Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The machine mindlessly cranks out support for Fuentes

Posted today at Red County/OC Blog:

Tom Fuentes Dominates Fundraising In His Community College Race
Posted by: Jubal
OC Republican icon Tom Fuentes is dominating the fundraising field in the battle being waged by the faculty union to knock out him [?] and fellow South Orange County Community College District Trustee David Lang.

In the July 1 through September 30 reporting period, Tom raised $25,069 and reported expenditures of $33,694.46 -- leaving him with a towering (for a community college district) $76,296.05 cash-on-hand. Best of all was a $1,000 contribution from conservative stalwart Bruce Herschensohn.

Tom's opponent, Bob Bliss, reported raising $0.00 so far this year. Not a cent. Zip. I'm not sure that's even possible, since one has to spend something just to be on the ballot, but the columns in Bliss' reports just had null sets written on them.

Of course, Bliss could just be waiting for the faculty union to ride to his rescue with independent expenditures. The faculty union has contributed generously to their other endorsed candidate, Carolyn Inmon.

"Friends of Carolyn Inmon" amassed $14,574 in the July/August/September period, for a YTD total of $17,661. The lion's share -- $7,250 -- came from the faculty union, naturally. Inmon, after all, is a former statewide president of the community college faculty union. Her contributions are almost exclusively from other teachers and college instructors -- including a nice donation from former California Teachers Association president Barbara Kerr. Talk about the union label!

Inmon has spent $11,185 and showed $6,506 cash-on-hand.

Incumbent David Lang lagged in fundraising for the period, but remains competitive. He's raised $2,143 YTD, spent $8,328 and showed $1782.84 cash-on-hand.

It's a good bet the faculty union will weigh in with IE for Bliss and especially Inmon. Tom Fuentes is the engine pulling the conservative train here, and it looks like he'll have to provide the fundraising firepower to repel the union boarders.
Note: Bliss and Inmon are Republicans. Bliss has been a Republican and a conservative since the 60s.

Robert Gibbs takes on Sean Hannity



Anonymous said...

Roy, how about the interview that follows with Dick Morris? Why don't you post that one as well? Because it shows how Obama and his friend (the domestic terrorist) bilked our govt. out of $50 million in education funds to spend on radicalizing leftist students? According to Dick Morris its all documented and it was the product of their comittee work together at the University of Chicago. According to Dick Morris the documented purpose of those funds were to "politically radicalize students."

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous One,

Since you appear better informed than Roy on this topic, should you not be the one to provide and produce the "documented" evidence that this Morris interview so clearly offers?

Roy Bauer said...

12:15, I learned long ago that Dick Morris is a creep. I didn't see the interview and I have no interest in seeing it. Fox has no credibility whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Dear Roy, why be so closed minded? Why do you think Dick Morris is a creep? Because you disagree with his analysis and POV? Because he may actually be smarter than you? Why in your mind does Fox have no cred? Because they can't be bought-off to report what you want? You say you don't want to see the interview because you’re not interested. Isn't that cherry-picking when you chose to post only the Hannity/Gibbs piece and ignore the Hannity/Morris piece that shortly followed? Is this how you teach your students?

I found the Dick Morris piece for everyone to see. I think it's pretty scandalous and I don’t think the issue will be going away anytime soon. This is serious stuff man!

"Real Obama-Ayers Concern Made Crystal Clear by Dick Morris"

"In just 90-seconds Dick Morris makes the Barrack Obama-William Ayers connection crystal clear... and why it is such a big concern to US citizens.

For those who think "Obama did a good job" handling money Ayers put him in control over, ask yourself why kids in his Senate district are protesting: Same thing with housing where Obama's constituents are living in squalor:"

Anonymous said...

Thursday, October 09, 2008 2:38:00 AM

I believe Dick morris carries that burdon

Anonymous said...

As Jon Stewart said, Dick Morris is a "lying sack of shit." (bleeped of course.)

Anonymous said...

Tne notion that I am "cherry picking" here is absurd. One is guilty of cherry picking when one selects among valid pieces of evidence, ignoring evidence that fails to support one's prejudices. Obviously, there is no warrant for regarding each segment from a Hannity program as a sequences of valid pieces of evidence. That one segment has relevance to some issue does not imply that all other segments are equally relevant to that or any other issue.

The clip I offered presents a man cleverly applying Hannity's appalling "guilt by association" logic to Hannity himself. It is an entertaining underscoring of the sort of dishonesty that passes for "journalism" on Fox.

Anyone can do some checking of Morris and discover what sort of guy he is and why he has little credibility. You might notice that I am no defender of the Clintons, largely owing to their ruthless and conniving ways. If you were more informed, you would be aware that the man who tutored the Clintons (for about twenty years) in such ways was none other than Dick Morris, who was forced to abandon his advisory role owing to his notorious thumb-sucking sex scandal.

As you may know, the U of Maryland and other organizations have sought to discover the nature of voter blocks, including the voters for President Bush in the last election. Notoriously, those voters were found to be utterly clueless regarding the most basic facts about the world and about the war in Iraq (voters for Kerry were far more informed, far less deluded). It is likely that cherry picking news organizations such as Fox have much to do with this pattern. -RB

Anonymous said...

Dick Morris sucked toes, not thumbs, Chunk!

Gosh, get the fetish right, will ya.

Anonymous said...

Right you are. And he sang "Popey the Sailor Man" too, right?

Kinky guy.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...