REBEL GIRL STILL languishes deep in the kingdom of winter headcolds and so, instead of offering her own cogent observations about the state of our little college in the orange groves, she will instead quote from Jane's Smiley's novel Moo, first published in 1995 and read by Rebel Girl shortly thereafter. Reb remembers liking the book well enough then, but her revisit to its pages this weekend left her laughing and reading aloud certain passages to those friends and relations who visited her sickroom.

From Moo, chapter 4: The Common Wisdom:
It was well known among citizens of the state that the university had pots of money and that there were highly paid faculty members in every department who had once taught Marxism and now taught something called deconstruction which was only Marxism gone underground in preparation for emergence at a time of national weakness.

It was well known among faculty that the governor and the state legislature had lost interest in education some twenty years before and it was only a matter of time before all classes would be taught as lectures, all exams given as computer-graded multiple choice, all subscriptions to professional journals at the library stopped, and all research time given up to committee work and administrative red tape. All the best faculty were known to be looking for other jobs, and this was known to be a matter of indifference to the state board of governors.
It was known to the secretaries in every office and every department that the faculty and administrators could, in fact, run the Xerox and even the ditto machines. They were just too lazy to do so.

It was well known among the students that the dormitories, like the airlines, were always overbooked, and that temporary quarters in corridors and common rooms happened by design rather than accident. It was also well known to the students that there had been three axe murders on campus the year before, that the victims' names had started with "A" or "M" and that the murderer had never been found, and that the university would do anything to hush these crimes up….

More to follow, perhaps. Now to sleep, perchance to dream.
Ahh, all we need is the pig to get out of the basement.
Again, LOL. And "Home of the Fighting Deconstructionists, that is just too good!"
P.S. If I steal that .jpg so as to feature it in a post which congratulates its existence and links to you, will you be mad? That is - may I?
Prof X, steal away! We appreciate it! Plus: love your blog.
I done stole it, it's up! And I must read Moo, it does sound good.
My favorite academic novel, of those I have read, is called _Big U_. By Neal Stephenson. Apocalyptic.
I just reread this book and laughed just as hard as the first time. Great visuals!
Thanks for the recommendation of Big U, Prof Zero - I'll definitely check it out.
I love acadmeic satires more than I should - but for obvious reason.
The best one - in my book - is Richard Russo's Stright Man.
Okay - that's Straight Man - of course.
Sorry for the poor typing.
Big U has been out of print -and the OC library system (damn!) does have a copy - but I'll pursue it at the UC Irvine library next.
What are my chances?
I hope for UCI's sake that your chances are good: UCI needs _Big U_, they might be able to see themselves in it.
Actually I think Big U is based on SUNY Albany, which is apparently the largest poured concrete structure in the world (it is all connected, even underground) *except* for some dams in the Soviet Union.
I must get the Straight Man also.
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