One of Frogue's conspiracy-minded pals was Liberty Lobby's Michael Collins Piper, who attributed the JFK assassination to the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. Frogue seemed to like that, but he included the ADL (a Jewish civil rights organization) in his goofy theorizing.
Frogue seemed to spend much of his time as a high school history teacher discussing the Holocaust. Many students reported that he denied its occurrence. Way back in 1995, speaking with the IVC Voice, Frogue asserted that “...there are too many questions about the Holocaust for it to be judged a certainty in all aspects” (Voice, 4/20/95).
Frogue, ever the “scholar,” read stuff. In an earlier interview with the Voice (3/23/95), he explained:
“There’s a group, right here in Orange County, called the Institute for Historical Review...they have raised questions about [the occurrence of the Holocaust]. I’ve looked at some of their publications, kind of strange and definitely new, I’ve never seen anything like it before. There’s somebody that wants to engage in the debate about the Holocaust.I recall one of trustee Frogue’s press conferences in which he held high copies of the IHR’s “Journal of Historical Review.” (See pic.) He was like a pig in shite. It was appalling!
Well, OC's madcap journalist-historian Gustavo Arellano keeps tabs on the IHR. Nowadays, he reports, the IHR makes no bones about the identity of the supposed cause of all our troubles:
OC's Leading Holocaust Denier Says Forget the Denying: Let's Just Concentrate on Jew-Bashing
The Southern Poverty Law Center has a great recap in the latest issue of their award-winning magazine, Intelligence Report, regarding a story we've known about for months: that the head of the Newport Beach-based Institute for Historical Review, the most influential Holocaust-denial organization in the country, is dropping the pretense and emerging as a full-blown anti-Semite.Now, now Gustavo. Get it right! Our knuckle-draggers are not faculty!
Back in January, IHR head Mark Weber wrote an essay arguing that the Holocaust denial movement has been "as much a hindrance as a help" that only distracted from the real issue: the Jews. Intelligence Report writer Heidi Beirich noted that at the IHR's most recent Orange County conference…, Weber told his audience that Jews "control political and cultural life, including the education system and the mass media," and threw in digs at minorities as well.
Also in attendance that day: Long Beach [State University] professor Kevin Macdonald, notorious for his "academic" work trying to paste an intellectual sheen on Jew-bashing. Amazing that he's a '49er and not working at the South Orange County Community College District...
Ours are trustees and chancellors!
SEE ALSO: Is Trustee Frogue a Holocaust denier?
*The current Neanderthal era is not our first. Old-timers tell tales of remarkable right-wingery during the earliest days of the district (c. 1969-1970), when it was called the "Saddleback Community College District" and comprised one college, including a main building (the library) constructed as a bastion in case of student protests. For instance, I'm told that, for a while, when patriotic music would suddenly blast from speakers, faculty were required to stop dead in their tracks, face a flag, and place hand on heart. I kid you not. Plus there was a dress code. Something about knickers.
What is it about Orange County that makes people like this comfy here?
We've already seen this stuff over and over again. So, is your point that there's a shortage of things to report?
Whenever we stand up to those who deny or minimize genocide we send a critical message to the world. As we continue to live in an age of genocide and ethnic cleansing, we must repel the broken ethics of our ancestors, or risk a dreadful repeat of past transgressions. We know from captured German war records that millions of innocent Jews were systematically exterminated by Nazi Germany - most in gas chambers. These facts have been proven repeatedly through countless thesis and dissertation research papers. Virtually every PhD in the world will stake their career on known Holocaust facts. Despite this knowledge, Holocaust deniers ply their mendacious poison everywhere, especially with young people on the Internet. Such deniers have only one agenda - to distort the truth in a way that promotes antagonism against the object of their hatred, or to deny the culpability of their ancestors and heroes.
Museums and mandatory public education are tools to dispel bigotry, especially racial and ethnic hatred. Books and films can also establish the veracity of genocides, such as recent Holocaust films. They help to tell the true story of the perpetrators of genocide; and they reveal the abject terror, humiliation and degradation resulting from such blind loathing and prejudice. It is therefore essential that we disclose the factual brutality and horror of genocide, combating the deniers’ virulent, inaccurate historical revision. We must protect vulnerable future generations from making the same mistakes.
A world that continues to allow genocide requires ethical remediation. Books, films and required public education about genocide can help to reduce such unacceptable behavior. We must show the world that religious, racial, ethnic and gender persecution is wrong; and that tolerance is our progeny's only hope. Only through such efforts can we reveal the true horror of genocide and promote the triumphant spirit of humankind.
Charles Weinblatt
Author, "Jacob's Courage"
In the case of trustee Frogue, the community was way ahead of our board of trustees, a clueless crew that "enabled" Frogue at every turn. Believe it or not, the faculty union paid for Frogue's reelection efforts, distributing a false and homophobic flier to South County Republicans (it worked). As far as the union was concerned, as long as Frogue supported good salaries, they didn't care what he did. Some of us saw it differently. After a couple of years, the union leadership was replaced, and we've entered into an era of weak but decent union leadership.
Doesn't IVC has a chem porf who doesn't believe in evolution?
Charles gets an “F” for plagiarism, neglecting to use quotation marks.
5:30, the Arellano article is brand spankin' new. Get it?
There's a chemistry professor who doesn't believe in evoluation?
This is doing the rounds. It looks like Weber is bilking his Holocaust deining friends.
Subject: The Horrendous wastage of Revisionist/ Patriot Movement Money by Mark Weber and the IHR
Dear Friends,
Let's examine the amount of donations the IHR/Mark Weber received from the revisionist/ patriot community, and then ask this question: Is the revisionist/ patriot community getting a good return on their money?
For said years, the IHR/Mark Weber took in the following in "Contributions, Gifts, Grants, And Similar Amounts Received: Direct Public Support."
Tax Year 2000--$346, 572
Tax Year 2001---$209, 229
Tax Year 2002---$610, 152
Tax Year 2003--$210, 363
Tax Year 2005--$409, 477
Tax Year 2006--$299, 623
Now, this adds up to be $2,085,416.
That is to say, the IHR/Mark Weber took in $2,085,416 in donations from the Revisionist/ patriot community for these six tax years. Have we, in turn, received a good return on our money???? I say, Hell no!!!
Mark Weber destroyed the Journal of Historical Review, the yearly IHR conferences, the IHR's book publishing arm, and the IHR newsletter. He even refuses to sponsor a weekly Radio talk show! What does Mark Weber/IHR do to deserve $2,085,416 from the Revisionist/ patriot community??? ? Well, he sends out newspaper clippings to one thousand people or less. He sells a bunch of old books and DVDs, many of which are decades old. He attempts to market the works of others like Kevin MacDonald and Pat Buchanan--books that can be obtained cheaper elsewhere.
And finally, every once in a great while Weber writes a short essay or gives a short speech. In my opinion, this is very foolish. The $2,085,416 is a horrendous waste of money!! I can think of far more productive ways to utilize this money than to send it to Mark Weber. Imagine, for example, if this money was given to the fine intellectual journal , The Occidental Quarterly. Just imagine how they could have productively used this money by greatly expanding their outreach.
Paul Grubach
P.S. You can check my findings by going to http://nccsdataweb. urban.org/ PubApps/showVals. php?ft=bmf& ein=741538110 There are all of the IHR's tax returns except for 2000. If you want to examine that one I will email it to you.
These guys that deny the Holocaust are just looking for a platform that will gain them recognition. They were probably outcasts earlier in life and they revel basking in the limelight. By continually addressing them we provide them with the attention that they seek. However, if we ignore their comments then there is always the chance that they will succeed with their convincing ways! That is what false information dissemination can do! The following site has a multitude of free Holocaust Records for the next 2 days! After that there is a fee for access.
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