Tiger Ann's "mom," my sister Annie, and I are, as usual, in Trabuco Canyon (Live Oak Canyon). This morning, we are enjoying the fine weather.
These days, Tiger Ann is our sole beast.
As you know, Tiger Ann was a proponent of Proposition 2 and an ardent opponent of Proposition 8. (She's from the Bay Area.)
Annie and I are agnostics. My car, however, is a Chrysler, and it is a Christian.
Here it is at the Trabuco Church, high above Live Oak Canyon.
"Hush," Tiger Ann said, again. She's a bit controlling.
As you know, Tiger Ann was a proponent of Proposition 2 and an ardent opponent of Proposition 8. (She's from the Bay Area.)

Here it is at the Trabuco Church, high above Live Oak Canyon.

Annie and I are agnostics.
I will pray for both of you.
Tiger Ann is wise.
The Vex is a Christian eh? I can see that.
Can I call your car "The Vex?"
Do you still have Sunny Girl?
Hey Roy!
Like the pics. of you, your sister & her cat. Where's Sunny?:-)
Sunny past away last summer.
I'm sorry -- Sunny was a wonderful cat. Lots of us will miss her.
I'm sorry Roy. I didn't realize that Sunny had passed away (this past summer?). In any case, I never even met Sunny, but she seemed cool to me. In fact, I don't remember a time when you didn't write about Sunny. In any case, may she rest in peace.:-(
So, so good to see you.
MOPI, so, so good to hear from you. -b
Sorry for your loss Roy. Wow your sister's a knockout! Can I get her phone number?
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