The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...
Great job on the open house and on the photo spread. Thanks, Chunk.
Looks great. Sorry I had to miss it. Congratulations to everyone.
AND there's another party tonight!
Yes, but will Melanie be there?
Thank you for the pictures - you were right - you only post good pictures :) Thanks for coming and for the support. I am happy :)
10:32 - I will be at the party :) I don't often miss a good party! Looking forward to it.
Thank you Chunk and Academic Seanate for taking time, to come see the new digs. And thanks to the others that also came by to see the new digs. We had a great time! We love the new space!
And I, love the window!
I like the last photo of Melanie, looking up.
If you can read this blog...
thank your reading teacher
1:09 - lololol - very true!
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