.....The Cheesecake people located us in a kind of cul-de-sac at the west end of the place—cozy, yet festive—and, near as I could tell, every seat was taken. Every mouth was moving and every voice was squawking, too, cuz it was LOUD in there. When Bill B banged on a glass to get everybody’s attention, you could see it, but you couldn’t hear it. Finally somebody shot off their 44 Magnum 629 classic. Boom!
.....Lee H—the new FA Prez—started things up the way he does, introducing practically everybody in the room. Pretty soon, though, he presented retired Saddleback prof Bob Bliss, our area 6 candidate. He’s going up against Tom Fuentes, OC’s own Prince of Darkness. (Bob better have a good liver, cuz Tom just got himself a new one.)

.....I smiled. Even though we were at the friggin’ Cheesecake Factory, we had attained a community feeling—plus unmistakable carnivalitude. Right at the start of the campaign!

.....Bliss ‘splained that his second concern, after the Goo, is accreditation. How, he asked, could these people—Mathur, the board—screw up so badly that we might lose accreditation?
.....—‘Cause they're assholes? Bob didn’t say that, of course, but he did say that he’d been endorsed by some Republican group. He seemed proud that he beat out Fuentes for that. It all sounded pretty good. I smiled at the Reb, who kicked me to the curb with her disapproving look. Fool! Don't be smilin'!
.....Bliss was pretty steamed about deteriorating facilities at the colleges, what with toxic mold, leaky buildings, and buzzing friggin' bees. Gotta hire professionals! he said.
.....“I can’t promise you perfection,” he said finally. “I can only promise you Bliss.” That went over pretty big, even if it was enough to puke a dog off of a gut wagon.
.....(Did you know that Bob Bliss is a novelist? Yep. Back in ’98, he published a well-received book entitled A.N.G.E.L.S. Inc. He’s a futurist or something. Don’t bring it up, though.)

.....Pretty soon, she zeroed in on salaries. We (i.e., the SOCCCD) used to have the highest salaries in the state, she reminded us, but now we’re, like, tenth. Out of the four community college districts in this county, ours is ranked dead last, salary-wise.
.....That got everybody’s attention. People muttered bitterly, at least in my imagination.
.....“Faculty working conditions are student learning conditions!” she roared.
.....She blamed the accreditation problem on “failing and flawed leadership at the top of the district.” The Inmon solution? —Change the goddam board.
.....She’s a speech teacher, so she ended by saying that she plans to help make SOCCCD the best community college district in the state. That seemed to sound pretty good to everybody in the room. Even the waiters liked it.

.....Lewis was loaded for bear. A year ago, he said, the chancellor declared that the negotiation process would be “quick.” In fact, said Lewis, from the start, the district’s favorite word has been “no.” He tried it out a few times. “No, no, no.” He was on a roll. “Ha! No!” he shouted. We shrunk back in horror.
.....Essentially, said Lewis, the union has asked to keep faculty salaries on a par with the past. We want a COLA. We’ve proposed how to pay for that. The district’s answer is always, “No.”
.....Lewis described a recent exchange with district negotiators in which Lewis noted the curious fact that the district is sitting on $190 million in reserves! This inspired districtular snortage. No way is it $190 million! they squawked.
.....OK. How much then?
.....Um, uh. $173 milllion, muttered the district.
.....Damn! That’s enough to run the colleges for years! People whooped and hollered. A food fight broke out but was quickly suppressed.
.....Anyway, recently, the union presented yet another perfectly reasonable proposal. The district keeps saying that they’ve not had a chance to consider it. Evidently, even though this process started, like, a friggin' year ago, the district didn’t start figuring out costs until last month! They’re doggin’ it!
.....The most important thing, said Lewis, is changing the board. He made a plea for everyone doing their part in that effort. Our biggest advantage, he said, is “human power.” “Please give your money, effort, and time to round up votes,” he said.

.....What about the media? Why should I help with the move back to BGS? Yeah, what about that?!
.....It was fun.
.....We ended with the idea that we’d all see each other soon at commencement, which is our time with the students. It’s not the trustees’ time. They might sit up there like it’s theirs, but, nope, it’s ours.
.....And the students’.

I've seen no promotion, no ads in papers, nothing on local cable, absolutely nothing about the Trustee elections. What are you guys waiting for!!! If you really want change get of your asses and get to work. I guarantee, the general public(THE VOTERS) know NOTHING about this. Quit bitching about all this and start carrying signs, hanging banners off freeway overpasses. Be loud and vocal to get on the news. Go door to door. Do something!!
It's a little early, 7:43. The election doesn't occur until November and raising visibility should best start AFTER the June election and the filing deadlines later this summer. SOCCCD covers about 40% of Orange County--from areas in Tustin and Santa Ana eastward and south to the San Diego County line. That's a HUGE area for coverage when most voters who reside in the district don't even know it. This will have to be a very personal campaign, one to one. I'm ready to do something--will I see YOU out there?
There's no point in starting early to campaign, since any "education" that occurs now will all be forgotten by the time November comes around.
On the other hand, it is not too early to become informed. Go to
I meant to write: go to
save the socccd!
To see a certain former union leader defend the indefensible, check out:
With $173 million in the bank some deft investing could in 30 years or less create a superfunded college district...one where the revenues taxed away from the populace to run the district can be returned to them.
Nah...never gonna happen. I am surprised that the system office doesn't just take the dammed cash away...you're only required to have 5% reserve. Why do those Republican Trustees have that much money anyway...aren't they about smaller government and less taxes? Or maybe, just maybe, that cash is serving some nefarious "need" that you don't know about. Who has the cash?
be sure to leave a few million for the staff.
So you are all in favor of a Republican accountant as your next trustee? I guess Fuentes has made you so desperate anything sounds good right now.
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