Did you see this story in yesterday’s OC Register?
Parents, kids to pray for Capo school district
Things aren’t looking so good for the CAPO district. As the Reg explains, “Capistrano Unified officials are bracing for an anticipated $24.5 million shortfall in the current 2008-09 school year and a projected $32 million deficit next year.”
Plus they've got trustees from hell.
Things really are tough, fiscally. Gosh, at a time like this, each of us has got to do anything we can. And so 37-year-old Ann Marie Jennison of Ladera Ranch is organizing an hour of public prayer on behalf of the Capistrano Unified School District.
The event is planned for Monday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
The Reg didn’t indicate if spotters have been organized to watch for positive changes in the district during and immediately after this time of prayer.
Naturally, the Reg has concocted one of its polls, which accompanies the article. The question: Will praying for public schools help?
You’d think readers would be allowed to choose between “No” and “Yes.” I woulda voted “No.”
But those aren’t the choices.
Here are the choices:
Yes, schools need all the help they can get.
No, it’s up to government to solve the problem.
Sometimes, I feel that I have been placed here in Orange County as some sort of experiment in weirditude.
(Above: the sky, last night.)
Trustees from hell? You don't know anything. The only thing weird here, is your ignorant, biased presumption. But then, given your "Post a Comment" policy above, I guess it isn't so weird after all.
Allow me to be more specific: trustees from Education Alliance, i.e., hell.
Hmm. Did you see a recent study about prayer and health? People who knew others would be praying for them had worse outcomes after surgery than those who did not know others would be praying for them (or weren't receiving prayers).
9:35, we posted about that a while back: Don't pray for me, please
I always say, very sweetly, don't pray for me, please - just give me chocolate. There's studies about the healing effects of chocolate too!
Let me be more specific: "trustees from Education Alliance" Not true and not hell. They received support from the EA and other sources as well. They even received support from the union until the union dishonestly decided it was politically advantageous to distance themselves and decided to smear them to do so. Your account here is extremely simplistic, presumptuous and unfair.
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