Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The silverado fire

 stuck in the hills here, no power, no wi-fi no cell

But doing OK

Hope Edison turns the power back on, but who knows


Bob said...

Stay safe Roy. How about Andrew and Lewis (or at least his horses if they still up your way)?

Anonymous said...

To all of you who were making fun of the riots and glorifying them... if you had to evacuate due to wildfires I hope you will pause, reflect and remember the victims of those riots and their grieving families.

Anonymous said...

Yes divine intervention at its best. R.E.P.E.N.T. and be kind.

Roy Bauer said...

11:15, when have I, or indeed anyone on this blog, ever made "fun of the riots" and "glorified" them? (I assume you are referring to the "riots" associated with the "Black Lives Matter" protesters, some subset of which were violent.)
Earlier, I was on the phone with Reb. We noted the Dodgers' victory. She then said, "what's with these rioters? What's the matter with people?!"
That, 11:15, is our reaction to riots and rioters. And we have never suggested otherwise.
Why do you Trumpians never seem to know what you're talking about?
Why do you never have anything to say beyond "Libtard!" or "You'll regret all this after Nov 3!" — and other equally crude and loutish remarks?
Please go away and stay away.
And just shut the fuck up.

Roy Bauer said...

11:29, what on Earth are you talking about?
What is, or would be, "divine intervention at its best"?
Are you claiming "kindness" for Trump and his people?
Good Lord!

Anonymous said...

Professor, we are not even Trumpians. Our classmates have been posting screenshots of some professors'social media posts..not yours!! Those professors who make fun of the riots and Trump.

Tell them not to post fake and unverified news because they are embarrassing themselves when they are proven wrong. They are professors, not career politicians. They cannot undo what they post on social media.. even if they delete them we already have a copy. They told us 'no swearing' in the classroom but look at their posts!! We are going to have t-shirts for sale-- "Our professors are irresponsible!"

Roy Bauer said...

8:55, so you're trolling professors' websites/blogs and such—when you judge their news to be "fake"?
Based on your remarks above—leveled at some other blog than this one, evidently, but left here nonetheless—I doubt that your assessments of "fakery" are competent.
Decent people don't troll. They don't leave half-baked and ill-informed criticisms. And they don't make criticisms anonymously.
That's cowardly.
Note: "cowardly" is worse than "embarassing."

Anonymous said...

8:55, so you are not Trumpians. Then what are you? Why borrow Trumpian rhetoric, unless you seek to be identified as a Trumpian?
Your kind of activity is irresponsible and undignified.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...