The TEDxIVC event originally slated to be held at IVC's PAC has been moved to Santa Ana's Yost Theater.
The move has inspired a GoFundMe campaign to provide for free tickets to attendees.
In their appeal, the organizers explain the value of the program but also lodge a number of complaints about IVC:
TEDxIVC is a licensed TEDx event that's been in development since January, 2019, approved and supported by IVC President Glenn Roquemore. Unfortunately, the IVC Administration completely changed during the end of 2019, with directors and administrators being fired, of which included the IVC President. TEDxIVC received major push back from the new administration, losing us sponsors/partners, exploiting us with major costs that they kept adding with the venue, A/V equipment, and miscellaneous expenses that were previously free. We also had to deal with a lot of abuse coming from the director of the venue who disregarded this event for a prolonged period of time, treated us with contempt, and resorted to threats and intimidation tactics to subjugate us.Yikes.
6:35, obviously not. The event should never have been booked in the first place. Obviously a Glenn self serving event that was inappropriate. With Glenn gone, the Facility Use committee can finally make proper decisions without being overruled by Glenn when it serves him.
Looking forward to what the college begin to do now that Glenn can no longer overrule or under-fund or ignore - or play favorites.
Glenn may be gone but some of his viruses remain.
The GoFundMe campaign has dramatically revised its pitch, deleting all the characterizations of IVC, etc, and leaving only one sentence: "Please help us raise money to cover the cost of giving out free tickets." The sum I originally saw the first day ($93.00) remains the same. FYI.
What is the motivation to to give people money to give free tickets to people to listen to these charlatans? I don't get it.
No kickback for Glenn now, oh no!
They keep changing this content on their Go Fund Me page. This is what they say now (giving away only 10 tickets now.) Beginning to seem like a scam:
"TEDxIVC is an independently organized TED event that is brought primarily by IVC students and alumni. This is a TEDx event [not-for-profit] that's been in development since January, 2019, which was heavily supported by the IVC President at the time. Near the end of 2019, however, there were several sweeping changes that took place within the IVC Administration, of which included the termination of directors/administrators within the college. The Director of Student Life and Equity and the IVC President were among those that we lost during the last quarter of the year that had greatly supported TEDxIVC. Ever since then, there was a dismal lack of regard for the event from the new Administration. As TEDxIVC lost all financial/administrative support from IVC, the resulting shift forced a relocation of the venue, and TEDxIVC now relies heavily on sponsors and donors to operate.
Despite the obstacles TEDxIVC has had to endure to get to this point, we can proudly say that this event will be executed with zero help whatsoever from the current IVC Administration, that TEDxIVC was possible due to the hard work of each volunteer team member, mostly comprised of IVC students that share ambitions to create a successful TEDx event that will inspire millions across the country to give birth to fresh ideas, absorb new perspectives, and pursue their dreams. We have a vision and plan of sharing ideas worth spreading within the OC community, and despite our young ages, we are willing to work relentlessly to make an impact on the world, and we will persevere even in the face of all odds!
We are giving out 10 tickets for free to this event. Although given our clear budget constraint, we want to offer a unique opportunity to the community by holding applications for reserved tickets to be given for free to those that greatly desire to attend this one of a kind TEDx conference and would most benefit emotionally from it but are in a tough spot financially and wouldn't be able to afford to purchase a ticket. We do hope to possibly give out some more tickets for free, if our budget allows it.
We are hoping to recover at least a fraction of all the financial support lost from the IVC Administration, as well as have the stability to be able to give out more tickets for free. We ask your help to make all this possible. We are relentless in our desire to gift the community with a TEDx event that will be remembered throughout time!Through the butterfly effect, your contribution will not only affect this event, but the individual journeys of countless others to come!
'Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. "
Tickets are $89.00! Five dollars off if you share on your social media accounts.
Here is the line-up:
• Abbey Gibb – Emmy Award Winning Journalist/ Founder of Abbey Gibb TV
• Franky Zapata – Inventor of World’s First Jet Hoverboard
• Jenny Dorsey – Professional Chef/ Founder of Studio ATAO
• Mark Weinstein – Founder/CEO of MeWe
• Michael Jones – Director of Inspiring Philosophy
• Skai Jackson – Disney Star and Activist
• Toby Corey – Former President of Tesla
• Wadi Yakhour – Selective Service System Chief of Staff
• Robert Incelli – Renown Venezuelan Musician/Latin-Jazz Saxophonist
• MiruDaru – Versatile Ballad Siblings Duet
I am so glad this isn't happening at IVC.
TEDx is a kind of scam, benefiting from the TED brand without much accountability. Here a good article on it:
As I said earlier, it was a Roquemore kickback scheme.
Mark the organizer, screwed us over! Lied about many things and wasted our time. I hope those still involved get out! He lied about funding, speakers and said many things to keep the volunteers motivated. Karma is around the corner man! - Current Students at IVC
None of this ever made sense to me. Now even less so. How did the organizer get this approved at IVC? Who did he get - and maintain - approval through TEDx, especially once IVC backed away? Why were there IVC students working on this? How, if it is an TEDxIVC project - still - is it hosted at the Yost theater?
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