From this morning’s Inside Higher Ed: The Ward Churchill Endgame :
When a faculty panel at the University of Colorado at Boulder last year found Ward Churchill guilty of repeated and intentional instances of research misconduct, the committee included in its report a metaphor for the way many people view the Churchill case:
If a police officer doesn’t like the bumper sticker on a driver’s car and so stops the driver for speeding, is a ticket justified as long as the driver was really speeding?
Hank Brown, president of the University of Colorado System, gave his answer on Friday and it’s clear that to Brown, speeding is speeding. He formally recommended that Churchill, who has tenure as an ethnic studies professor at Boulder, be fired. In a detailed letter to the Board of Regents, Brown said that Churchill’s violations of academic research norms were too serious and too numerous to ignore — regardless of the circumstances that led to all the scrutiny.
Brown emphatically rejected the idea that First Amendment issues were raised because the inquiries into Churchill started after his comments about 9/11. Brown noted that more than 25 faculty members were involved in formal reviews of a series of research misconduct charges against Churchill, that none of the charges had anything to do with Churchill’s views, and that “each faculty member, without exception, determined that Professor Churchill engaged in deliberate and repeated research misconduct.”
In this context, Brown said it would be wrong to give Churchill a pass because the 9/11 remarks led people to file complaints against him. “The university cannot disregard allegations of serious research misconduct simply because the allegations were made against a professor whose comments have attracted a high degree of public attention,” Brown wrote to the regents. “The prohibition against research misconduct extends to all faculty members, irrespective of their academic disciplines or political views. Were it otherwise, the university could not maintain the integrity of the scholarly enterprise.”
Brown concluded his letter to the regents by saying that Churchill deserved to be fired because the research misconduct charges on which he was found guilty were “severe,” “deliberate” and that “Professor Churchill’s misconduct seriously impacts the university’s academic reputation and the reputations of its faculty.”
…Churchill has been an outspoken writer and lecturer for decades, focusing primarily on Native American issues. But until early in 2005, he was not widely known outside the political circles that generally applauded his views. But when he accepted an invitation to speak at Hamilton College, some at the college started to circulate some of his writings, in particular an essay he wrote after 9/11 comparing those who died in the World Trade Center to “little Eichmanns.”
The response was fast and furious. Hamilton called off the lecture when it received threats of violence. Almost immediately, politicians in Colorado called for Churchill to be fired — and complaints started to arrive suggesting that some of Churchill’s writings were plagiarized and that some writings cited other scholars’ work in ways that distorted their findings. In March of 2005, a panel at Boulder determined that the Constitution and traditions of academic freedom protect Churchill such that he could not lose his tenure for his 9/11 writings. But Boulder also announced that there were enough serious allegations of research misconduct — some of which were serious enough to justify dismissal if they were accurate — that a new inquiry was needed.
That led to last year’s report, which found instances of plagiarism, fabrication and falsifications. Churchill has repeatedly said that political issues motivate his critics, and he repeated that charge Monday, charging that Brown and other Colorado officials are supporters of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, a group that pushes for more traditional curriculum and which was founded, Churchill noted, by Lynne Cheney.…
The five faculty members on the panel last year were unanimous in finding Churchill guilty of most of the charges against him, but they split on the issue of punishment. One member suggested that Churchill be fired, despite his status as a tenured professor. Two recommended that he be suspended for five years without pay. And two recommended that he be suspended for two years without pay. But the two panel members who would prefer a five-year suspension said that they — like the panel member who favors firing — would find revocation of tenure and dismissal to be “not an improper sanction” for Churchill, given the seriousness of the findings….
It's always fun to revisit McCarthy, isn't it?
And Mortimer Snerd, too.
When the Churchill controversy first emerged, I read his essay, and I did not find it objectionable.
But it is important that college professors not engage in plagiarism and the like. We have standards, and we should uphold them.
It is in a way unjust that Mr. Churchill is tagged for misconduct when others, equally guilty, are not. But, assuming he is guilty (which appears to be clear), there is no true injustice should he lose his job.
Churchill is a fraud. He's a nothing who pontificates a leftist mantra. I wouldn't hire him to change the kitty litter in Chunk's kitty box.
Mr. 2:25:
Must I point out the obvious? Evidently so.
If you object to Mr. Churchill's work, please offer a reason, a ground. Name-calling ("fraud," "leftist") is not argument.
I can't believe I have to explain this.
If you can make a case for Churchill's being a fraud, then, by all means, present that case, and then call him a fraud.
If you are unwilling to raise the level of your discourse in this way, you really need to go elsewhere. This blog is by and for academics, not Neanderthals.
Honestly, I don't care which view you take, but for chrissake, offer arguments!
Churchill attacked the sacred cow of the perfect, benign image of America as all that is good in the world. He had the temerity to point out that much evil takes place due to corporate greed, especially in the sweatshops of the third world. Thus, he has to be killed off, one way or another.
Freedom of speech and thought, Chunk. Isn't that what academia is all about? And, I also have the freedom to be a Neanderthal as you have the freedom to be a socialist pig fucker, so fuck you! I'll think and say what I want and it doesn't have to be an argument one way or another.
Ward Churchill - Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado, Boulder - now there's a major that will get you places!
Regards the victims of 9/11 as "Little Eichmanns"
Regards America as a genocidal nation
Falsified his Indian background to qualify for an affirmative action position in Ethnic Studies
Accused of plagiarism
Lamented that the terrorism of 9/11 proved "insufficient to accomplish its purpose" of destroying the United States.
Commented: "What the hell? It was worth a try."
Just the kind of upstanding guy liberals rally around - you pigfuckers are amazing, and the funny thing is you think of each other as intellectuals - absolutely AMAZING!
It's great to see the true colors emerge--some out of context quotes, no addressing of any of the basis of genocide in this country, and some commentary about sex with barnyard animals, which is obviously of interest to you.
Well, Mr. 6:14, aka "the happy Neanderthal," no; academia is about critical thinking, argumentation, evidence, standards of truth and reasonableness, an authentic search for truths, learning, insight--all of which go, ideally, hand in hand with freedom of thought and expression. You truly don't belong on these pages, since you don't care about any of those things. You're vulgar and offensive, to boot. And, of course, Chunk has more than accommodated your freedom of expression by printing your rants. Please, grab at a scrap of dignity and go away.
Eat shit, hank!
Ah, yes; a class act, as always, that H.N. fellow. Icky.
Resurrect Marlon, get the butter, and "Oink like a pig"
The US Dept. of the Interior should make Ward Churchill pay back every penny he received while impersonating an Americal Indian. That is a criminal act.
But of course you folks have to make reference to “McCarthy-ism” because of your perceived “communist witch-hunt” against Ward Churchill. Like taking a hammer to a puzzle piece that doesn’t fit. You’re all starting to sound like a broken record. McCarthyism, McCarthyism, McCarthyism, etc… This isn’t one size fits all folks. It’s a totally different case and we don’t live in the McCarthy era anymore. I think Churchill deserves everything he has coming to him.
Really, 10:10? Whenever this abysmal administration is challenged, they trot out the old "you hate America" and whatnot. Churchill is in their sights.
Must I point out the obvious? Evidently so.
If you object to Dr. Mathur’s work, please offer a reason, a ground. Name-calling ("fraud," "Goo") is not argument.
I can't believe I have to explain this.
If you can make a case for Mathur’s being a fraud, then, by all means, present that case, and then call him a fraud.
If you are unwilling to raise the level of your discourse in this way, you really need to go elsewhere. This blog is by and for academics, not Neanderthals.
Honestly, I don't care which view you take, but for chrissake, offer arguments!
That Raghu Mathur is a liar has been established here and elsewhere on numerous occasions. In the early summer of 1997, when Mathur was interim President of IVC, he was approached by school chairs who worried about a rumor that there existed a plan to eliminate the chair model in favor of deans. Mathur responded in writing, explaining that no such change was being contemplated and that nothing of the sort would occur during the summer months when faculty were away.
A few days later (on July 16), the very thing the chairs had worried would occur occurred. According to several sworn declarations (including that of firebrand Bob Loeffler--you can find them here in our archives), at the time that Mathur offered his reassurance, he had already personally directed the VPI to develop a plan for eliminating chairs and replacing them with Saddleback College deans.
The delcarations also make clear that the July 16 (illegal) reorganization followed the plan that Mathur directed the VPI to produce.
As you know, in the mid-90s, Mathur was censured by the IVC Instructional Council for violating an agreement not to circumvent what, nowadays, we call process and the "chain of command," and, also, for then lying about it, which, plainly, he did. Simply go to the archives and read the minutes for that meeting. Mathur routinely met with trustees and the chancellor to wheel and deal. When, that time, he was accused of doing it again, despite the pledge explicitly made by members of the IC not to do that, he denied it, despite having essentially acknowledged having don it in other words. Further, we have Lombardi's testimony that Mathur approached him.
I could go on all night with examples. Remember that famous note from State Academic Senate President Scroggins? In writing, Mathur had grossly misdescribed his conversation with Scroggins--there was a third witness--and Scroggins wasn't about to let Mathur get away with it.
Many people have caught Mathur in lies, deceptions, and ruthless intrigues. You know that. At any rate, we have spelled out and documented instances often in Dissent.
Unless you simply are unable to comprehend English, you will be aware that Dissent has not relied on name-calling but has instead offered many an argument for many a thesis regarding Raghu "Goo" Mathur.
Oh my! I called the fellow "Goo"! Gee, that's just like calling him a "pig-f*cker"!
Well, no, it isn't anything like that, now is it? I don't call people pig-f*ckers. Only your crowd does that, and I do wish you people would stop.
If you want to combat Dissent, then produce your own blog and offer something there to attract people.
If you Mathur apologists have something to say, set up your blog and say it. But if you must use this blog to make your points, then, all right, nobody is stopping you, but please do offer arguments, evidence, and the like. If you can find any.
Churchill lied about his degree and transcripts.
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