Such is the morale of F&M workers these days that this story has been gleefully repeated by them (or some of them) for many days.
Not long ago, Wayne hired a new lead custodian. I believe his name is Ernesto Gomez. Well, ten days ago, Gomez was fired. But why? I can find no one who has anything bad to say about Mr. Gomez. On the contrary, I keep hearing that he was a “hard worker.”

Why, then, was he fired? I am attempting to contact Mr. Gomez (I do hope I have his name right). No luck so far.
But custodians have told me that Gomez has told them that Wayne fired him for failing to be a “team player.” How so? Well, evidently, Wayne told Gomez to find "dirt" on custodians, and Gomez refused to do that. Gomez instead reported that the custodians were doing their job, and so there was no "dirt" to report.
As you know, some of the custodial staff have led the chorus of complaint about Wayne. They have even pursued formal grievances.
One more thing: some custodians speculate that Gomez was made the fall guy for Wayne's recent snafus, e.g., the great restroom paper-towel deficit, which caused much scramblage.
Has anyone heard Wayne's rationale for dumping Gomez?
MONDAY’S QUIZ: Which IVC manager was caught filling his car’s gas tank with college gasoline?

That’s a tuffy. Send your answers to DtB.
I love that earl Pagal.
Thank you Earl for being sensative to the safety of the employees at IVC.
Wow! What a yarn (more like spin) -From flesh eating cart to dastardly rock kicking at an innocent metal door - and the stupendous cast of characters – Wayne the villain against Hero Earl who arrived just in time to save the poor wittle union lemmings. AMAZING!
It's called hyperbole and poor self-control.
Maybe Wayne is using Mr. Gomez as his scapegoat. I heard he got called in wayne's office and never came back. Why? What is Wayne hiding? Oh well, hopefully you can get a hold of him.
about the quiz, vroom vrooooom, WAYNE, was i right
Ernie was a hard worker and took a lot of pride in trying to make sure the facilities on campus were clean - he knew there were issues in this area but he was trying to do better. And I'm shocked to hear that Wayne would say he wasn't a team player. This guy was a TOTAL team player...just ask ANYBODY who worked with or for him. ANYBODY. Maybe his leadership style wasn't to be a complete A-HOLE like Wayne prefers, but those who worked with him respected the man and wanted to work hard for him. It is a travesty that he was fired and Wayne should be ashamed of himself.
Look, if these people were capable of SHAME then we wouldn't be in this situation.
In order to feel SHAME you have to recognize that you are capable of doing or being wrong, whether deliberately or accidently.
This is the administration and the administrators who do no wrong, makes no mistakes.
They're perfect. It's never been better.
that Camaro DOES use a lot of gas ya know....
8:25am you are exactly write, Ernie was the kind of lead that had respect from his workers. Where ever he is I know that they will be proud to have him as an employee and expect to here that he is a Supervisor one day. He was a great contribution to IVC. 8:16pm I would love to face you and see how you act and speak then about Wayne (Is it a date?)because you are clanging symbol making no noise.
5:10 bring it on....
5:10 I will meet you in front of SSC at 12:00 pm wednesday or Thursday and then we can go to the write people and you can defend Wayne Ward. Just let me know what you will be wearing and what day.
Sorry 8:55 that last message was for you choose your day.
I love the pictures on this one!
A quiz is always a fun thing to do especially when you know the answer! Not always fun to give the answer. A taker who takes all of their life will never have anything HONEST to give back!!!!!!!! So in the end who really has the answer?
mondays quiz, OWEN but he is gone now. So who?
You're joshing me, right? It was Owen's pal Wayne. Dennis White was all over it, like White on rice. A lotta good that did.
bang, bang, bang, another one bites the dust. who's out now?
How much longer will this go on, Mr. President?
Don't you care about the people?
Why don't you meet with the workers without Wayne and see what they have to say?
We know that you meet with Wayne all the time by himself. You know what he has to say.
Why don't you meet with the workers and listen to them?
he doesn't care and never will. By not caring he has gone far. Don't expect him to change now.
8:38 I have gone to the PRES. already a couple of times,and he never got back to me. One time it was about a unsafe van another time, well it really does'nt matter anyway, it's just our students. RIGHT!! MR. PRES.
If Wayne changed his pants as much as he does dept. He would have a rash.
The president is aware of what Wayne is doing and I believe he knows that Wayne is creating an hostile work enviorment. I wonder if they both are in it together. Just like the remark that 8:38 said he does have meetings with the president so maybe at that time there discussing how to create more havic. All I know is that Wayne will get whats coming to him and then he will have to explain it to his wife and family how he lost his job, and they would probably say to him we told you to stop herrassing them and now look at what happend. When all this is done Wayne will have to pay more than he thinks so get ready Wayne because the wave is coming
Another custodian down. He got forced out of here and is going to Saddleback. Ruben worked days, Wayne found out that he had an afternoon job and switched him to swing shift making ruben lose his job. Wayne is EVIL! He hurts people in any way he can! The F&M department should all get together and walk into Glenn's office. Glenn needs to see what this man is doing.He is obviously taking too much advantage of his power.Glenn needs to hear the workers too, not just Wayne's side, he is one good BS'er and the president probably believes him.
Didn't Ruben injure his knee on the cart from hell?
Wayne is a man who tries to imput his own rules. Wayne has come up with his own contract that he expects all the F&M employees to sign. I guess he thinks hese smarter than the District or atleast he thinks he is. He has not learn that the more he retaliates the harder hese going to get squeezed. He doesnt understand that the custodians are here to stay and that he will have a fight on his hand. One way or the other someone will pay Wane or the ones protecting him. He will pay either from the inside or the outside.
Ok a little lesson for you real workers out there. If you have ever delt with any management here at our wonderful district, you will soon find out that when managers meet with management, their word reigns, not the workers words. Remember we have no degree, we actually do the work, so our word means nothing to anyone but us. Seen it for years and it will never change. Another point, the more inept you here in mangement, the farther you go up the ladder, just look around.
Check out: www.wearewatchingthisdistrict.blogspot.com
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