Monday, April 21, 2014

All freakin' ears

Chancellor's ears not to scale
At about 3:00 this afternoon, SOCCCD Chancellor Gary Poertner sent us this message:

I think the Chancellor and trustees have in mind bein' all freakin' ears for this "listening session."
The flier says that "administrators and managers are not scheduled to attend." I think that means they're bein' told to stay away.
Let's hope that circumstance inspires some folks to start tellin' it like it is.
Some of our readers have commented:
     I hope someone, more than one someone, will speak to the miscarriage of process (once again) in the IVC Foundation Scholarship program. It is an indefensible mess. Attempts to reform have failed and once again the excuse is there is no time to address problems because the end of the year is upon us. We've been here before people. It's disgraceful. I assure you this kind of thing doesn't happen at other institutions. Why they don't review the plans of other colleges and adjust ours is beyond me. They have some kind of weird allegiance to an entirely broke system.
     No one want to point out that it is broken or just how broken it is because then someone (or more) will have be take responsibility - or perhaps liability.
     This happens every year at this time but then it's full steam ahead to the end with no stopping it. A runaway train. Unfortunately, it's a runaway train loaded with other people's money and good intentions and driven by people who aren't capable.
     Come on. No one tells it like it is with everyone taking down names. It's another photo op, an empty public gesture to satisfy the Accreds: "Look! We came! We listened! Ta da!"


Anonymous said...

I hope someone, more than one someone, will speak to the miscarriage of process (once again) in the IVC Foundation Scholarship program. It is an indefensible mess. Attempts to reform have failed and once again the excuse is there is no time to address problems because the end of the year is upon us. We've been here before people. It's disgraceful. I assure you this kind of thing doesn't happen at other institutions. Why they don't review the plans of other colleges and adjust ours is beyond me. They have some kind of weird allegiance to an entirely broke system.

Anonymous said...

No one want to point out that it is broken or just how broken it is because then someone (or more) will have be take responsibility - or perhaps liability.

This happens every year at this time but then it's full steam ahead to the end with no stopping it. A runaway train. Unfortunately, it's a runaway train loaded with other people's money and good intentions and driven by people who aren't capable.

Anonymous said...

Come on. No one tells it like it is with everyone taking down names. It's another photo op, an empty public gesture to satisfy the Accreds: "Look! We came! We listened! Ta da!"

Anonymous said...

Just because you have something to say doesn't mean it's worth a shit!

Anonymous said...

It's a cluster fuck, has been for years. Morley couldn't find his way out of a paper bag. Assuming you could find a paper bag big enough to hold that much shit.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...