Thursday, September 10, 2020

Old IVC school cheer suggestions, c. 2005

About fifteen years ago, there was some (more) public grumbling about IVC's stupid mascot, the Laser, and so, us trouble-makers down at the Dissent club house got to jawin' about that. One club house denizen—with a sizable jaw—who can always be counted on to be seething with School Spirit—and who, at the time, practically lived down at the club house—was none other than Red Emma, and he suddenly handed me some ideas for IVC school cheers written badly on a crummy sheet of yellow paper that had brown spots. So I took those ideas and came up with these images. I like 'em.

Here, Red is alluding to the famous brouhaha over Trustee Fuentes' nixing the "Study abroad in Spain" program owing to the Spanish backing out of Bush's Squad of the Willing Dead, or whatever it was called. Fuentes was a total asshole about it, and I caught his pompous bloviating on video. We ran the footage over to the OC Reg, and, well, the rest is history. After that, Tom always made a point of looking right at me (typically during board meetings) and smiling. In my mind, he was saying, "Oh, you!"

I felt special.


SEVERAL YEARS AGO, when Saddleback was havin' one of its bouts of consternation over the "Gaucho," I recommended that they save some money and just add an "R" and, well, your problem's solved! Besides, what could be cooler than Graucho Marx?

I happened to come upon some other old junk:

My "aphid" suggestion was poorly received.

Here's another:

—This alludes to some trouble we were having with students a few years back. Suddenly, there'd be this thing that would happen: guys with horse heads were showin' up to class, glowerin' and whinnyin' and  generally menacing the student population. They'd sit against the wall in the back of the classroom and snort. 

I don't think we ever got to the bottom of it. 


Bob said...

Good use of humor during this time, Roy. Thank Red Emma for me too.

Anonymous said...

How about Glenn Roquemore CC? A reminder always of what type of administrator who must be avoided.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...