference and that we’re paying for it is an issue,” says Trustee challenger Lorraine Prinsky, “the fact that Ruiz didn’t bother to consider the budget shortfalls and save a little money by leaving on the day the conference ends makes it even worse.”
According to fellow Trustee Jerry Patterson, Coast Community College Board exceeded its budget for travel by over $20,000 last year. Trustees Patterson, Hornbuckle, and Moreno have cancelled their participation in this years conference due to budget shortfalls. While community college classes are being cut due to lack of funding Ruiz continues to fund travel junkets and authorize extended stays.
Ruiz will fly home on November 2nd even though the conference will be over and flights were available November 1st (rooms are about $600/night that weekend because of the New York Marathon).
As Ruiz plans his trip to New York, Department chairs at OCC, Golden West and Coastline Colleges have been directed to cut hundreds of classes from the Spring ‘09 schedule.
In the midst of a California and national financial crisis, instead of meeting with constituents or addressing concerns in the community prior to election day, Ruiz will be enjoying an extra day at taxpayer expense in New York City.
The Coast Federation of Educators (CFE), the union that represents full and some of the part-time faculty in the Coast District, has long-taken the position that the Board’s travel budget is out of control. “Trustees, per person, have more money than we have been able to negotiate for faculty for conferences and workshops. That’s backwards, and I don’t see how it best serves our students,” said Dean Mancina, CFE President.
Known as the travel junket king in the Coast Community College District, Ruiz has booked a $600/night hotel room on Times Square in order to attend the Association of Community College Trustees conference, costing taxpayers $3,000.
Ruiz is being challenged by 35 year Cal State Fullerton professor Lorraine Prinsky, who is running on a platform of integrity, leadership and accountability. Prinsky told TheLiberalOC.com “I hope that Mr. Ruiz has a sudden awakening and cancels his taxpayer funded trip. It is unconscionable that at a time when we are cutting classes he would blow money on unnecessary travel.”
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