Friday, October 12, 2018

Can Student Newspapers Make Campuses Safer?

Recently a colleague of Rebel Girl's was intercepted on her way to class by an administrator who had some important news: a student in the class she was about to teach had been charged with harassing other students at a nearby campus.The remarks made to the other students were racial in nature and the student was seen as a threat, removed from campus and was facing disciplinary action. The professor was advised to be aware and to call campus security if needed.

We are often told that we as faculty and staff cannot be be made aware of a student's previous or ongoing conduct issues - so why was this administrator able to inform this professor of a possible threat in her classroom?

Because, the professor was told, the conduct was public - published in Fullerton College's student newspaper, The Hornet.

Here's The Hornet's coverage of the initial incident:
FC student shares firsthand experience about recent harassment on campus that’s currently going viral

And its aftermath:

Rebel Girl, intrepid sleuth, also discovered that the student in question was not only enrolled at IVC this semester - but also during the previous summer session when, according to a student, he was removed from class by police for disruptive aggressive behavior toward other students. Rebel Girl tried to verify the summer incident through the IVC Crime Blotter but found no evidence. It could be that such removals from classroom are not tracked (and perhaps don't have to be) on the Crime Blotter. 

There's more to say here, of course, there always is, but it's Friday and there's other work to do, there always is, and loyal Dissent readers know how to connect the dots by now and what the picture shows. It's a familiar picture.

Fullerton College has been served by The Hornet since 1922.

Of course a student newspaper does more than report news items related to campus security; such publications also promote athletic programs and their achievements, theatrical productions, concerts, academic programs and campus events such as Banned Books Week (IVC recently hosted a similar event).

Renewed interest in campus safety might also include a robust discussion about how a revived journalism program and student newspaper (online and/or print) might serve the cause of security - and the needs of our larger campus community.

Please notice how The Hornet keeps the Fullerton College campus community informed and safer - and hey, just this once, keeps us at IVC safer too.


Anonymous said...

Good for Fullerton. The scenario of an administrator using another college's campus publication in order to inform our own community is a bit sad.

Anonymous said...

I wish the parents who sent their children to our colleges knew what we know. Heck, I wish the trustees did and cared.

Anonymous said...

When the president is a dictator, what can anyone in a faltering democracy expect?

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...