Essentially, the board will consider increasing trustee pay from $4,800 (per year) to $9,000. (That is the proposed change. It is presented as an increase in monthly pay from $400 to $750, but do the math.)
You can see for yourself: p. 223 of the agenda (a mammoth pdf file).
Predictably enough, trustees have made a point of noisily empathizing with the plight of the poor student and taxpayer during these difficult financial times. For instance, both student government entities were recently told to go back to the drawing board after they presented their budgets—trustees complained that at times like these student government should be giving back more to students, keeping less, etc. They did a lot of "tsk, tsk, tsking."

So what’s with this nearly doubling of their own pay? At the very least, it's bad timing.
If you pay attention to board agendas, then you will know that the SOCCCD board routinely votes to grant pay to trustees who miss meetings, as per board policy 164 (they've got to take a special vote for this). Nobody's ever made a stink about that. Not sure why. (See item 5.10 of Friday's agenda.)

While we’re on the subject of money and trustees, I should mention agenda item 7.4 of Friday's meeting. It is a report, requested by trustee Nancy Padberg, on trustee expenses.
Trustee John Williams, of course, isn't only a trustee: by day, he is our county’s Public Administrator, and, for a while, Padberg was one of his underlings. You'll recall that he fired her two or three years ago.
Especially since her firing, Padberg has attempted to lay bare Williams' bold junketeering ways—and his habit of getting the district to pay for trips to Orlando, where his brother lives, I’m told. (Conveniently, Orlando is the site of some trustee "conferences," although, as Nancy has noted, similar conferences occur close to home. Williams doesn’t seem interested in those.)
If you go to page 303 of the agenda (See that enormous pdf file), you'll find a breakdown of trustee expenses over the last year. Five of the trustees hover around $23,000, although Milchiker is at $27,000.

The district spends $7k a year just for lodging for the fellow.
If you look at p. 304 of the agenda, you'll find that two of the conferences that Williams has attended (within the last year) have been in Florida. One was in Palm Springs.
His lodging bill there was about $1500. Seems kinda high to me.
You gotta love these fiscal conservatives.
• Padberg: closing in on “junket” abuse? (Feb. 7, 2006)
Yeah, fiscal conservatives. Perfect.
Why did Padberg get fired? Inquiring minds want to know.
But gosh oh gee Raghu said they were volunteers!
They should be paid for what they're worth and that equates to a plug nickel.
Wow, fancy digs for Williams. Maybe he got himself a suite.
But gosh oh gee "they should be paid for what they're worth and that equates to a plug nickel"
So I guess you don't believe people should be paid for their work? Is it because their decisions don't always go your way? I guess you don't believe in cost of living and inflation either? How long has the stipend been fixed at $400? How's your new contract doing?
How did Tom get that big gash? Did he hit his head or something?
Maybe ther was an attempt to install a brain.
Let the sacrificing and belt-tightening over looming budget problems begin with them. Why don’t they rise to the occasion and vote to decrease their stipends by at least 20% or something? Ah, scenes the way we'd really like to see them, an ancient Mad Magazine reference for any of you old enough (and/or odd enough) to recognize it.
Anyway, I am visiting tonight because I really need to figure a way to get in touch with Roy… Roy, are you there? My question is: Have any of your administrators or others threatened you with “defamation” or your administration/human resources with disciplinary action for saying things in public that they believe you shouldn’t/can’t? I ask because, uh oh, I’m on the receiving end of some “investigations” from my HR department regarding some blogging I did. Well, if you get a chance to respond, this inquiring mind would love to know: How far up a creek am I? Thanks.
6:13, you can contact Roy by finding his college email at the Irvine Valley College website (Roy Bauer, Philosophy).
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