Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Board of Ed's Lisa Sparks interview

Sparks seems unable to answer the reporter's tough question: aren't your recommendations going against the science? 
(Sparks is one of the 4 Republicans on the 5-member board. Only Gomez is a Democrat—and she voted against the recommendations.)


Anonymous said...

I don’t understand why the county board of education exists when its recommendations are non-binding and the department of education says they do not agree, don’t have to agree, and will follow state guidelines.

Roy Bauer said...

9:45: The OC Board of Ed is an elected body; as such, they determine the budget for such entities as the county Dept of Education. Evidently, the system is such that, despite such superiority, the OC BoE must leave the Dept of Ed and the school districts alone to determine for themselves how they'll handle the Covid-19 problem.

Anonymous said...

Good to know. Thank you for clarifying the board's role.

Thank God for our congressional representatives who help to make us less of a national embarrassment.

Roy Bauer said...

Yes, 12:26, we do have some great reps who are giving OC a very different and much better reputation. I think the OC BoE is a vestige of the "old boys" network of Republicans. It's bound to die off and get replaced by something more balanced.

Anonymous said...

Agree. The old guard (who are represented on the school board and board of supervisors) has been flying under the radar in these local positions and benefiting from low turnout elections. I'd say their response to the pandemic has cemented their fate.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...