.....Yep, the results are mighty grim. Only 54% believe that global warming is real. 46% say either that it isn’t real or that we don’t know if it is real.
.....Predictably, Democrats are much more inclined to embrace the reality of GW: 77% versus 39% of Republicans.
.....Michael Prather, a UCI prof who thinks that GW is real and human-caused, actually had something interesting to say:
.....I think that Prather is saying that (many) Orange Countians form beliefs—about such matters as whether global warming is caused by human activity—independently of a consideration of evidence.“This is belief country,” he said. “It’s your lifestyle. It’s not a matter of what you know or don’t know. It’s really a matter of what you want to know.”
.....He implies that they believe what they want to believe.
.....I’m afraid that’s true.
.....Freakin' Yahoos.
▼ Is another Coast Community College District Trustee trying to double his pension? (Orange Juice)
Using the term "global warming" just confuses them, as they think climate is the same thing as weather. "Oh, it's cold today, ha ha about that global warming."
That's why the term climate change is always preferable.
They'll still drive their monstrous Ford Explosions, though, 'cause it's a free country.
Attempting to sway such people to a rational perspective is hopeless. They are suspicious of academia just as they are suspicious of "the media" and "the government." About a year ago, I realized that we have entered a new era in which there just is no getting to these people. Anyone who can watch Glenn Beck and say, "That's the guy for me!" is beyond reach and beyond explanation (for me).
Or Palin! A significant of folks polled believe her to be qualified to be president. Imagine the mind that embraces that idea.
Well spoken on Prather's part.
Belief country.
Most know my feelings on this, I think. Mr Gosh and I would get along well in that regard. Though, being the young and dependent guy I am, (i.e. I rely on other people to 'survive') I am often forced to reconcile my differences with said individuals (i.e. keep my freakin' mouth closed). Whether you're a democrat, republican, green peace, etc., I've noted, it makes no difference, there are always those who seem perpetually confused but act so very confidently. It's as if some picked their party because the dominant party color is their favorite color.
Oy, don't get me started.
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