Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Glenn Ranch Road

Live Oak Canyon Road


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Extremely cool photos, as always, BvT.

Say, did you catch the wonderful front-page of the L.A. Times yesterday?----big headlines about the Massachusetts result, with a big, dark cloud hanging over L.A. immediately below it. In an entirely and unabashedly partisan sort of way, I found it a perfect juxtaposition----capturing the feelings of some of us about a Republican capturing Ted Kennedy's seat.


Anonymous said...

Hey, the guy posed nude and drives a truck. What other qualifications would he need to be a senator? Oh, and he'll say "no" real good to everything when he's seated. Yup.

Anonymous said...

Really? Naked? Like our governor?

Anonymous said...

Oh, my god; talk about RAIN. The Supreme Court decision brings on more despair than I've felt since W was re-elected. It is, of course, part of his catastrophic legacy, since he nominated two of the justices who see fit to treat corporations in the same way as individual citizens. Democracy?----I don't think so.

It seems that there are dark times once again overtaking us. Is there any light that you can discern, BvT and others?


Anonymous said...

This decision was completely predictable, as the 5 vote bloc is shamelessly partisan. The Prop 8 decision will be in front of them one day, and the exact same outcome is a certainty. Unless we get lucky and Scalia and Thomas have some cardiological events that removes their loathsome presences.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the public, which is largely and increasingly disgruntled, were to achieve clarity about this new predicament, a mass movement of some kind would not be inconceivable. When things get really bad, people sometimes surprise you. Let's hope that the badness won't be a generation of de facto rule of powerful and narrow interests (Big Pharma, etc.). If this decision were the product of a conspiracy (which I doubt), it strikes me as a bad move, a too obvious move, a move too plainly in the interests of the very people who have caused so much grief in recent years or who have enabled such people. It looks like towering and heedless arrogance. IF people begin to see it that way, the tower will be brought down. If only we could create a red zone and send all red-staters there. It would be highly entertaining watching them pray and chant themselves into oblivion. --BvT

Anonymous said...

" ... towering and heedless arrogance": well-put, Baron. I would be astounded, though, if the populace were ever to rise up. The disgruntlement always seems misdirected, or confused--not ever quite directed to the proper target. Still, thank you for giving me that ever so slight possibility of hope.


Roy Bauer said...

You might read Red Emma's latest tome, above. His target: Independents, a crew that Red seems to regard as lower than a barefoot rattlesnake. According to Red, they're worse than nothing. They are an important division of the army of the clueless. Don't despair, MAH, everything can go to shit, and eventually the Great UnClued will figure it out, and set fire to their hair. I shall wear TigerPants.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...