Poll: 51 percent of GOP primary voters think Obama born abroad (Politico)
In a shocking finding, more than half of GOP primary voters believe President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, according to a new poll.
Fifty-one percent of 400 Republican primary voters surveyed nationwide by Public Policy Polling said they ascribe to the controversial birther conspiracy theory — despite the fact that the state of Hawaii has posted Obama’s certificate of live birth.
Only 28 percent said they think the president was born in the United States — a constitutional requirement to be president. Twenty-one percent said they were “not sure.”
. . .
Among those who do not believe Obama was born in the United States, Mike Huckabee is their first choice for president, followed by Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and then Mitt Romney….
The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
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Somehow I'm not surprised...
What happened to Republicans? They at least used to go to museums.
BvT, it’s obvious you haven’t been following this issue thoroughly, because you’re only presenting half the story, which then leads you to your conclusion, that Republicans are stupid, bigoted, etc... Perhaps they’re smarter than you because they seem to understand the whole issue.
The issue surrounding this controversy is about the failure to produce an actual “legal birth certificate,” not a certificate of live birth, which are two separate animals. It’s my understanding that the Obama administration has lawyered-up over this, and has spent upward of $3M of taxpayer monies in an effort to block/delay the release of his actual “legal birth certificate.” What are they trying to hide?
The layman can then easily conclude Obama is not a natural born citizen of the US. What’s so stupid about them drawing that conclusion? Please explain.
A good analogy would be your gkk-inputery issue. They’re synonymous with each other.
Not to mention Politico being a biased, left wing rag. Not a good source, BvT.
"The issue surrounding this controversy is about the failure to produce an actual “legal birth certificate,” not a certificate of live birth, which are two separate animals."
Gosh, that's kind of beyond my puny non Republican brain. Please explain.
"It’s my understanding that the Obama administration has lawyered-up over this, and has spent upward of $3M of taxpayer monies in an effort to block/delay the release of his actual “legal birth certificate.”"
It's my understanding that this is the usual made up crap that folks like Beck and Hannity toss to their followers. Any reliable source for your "understanding"?
"What are they trying to hide?"
let's see. Obama's parents smuggled him into Hawaii after he was born in a mosque in Djkarta, with a long term plan to have him illegally elected so he could bring about the downfall of the US with his radical communist Islamic conspirators. Why wasn't this pursued by the McCain or Clinton Camps? UNLESS--oh no--they're part of the plot.Better go and buy some more guns, pal.
Hey, what happened to that last post, something about turds in punchbowls? We’re back to removing posts again ‘eh, BvT?
11:12, you are obviously a moron. What 3:06 has posted is actually pretty accurate with or without Fox News. Research it for yourself!
Funny how you’re all screaming for transparency at your tiny local level, but when it comes to the US presidency, the highest most esteemed office and leader of the free world, the heck with transparency! Right?
I think it’s the liberals, educated as they purport to be, are being the stupid ones. Sure, they do know a lot, however it is they who chose not to see the whole picture objectively. Just take a look at what they’ve done to mainstream journalism. I rest my case.
“It’s not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so” (Ronald Reagan).
Vague assertions and quotations are not arguments. Please go away.
"What 3:06 has posted is actually pretty accurate with or without Fox News. Research it for yourself."
So, in other words, you have no evidence to support your conspiratorial blather. It's all made up, like the voices in your head.
11:12 am, 2/18: “Any reliable source for your "understanding"?”
11:11 am, 2/21: "So, in other words, you have no evidence to support your conspiratorial blather. It's all made up, like the voices in your head."
This is by a Harvard Ph.D. It's a good start. I'm sure there's plenty of other widely available stuff out there.
OK, that's nice, and I assume you've read the book. For the rest of us who have not, mayber you can give us a reliable summation, with sources, of the allegation that Obama has spent "millions of dollars" hiding the fact that he was born elsewhere.
We'll wait.
Why don't you read the book yourself, big guy?
It’s already factual, I believe from FOIA requests, that Obama has spent that amount, and what the money has been spent on.
I guess you don’t really want to believe it though, because he’s your guy.
So what we know so far is that you haven't read the book or considered the sources therein. You haven't any facts from any FOIA either. What you do have is an unerring belief that Obama has spent millions to cover up this birth certificate matter, with absolutely nothing to go on except your beliefs.
Can you at least admit that?
Hey pal, I don’t have to prove or admit anything to you, and you should do your own research. In free America, like you, I’m entitled to my own beliefs, opinions and my mind has been made up on this issue. I can respect your position without belittling or calling you stupid.
If you’re so sure of yourself, then why has nobody seen the genuine “long form birth certificate” that is usually readily available from the hospital of birth for about $10? It certainly raises a lot of questions, don’t you think?
2:22, the "Harvard Ph.D." you appeal to earlier is none other than Jerome Corsi, the author of the notoriously inaccurate and dishonest "Unfit for Command" (see http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A21239-2004Aug21.html).
Corsi is quite obviously a propogandist, not a scholar. That he earned a doctorate in Political Science (forty years ago) does not warrant disregard of his record as a rank demogogue--the sort of writer that no scholar would even dream of citing.
2:22, no one has suggested that you have no right to express your opinion. The question is whether your opinion should be taken seriously. You have been asked to support it. You have failed to do so. --BvT
"In free America, like you, I’m entitled to my own beliefs, opinions and my mind has been made up on this issue."
I'm probably in agreement that you're "entitled" to your own beliefs and opinions, but you should at least have some basis in fact before asserting that the president is not legally qualified to be the president. What else do you believe in with no credible evidence whatsoever? Note that the Clinton and McCain campaigns didn't focus on it.
I also have no idea what you're talking about when you mention a "long form birth certificate." What on earth is that?
In my opinion, public opinion has nothing to do with having to base anything in fact as it’s all about perception, and there are no academic rules involved. Take Obama for instance, the master of perception and political gamesmanship. How do you think he managed to win the election? You can believe whatever you want, and so can I.
You can’t tell me most assertions from the left these last few years have been based in any kind of fact. America has the perception that the guy is not natural born, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. Labeling people “stupid” because they don’t agree with you doesn’t work; one could deduce you’re stupid because you haven’t yet figured that out.
Clinton is a Dem, and McCain is a RINO, there’s your explanation for that. You’re just playing dumb about the long form birth certificate, you know what it is.
BvT, so what? As you are aware, most of the pundits from the left are demagogues with serious credibility issues. Take Paul Krugman and Keith Olberman as examples. Why do you suppose the state-controlled media keeps letting them slide? So once in a while you find someone from the right with some issues, big deal. This whole “let’s hold the right to account while we let the greasy left slide” has been crumbling apart the last 10 years. People are finally holding the left to account. Let’s not discount their big losses in credibility as well as in the last election.
You are a master of demagoguery. Since 1997 all you do is demagogue people you hate. And I believe you have a right to do that, especially with elected officials. The president is an elected official and people have a right to criticize and disagree with him. I, myself do not hate, I just disagree. This birther issue has created enough reasonable doubt in the minds of most Americans; it is what it is and your blog ain’t gonna change it any time soon. And no, you’re not my professor and you never tested me, so I have failed nothing.
Roy, you gotta change the the title of thsi post -clearly it's 52%, maybe 53%.
OK, here's a measured response:
"public opinion has nothing to do with having to base anything in fact as it’s all about perception, and there are no academic rules involved."
--So, if your perception is that there's a giant grapfruit orbiting behind the moon, that would make it valid?
How do you think he managed to win the election?
--Well, because he's a bright guy, cares about doing a good job, and a majority voted for him, as opposed to W. in 2000.
America has the perception that the guy is not natural born, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.
--Really? "America" has this perception? That's the danger with "perceptions" because in your case it begins with what's going on in your head. It sounds like a busy place.
Labeling people “stupid” because they don’t agree with you doesn’t work.
--No, many smart people have reasonable disagreements. This birther obsession is, though, pretty stupid.
Clinton is a Dem, and McCain is a RINO, there’s your explanation for that.
--Well, it's the start of an explanation. Please continue. Did you ever look at McCaine's voting record, by the way? It's a conservative (currently speaking) manifesto.
You’re just playing dumb about the long form birth certificate, you know what it is.
--No, honestly. Please explain, and talk to me like a 3rd grader as I'm really slow.
Take Paul Krugman and Keith Olberman as examples.
--Examples of what?
Why do you suppose the state-controlled media keeps letting them slide?
--Now you're getting into tin foil hat territory.
People are finally holding the left to account. Let’s not discount their big losses in credibility as well as in the last election.
--To account for what? For environmental and financial regulation, reproductive choice, and a fair tax system that doesn't benefit the uber wealthy at the cost of the rest of the population?
This birther issue has created enough reasonable doubt in the minds of most Americans.
--No, just a fringe element; the easily distracted will always be with us.
Look, a shiny object! Fetch.
It never pays to respond to the Stupid People. They just keep being stupid. Let's move on.
I disagree to the extent that here there's a debate with someone who's a coherent writer, and obviously is open to sharing a mindset that is, at least, informing.
12:34 = Alinsky 101. Thanks for making it so clear.
12:34: Ooh, we’re so impressed you’re such a cosmo person of the world to use “uber.” You MUST be really intelligent. Ooh! Wunderbar!
It's funny, BvT and moderators of his blog are themselves a bunch of flamers and trolls, but yet anyone who disagrees with them is labeled by them as such. Alinsky 101 again!
Here's the latest:
Dr. Corsi searched every hospital in Hawaii. None have been able to produce an actual official long form birth certificate. BHO was not born in Hawaii.
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