On the other hand, he continues to sip unsavory tea. In fact, he’s chugging the stuff, ‘cause he’s a scheduled speaker for yet another big “Tea Party.”
As you know, San Juan Capistrano is a right-wing town. So, naturally, on the fourth, it’ll be Tea Time, or so says the indecorous Mr. Art Pedroza of the Orange Juice blog.
Pedroza directs us to a “meetup” page on meetup.com. The latter appears to be run by a Tea Party group named SOC912 that was founded over a year ago in Swallow Town.
Evidently, SOC912 is a “meetup group.” On the website, one learns that “This Meetup Group is about… Glenn Beck…Christian Coalition…Traditional Values Coalition…Right to Bear Arms…End the Fed,” etc.
They are sponsored by “Richardson Plumbing," which is pretty handy, given that they're a Tea Party.
The website declares:
Come on out for a great TEA PARTY RALLY … and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!....
The rapid pace that our government is headed toward socialism/communism is unprecedented. WE THE PEOPLE must rise up and gather, get informed and speak out (and vote) against it….
Bring your patriotic and protest signs! …. Clown and face painting! … Let’s enjoy the 4th together as AMERICANS!....
…First and foremost, we will be honoring our military and acknowledging our indebtedness to them. Then onto our speakers …:
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson – Appears regularly on Fox News, tells it like it is!....
Penny Garcia – What life is like in Cuba now that it has a communist dictator!
Chelene Nightingale – American Independent Candidate for Governor
Don Wagner – Candidate for Assemblyman 70th District
Shari Freidenrich – Candidate for OC Treasurer….
Oh well. They don't claim to be intelligent or informed, just patriotic!
Freidenrich is the gal that beat the pants off of Trustee Dave Lang during the recent primary. He sunk over $100K of his own money into that campaign, which Trustee and OC Public Guardian John "Orlando Boy" Williams recently described as "spirited."
I think you'll really enjoy listening to what the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, one of Don's 4th of July co-speakers, has to say about slavery:
Hey! Are you inferring that Tea Partiers are clowns?
Why, yes. Not only am I inferring it, I am implying it!
Clowns everywhere are offended.
Yes, thank God for slavery! And thank God it was only like a crowded flight! I feel sorry for the majority, the millions of Africans who ended up in Brazil or the Carribean, and not in the US as God intended. Doubly tragic.
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is a moron and a whore. How can he talk about the pain for "freedom" being worth it, when he himself did not pay that price for it? He has no right to thank the "blacks and Arabs" that sold people into slavery. What a disgraceful spectacle he is! ES
I'd like milk and lemon, maybe a tad of honey with my tea, please.
I can't believe what I'm hearing! What kind of reverend is Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson anyway? What church does he belong to? Who is he representing? It disheartens me to hear morons like him!
Funny, this Rev. offends you but Rev Jeremiah Wright doesn’t! LOL! Rev. Jesse Paterson seems like a pretty sensible guy. According you all of you, because I’m white I should feel guilty because of slavery, even though my ancestors were in Europe the whole time. Fact is, even the poorest of the poorest black Americans today enjoy a much higher standard of living and opportunities here in the US, than they would’ve had had they stayed in Africa, i.e. Liberia, Kenya, etc… So I think the Rev. is an optimist, which is what we need more of in the black community.
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