Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Take our poll on this semester's "student quality"!

“Good Lord! This is the worst batch of students I have ever seen!”

“Who refuses to turn in assignments all freakin' semester and then sticks around to the very end, smiling like an idiot? What’s the matter with ‘em?! Who can explain it?”

“You won’t believe what this kid did in my class today! What the **** was he thinking?!”
I’ve been hearing such sentiments and similar ones all semester. I won’t go into details.

I should mention that, in my own classes, I have perceived no decline in student quality or preparedness. Same old, same old.

But some of my colleagues are carping bigtime. I hear their grunts and yelps and roars from every corner of my building.

What do the rest of you think?

Take our poll! (See at top right.)

Never apologize for giving your honest opinion


Anonymous said...

You can put the load right on me.


Anonymous said...

Bluto at his maximally articulate.

Anonymous said...

Maybe my favorite rock song ever.

Anonymous said...

I recall being transfixed at that point in the movie. The song is so magical and it fits the troubled travel theme perfectly. Part of what makes the sone special is Levon's drumming, especially early in the song. But the scene of a traveler coming to a western (?) town, with news from a friend, and looking for a place to rest is just too good. It hits the bullseye. The band didn't realize the song was special until they listened to their recording of it later. Amazing. Great art of fortuity.

Anonymous said...

The man's at the window, the man's at the window...

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...