Meanwhile, the feds are trying to round up Irvine Valley College "Hometown Hero" Mike Carona for his 5+ year stay in federal prison. No word yet whether special friend of SOCCCD, former OC Treasurer and fraudster Chriss Street, will give his pal Mike a ride to Colorado.
Pretty damn damning.
They're is something sounseemly about stealing money from kids who have just lost their father.
Unfortunately, that's what happens when there's no will. I bet when the guy was alive there were several attempts made by financial planners or attorneys, to sit him down and discuss his will. I bet he just slammed the door in their faces.
I do agree the PA/PG should not be acting in such a proactive manner as to swiftly gain total control of some estate as long as there are living heirs. I agree it’s unethical, but it is legal, and unfortunately that’s the price the family pays for not having a will.
PM: are you certain you are correct in this? It is my understanding that if someone dies intestate but the will is uncontested, the heirs can simply settle the estate among themselves.
A relative of mine died a few years ago (in Los Angeles County, fortunately, out of the reach of Williams). He left no will. His heirs were a brother, a half sister, and two nieces. The heirs agreed on what was to be done, and the brother settled the entire estate. No lawyers were involved, no probate, no public guardian.
Of course this was a pretty simple estate, but even a more complicated one could have been settled in probate court without the meddling of the public guardian as long as there were no contests.
It is by belief that the office of the public guardian should only be needed if no competent heirs can be found.
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