Inspired by your recent responses, Rebel Girl has crafted some seasonal haiku to mark the end of the semester.
She suggests you do the same.
It's so easy and satisfying: 5 syllables,7 syllables, 5 syllables - plus some kind of kigo or reference to the season or nature.
She is still working on several featuring book orders, requests for syllabi, extra credit and the xerox machine.
Help her out!
* * *
Winter has come near
Another project was due
And so I missed class
* * *
Where is your office?
Students wander halls
Late papers in hand
* * *
I try to help them.
Who is your teacher? I ask.
The reply? A man.
The test dates pile up
Should have taken less classes
I will perservere.
The days grow short, cold.
The failing student asks me
for a B or C.
Yes, I am a fool
A day late, a dollar short
Um, an incomplete?
Blizzard of paper
Deep in the essay pile
brillant scholar lurks
I look at the blonde
I zone out when teacher talks
I will soon go home
Wind turns the last page.
You hit me with open hands.
My cell is on, call.
No contract for us!
Trustees double their dollars
lying hypocrites
Winter-spring loom free.
No syllabi to prepare:
Sabbatical joy.
Faculty are tired;
Students face consequences;
Trustees take home cash.
Always referring to herself in second person
Reb sits so high and mighty
It’s an attribute of true greatness
For the students are so dumb
If not for her where would they be?
Stranded on a desert island we call IVC
Thank the Supreme Being for Reb
Because she is so – super!
I think you misread the Reb, anonymous poet 9:38.
She actually works pretty hard in the classroom with her students. I think even Raghu would tell you that.
Also, it's the third person she writes in, not the second. I think it's a rhetorical strategy meant to add a layer of irony to the subject matter.
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