GO AHEAD, make our day. (I.e., post something; try to be clever....—or something).

The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...
OK. I say it's time for a vote of "no confidence" in our board. OK, everybody, charge!
Where'd everybody go?
It's gonna be a long Friday.
ah yes Spring is in the air - doesn't that mean a vote of confidence or no in somebody or something?
The Importance of Easter
Have you ever considered, "What if Jesus had never been born?" I recently read Letter to a Christian Nation, by Sam Harris. The author makes the claim that America would be better off without Christianity, or any other religion. According to Harris, Christianity is one of the greatest obstacles to improving our nation. He believes that the world would be a better place if Jesus would never have been born, or at least if people were not whole-hearted followers of the man of Galilee.
Our spiritual thoughts center this week on the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. The events surrounding Jesus mark the single greatest moment in human history. His message was revolutionary in His day, and is still life-changing today. Consider what He taught.
Jesus taught peace in an age of violence. The ancient world was filled with violence and bloodshed. War ravaged every part of the world. Slavery was nearly universal. Nations maintained power only through force and intimidation. In this setting, Jesus declared, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you." (Luke 6:27) Jesus spoke these words to people who were treated with cruelty and had much reason to harbor hatred in their hearts. Jesus taught us how to be free from hatred. His followers practiced what He taught, as they forgave those who persecuted and martyred them for their faith.
Jesus taught forgiveness in an age of victimization. Jesus lived during the pinnacle of Roman domination. They conquered and enslaved all who opposed them. Today, America enjoys an equal level of global military superiority. Yet we do not rule over our defeated enemies or demand subservience from the friends we protect with our own blood. Consider Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, Bosnia, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq. All of these nations were either defeated or liberated by the United States, yet they determine their own affairs. None of them pay duty to the U.S. Some of them openly criticize and hinder our foreign policy, even though they owe us their very existence. Why are we so patient and forgiving? I believe the reason is that our nation is strongly influenced by Christian principles. We understand that revenge destroys us more than our enemies. Jesus taught us this principle, when He said, "If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." (Matthew 6:14, NIV)
Jesus taught humility in an age of spiritual arrogance. In Jesus’ day, religious leaders burdened their followers with heavy demands. The Pharisees arrogantly held themselves above their countrymen. The pagan priests demanded money, obedience and sacrifice - sometimes human sacrifice, to gain the favor of their false gods. Jesus taught us that the greatest commandment is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-40, NIV) His message brought joy and release to those held captive by human religion.
Jesus taught equality in an age of division. Jesus taught us to honor all men and women as equal in God's sight. In the Roman world, everyone belonged to one of many social classes. Slaves and citizens, male and female, Romans and Barbarians, Jews and Gentiles - everyone in the ancient world was kept in their place by the rules of power and privilege. Jesus proclaimed equality for all people. He brought deliverance for the best and worst of us, for the wealthy and the poor, for slaves and for citizens. Though He was holy, He ate in the homes of sinners. In Luke 15:1-2, the Pharisees, (the spiritual "haves" of His day), accused Jesus of socializing with tax collectors and sinners. Jesus had no room for such prejudice. He viewed everyone through the eyes of love and equally in need of God's salvation.
Jesus' followers applied what He taught. The early churches were unique in the Roman world in that Jews and Gentiles, even slaves and their masters were accepted as equals in Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28, NIV). It is hard for us to comprehend just how radical this was in the first century world.
Jesus taught love in a world of hatred. The sin of Adam and Eve corrupted the perfect world God created. Because of sin, death and suffering entered the world. Christ came to conquer death, and to teach us to love God and to love one another. The events of Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday are the culmination of God's plan to redeem us from the curse of sin. Have you experienced the redemption that Jesus came to give to you? The way to receive redemption is to place your faith in Jesus. He said, "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." (John 5:24, NIV)
Where would the world be without Jesus? We cannot find a greater example of love than the love He showed us. Through His suffering we can be forgiven of our sins. Through Him we can have peace in this life, and the promise of eternal life in heaven. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16, NIV)
Jesus my love you but I think your an ignorant ass.
Well, chunk, you asked for it.
--100 miles down the road
So. Who's dyeing eggs?
Jesus, please save us from your followers.
Here is a sample of the prophecies that foretold the crucifixion of Christ. Not only were the predictions made 1000 years before Christ came from heaven to earth, but they were made over 500 years before crucifixion was first used anywhere in the world as a form of capital punishment! Crucifixion didn't exist when the prophecies were made.
A scientist picked out 48 prophecies and determined that the probability of one man randomly fulfilling them all is 1 in 10 to the exponent of 157. That is one followed by 157 zeros! Your chances of winning a typical lottery jackpot is about 1 in 108. (100,000,000) Yet, Jesusfulfilled all the prophecies!
These are prophesies concerning the day Christ was crucified, where they were prophesied in the old testament, and where they are fulfilled in the new testament.
Betrayed by a friend, Ps 41:9- Jn 13:18-27,
Sold for 30 pieces of silver, Zech 11:12- Mt 26:14-15,
30 pieces thrown in Temple, Zech 11:13- Mt 27:3-5
30 pieces buys potters field, Zech 11:13- Mt 27:6-10
Forsaken by His disciples, Zech 13:7 -Mk 14:27+50
Accused by false witnesses, Ps 35:11+20-21- Mt 26:59-61
Silent before accusers, Isa 53:7- Mt 27:12-14
Wounded and bruised, Isa 53:4-6 -1 Pet 2:21-25
Beaten and spit upon, Isa 50:6- Mt 26:67-68
Mocked, Ps 22:6-8 Mt 27:27-31
Fell under the cross, Ps 109:24-25-Jn 19:17; Lk23:26
Hands and feet pierced, Ps 22:16- Jn 20:24-28
Crucified with thieves, Isa 53:12- Mt 27:38
Prayed for enemies, Isa 53:12- Lk 23:34
Rejected by His own people, Isa 53:3 -Jn 19:14-15
Hated without cause, Ps 69:4- Jn 15:25
Friends stood aloof, Ps 38:11- Lk22:54;23:49
People wag their heads, Ps 22:7;109:25- Mt 27:39
People stared at Him, Ps 22:17- Lk 23:35
Cloths divided and gambled for, Ps 22:18- Jn 19:23-24
Became very thirsty, Ps 22:15 -Jn 19:28
Gall and vinegar offered Him, Ps 69:21- Mt 27:34
His forsaken cry, Ps 22:1- Mt 27:46
Committed Himself to God, Ps 31:5- Lk 23:46
Bones not broken, Ps 34:20- Jn 19:32-36
Heart broken, Ps 69:20;22:14- Jn 19:34
His side pierced, Zech 12:10- Jn 19:34+37
Darkness over the land, Amos 8:9- Lk 23:44-45
Buried in rich man's tomb, Isa 53:9- Mt 27:57-60
His Resurrection & Ascension, Prophesied, Fulfilled
Raised from the dead, Ps 16:8-11- Acts 2:24-31
Begotten as Son of God, Ps 2:7- Acts 13:32-35
Ascended to God,Ps 68:18- Eph 2:8-10
Seated beside God, Ps 110:1- Heb 1:3+13
The evidence of divine prophecy presented here is just a tiny portion of the proofs available to establish the divine origin of the Bible.
"We constantly thank God that when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God" (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
Accept Jesus as your savior, 9:48 and you're anger will be replaced with calm happiness. Go with God, my friend.
Duh. If I am writing about some made up figure that should be fulfilling some prophesies of course I am going to fill it with stories from the past to try and make it sound true.
Nothing changes, just ask our current president why we went to war.
Or, should we go down the path of the multitude of inconsistencies in the bible? Because if 30 crappy pieces of silver make it true, one would assume two different creation stories make it false. Or simple things like what the hell was the name of Joseph's dad (baby Jesus' gramps)? James or Luke? We could spend paragraphs on historical inaccuracies as well. Therefore the divine origins must be faulted, thus it cannot be divine.
Love prophecy. Love destiny. Love those odd patterns that call to us. Here's one. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy were both assassinated, and both were succeeded by southern democrats named Lincoln! Here's another one. The Normans invaded Britain on 10/14/1066. And the invasion of Normandy occurred on 6/6/1944. And Eisenhower's birthday was 10/14/1890. Whoa! And what about this. Cortes arrived in Mexico in 1519, the year that coincided with the year in the Mayan calendar when it was predicted that the pale faced man-god Quetzalcoatl would return to reclaim the city of Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs, believers in prophecy, believed Cortes was the man-god, and that's all she wrote for that civilization.
OK, it isn't Friday anymore. No more, please! (Somebody kept violating the "cleverness" rule, offering something on the other end of that spectrum. It profiteth them nothing, and me even less!)
Gee, Chunk, why so testy?
Chunk's a philosopher; testiness comes with the territory.
No, I insist. all the stuff below is true because its in MY Bible!
Here is a sample of the prophecies that foretold the crucifixion of Christ. Not only were the predictions made 1000 years before Christ came from heaven to earth, but they were made over 500 years before crucifixion was first used anywhere in the world as a form of capital punishment! Crucifixion didn't exist when the prophecies were made.
A scientist picked out 48 prophecies and determined that the probability of one man randomly fulfilling them all is 1 in 10 to the exponent of 157. That is one followed by 157 zeros! Your chances of winning a typical lottery jackpot is about 1 in 108. (100,000,000) Yet, Jesusfulfilled all the prophecies!
These are prophesies concerning the day Christ was crucified, where they were prophesied in the old testament, and where they are fulfilled in the new testament.
Betrayed by a friend, Ps 41:9- Jn 13:18-27,
Sold for 30 pieces of silver, Zech 11:12- Mt 26:14-15,
30 pieces thrown in Temple, Zech 11:13- Mt 27:3-5
30 pieces buys potters field, Zech 11:13- Mt 27:6-10
Forsaken by His disciples, Zech 13:7 -Mk 14:27+50
Accused by false witnesses, Ps 35:11+20-21- Mt 26:59-61
Silent before accusers, Isa 53:7- Mt 27:12-14
Wounded and bruised, Isa 53:4-6 -1 Pet 2:21-25
Beaten and spit upon, Isa 50:6- Mt 26:67-68
Mocked, Ps 22:6-8 Mt 27:27-31
Fell under the cross, Ps 109:24-25-Jn 19:17; Lk23:26
Hands and feet pierced, Ps 22:16- Jn 20:24-28
Crucified with thieves, Isa 53:12- Mt 27:38
Prayed for enemies, Isa 53:12- Lk 23:34
Rejected by His own people, Isa 53:3 -Jn 19:14-15
Hated without cause, Ps 69:4- Jn 15:25
Friends stood aloof, Ps 38:11- Lk22:54;23:49
People wag their heads, Ps 22:7;109:25- Mt 27:39
People stared at Him, Ps 22:17- Lk 23:35
Cloths divided and gambled for, Ps 22:18- Jn 19:23-24
Became very thirsty, Ps 22:15 -Jn 19:28
Gall and vinegar offered Him, Ps 69:21- Mt 27:34
His forsaken cry, Ps 22:1- Mt 27:46
Committed Himself to God, Ps 31:5- Lk 23:46
Bones not broken, Ps 34:20- Jn 19:32-36
Heart broken, Ps 69:20;22:14- Jn 19:34
His side pierced, Zech 12:10- Jn 19:34+37
Darkness over the land, Amos 8:9- Lk 23:44-45
Buried in rich man's tomb, Isa 53:9- Mt 27:57-60
His Resurrection & Ascension, Prophesied, Fulfilled
Raised from the dead, Ps 16:8-11- Acts 2:24-31
Begotten as Son of God, Ps 2:7- Acts 13:32-35
Ascended to God,Ps 68:18- Eph 2:8-10
Seated beside God, Ps 110:1- Heb 1:3+13
The evidence of divine prophecy presented here is just a tiny portion of the proofs available to establish the divine origin of the Bible.
"We constantly thank God that when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God" (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
Anonymous said...
Accept Jesus as your savior, 9:48 and you're anger will be replaced with calm happiness. Go with God, my friend.
Here is a sample of the prophecies that foretold the crucifixion of Christ. Not only were the predictions made 1000 years before Christ came from heaven to earth, but they were made over 500 years before crucifixion was first used anywhere in the world as a form of capital punishment! Crucifixion didn't exist when the prophecies were made.
A scientist picked out 48 prophecies and determined that the probability of one man randomly fulfilling them all is 1 in 10 to the exponent of 157. That is one followed by 157 zeros! Your chances of winning a typical lottery jackpot is about 1 in 108. (100,000,000) Yet, Jesusfulfilled all the prophecies!
These are prophesies concerning the day Christ was crucified, where they were prophesied in the old testament, and where they are fulfilled in the new testament.
Betrayed by a friend, Ps 41:9- Jn 13:18-27,
Sold for 30 pieces of silver, Zech 11:12- Mt 26:14-15,
30 pieces thrown in Temple, Zech 11:13- Mt 27:3-5
30 pieces buys potters field, Zech 11:13- Mt 27:6-10
Forsaken by His disciples, Zech 13:7 -Mk 14:27+50
Accused by false witnesses, Ps 35:11+20-21- Mt 26:59-61
Silent before accusers, Isa 53:7- Mt 27:12-14
Wounded and bruised, Isa 53:4-6 -1 Pet 2:21-25
Beaten and spit upon, Isa 50:6- Mt 26:67-68
Mocked, Ps 22:6-8 Mt 27:27-31
Fell under the cross, Ps 109:24-25-Jn 19:17; Lk23:26
Hands and feet pierced, Ps 22:16- Jn 20:24-28
Crucified with thieves, Isa 53:12- Mt 27:38
Prayed for enemies, Isa 53:12- Lk 23:34
Rejected by His own people, Isa 53:3 -Jn 19:14-15
Hated without cause, Ps 69:4- Jn 15:25
Friends stood aloof, Ps 38:11- Lk22:54;23:49
People wag their heads, Ps 22:7;109:25- Mt 27:39
People stared at Him, Ps 22:17- Lk 23:35
Cloths divided and gambled for, Ps 22:18- Jn 19:23-24
Became very thirsty, Ps 22:15 -Jn 19:28
Gall and vinegar offered Him, Ps 69:21- Mt 27:34
His forsaken cry, Ps 22:1- Mt 27:46
Committed Himself to God, Ps 31:5- Lk 23:46
Bones not broken, Ps 34:20- Jn 19:32-36
Heart broken, Ps 69:20;22:14- Jn 19:34
His side pierced, Zech 12:10- Jn 19:34+37
Darkness over the land, Amos 8:9- Lk 23:44-45
Buried in rich man's tomb, Isa 53:9- Mt 27:57-60
His Resurrection & Ascension, Prophesied, Fulfilled
Raised from the dead, Ps 16:8-11- Acts 2:24-31
Begotten as Son of God, Ps 2:7- Acts 13:32-35
Ascended to God,Ps 68:18- Eph 2:8-10
Seated beside God, Ps 110:1- Heb 1:3+13
The evidence of divine prophecy presented here is just a tiny portion of the proofs available to establish the divine origin of the Bible.
"We constantly thank God that when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God" (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
Anonymous said...
Accept Jesus as your savior, 9:48 and you're anger will be replaced with calm happiness. Go with God, my friend.
Here is a sample of the prophecies that foretold the crucifixion of Christ. Not only were the predictions made 1000 years before Christ came from heaven to earth, but they were made over 500 years before crucifixion was first used anywhere in the world as a form of capital punishment! Crucifixion didn't exist when the prophecies were made.
A scientist picked out 48 prophecies and determined that the probability of one man randomly fulfilling them all is 1 in 10 to the exponent of 157. That is one followed by 157 zeros! Your chances of winning a typical lottery jackpot is about 1 in 108. (100,000,000) Yet, Jesusfulfilled all the prophecies!
These are prophesies concerning the day Christ was crucified, where they were prophesied in the old testament, and where they are fulfilled in the new testament.
Betrayed by a friend, Ps 41:9- Jn 13:18-27,
Sold for 30 pieces of silver, Zech 11:12- Mt 26:14-15,
30 pieces thrown in Temple, Zech 11:13- Mt 27:3-5
30 pieces buys potters field, Zech 11:13- Mt 27:6-10
Forsaken by His disciples, Zech 13:7 -Mk 14:27+50
Accused by false witnesses, Ps 35:11+20-21- Mt 26:59-61
Silent before accusers, Isa 53:7- Mt 27:12-14
Wounded and bruised, Isa 53:4-6 -1 Pet 2:21-25
Beaten and spit upon, Isa 50:6- Mt 26:67-68
Mocked, Ps 22:6-8 Mt 27:27-31
Fell under the cross, Ps 109:24-25-Jn 19:17; Lk23:26
Hands and feet pierced, Ps 22:16- Jn 20:24-28
Crucified with thieves, Isa 53:12- Mt 27:38
Prayed for enemies, Isa 53:12- Lk 23:34
Rejected by His own people, Isa 53:3 -Jn 19:14-15
Hated without cause, Ps 69:4- Jn 15:25
Friends stood aloof, Ps 38:11- Lk22:54;23:49
People wag their heads, Ps 22:7;109:25- Mt 27:39
People stared at Him, Ps 22:17- Lk 23:35
Cloths divided and gambled for, Ps 22:18- Jn 19:23-24
Became very thirsty, Ps 22:15 -Jn 19:28
Gall and vinegar offered Him, Ps 69:21- Mt 27:34
His forsaken cry, Ps 22:1- Mt 27:46
Committed Himself to God, Ps 31:5- Lk 23:46
Bones not broken, Ps 34:20- Jn 19:32-36
Heart broken, Ps 69:20;22:14- Jn 19:34
His side pierced, Zech 12:10- Jn 19:34+37
Darkness over the land, Amos 8:9- Lk 23:44-45
Buried in rich man's tomb, Isa 53:9- Mt 27:57-60
His Resurrection & Ascension, Prophesied, Fulfilled
Raised from the dead, Ps 16:8-11- Acts 2:24-31
Begotten as Son of God, Ps 2:7- Acts 13:32-35
Ascended to God,Ps 68:18- Eph 2:8-10
Seated beside God, Ps 110:1- Heb 1:3+13
The evidence of divine prophecy presented here is just a tiny portion of the proofs available to establish the divine origin of the Bible.
"We constantly thank God that when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God" (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
Anonymous said...
Accept Jesus as your savior, 9:48 and you're anger will be replaced with calm happiness. Go with God, my friend.
Wow you can be annoying in oh so many ways.
a) stop repeating yourself
b) give up and admit you were wrong
c) there is no god
I will pray for you, 1:52, that one day you will see God in all of his glory and that one day you will accept our Lord Jesus Christ as your savior.
5:16 You are wasting your time. Why not do something useful like helping the poor, ending the war, or something productive in society. Praying for me is a waste of time and condescending.
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