It’s a tangled tale. Greg Sandoval, the VP, resigned not long ago after someone claimed he’d sexually harassed them. Then he tried to unresign, but the district’s Supe, Raj Chopra, wouldn’t have it. Then, when Chopra left town, Southwestern board president Dave Agosto hastily snuck a new item onto the board’s agenda for August’s meeting. The item was for an action that would have extended Sandoval’s administrative employment to January.
Why? ‘Cause, that way, Sandoval would be old enough, while still employed, to receive lifetime medical benefits!
So three of the trustees put the kibosh on the meeting, thus deep-sixing Agosto’s agenda gambit.
Maybe that was the right thing to do. Dunno.
The Trib quotes Chopra as saying, “In my 35 years as an administrator, I have not seen one time an agenda item changed the way (this) did.”
He oughta hang around the old SOCCCD. Raghu Mathur became an administrator when a similar maneuver was employed (back in '97). That one was illegal, as it turned out.
This Southwestern story doesn’t end here. In fact, it starts to get seriously convoluted at this point, ‘cause Sandoval is on the board of another district that does business with Southwestern, and it turns out that it was somebody on that other board, who benefited from the relationship, who urged Agosto to….
Well, you know.
Have I mentioned that SOCCCD’s chancellor, Raghu P. Mathur, has been the subject of three votes of "no confidence" in the past ten years? —that, for the last one, 93.5% of full-time faculty indicated that they had “no confidence” in his leadership?
Yeah, so the board gave him a raise.
Now, we're on the accreditation chopping block, in part because of the "plague of despair" engendered by the ruthless and wily Mathur.
Will this board fire his ass? No, Mathur's ass is safe. The ass of SOCCCD's two colleges? Not so much.
Voting "no confidence" in Chancellor Mathur, 2004
Red Emma (aka Andrew Tonkovich) reminds us that "Today at noon on KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles/ 98.7 FM in Santa Barbara my very special guest is one of our most read, most translated, most celebrated authors, the novelist/essayist/poet/screenwriter Paul Auster, who community radio listeners will also know from his work hosting NPR’s National Story Project."
Our top administrator's latest slogan, just unveiled (this is from a different district):
"Disruption is progress."
Hope that makes you feel at least a little better.
Chunk, is this supposed to make me eager to return?
Yeah. Make sure you go to the Chancellor's "opening session" tomorrow. No doubt he'll bring his favorite Elvis impersonator. Maybe he'll moon us--Mathur, I mean. You never know.
I heard that Raghu has chosen to eschew Elvis this year in favor of another iconic rocker.
Lemme guess: Neil Diamond?
Mick Jagger?
Janis Joplin?
It's Neil Diamond. I heard the sound check.
Sweet Caroline?
Cherry Cherry?
Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show?
Forever in Blue Jeans?
Give it a rest, Chunk. Same old shit with a different wrapper on it. When there's a slow day you always go back to some old shit and rehash it over and over again. Makes me want to puke, old boy.
Generate something fresh. Tell us something new. I'm hoping tomorrow's opening session will generate some dirt, or at least a little humor. Otherwise, you're getting boring already.
7:26, I'm under the impression this page exists for a specific purpose.
Chunk can't very well "generate" things regarding this purpose (especially during summer time). So, look to his new blog for more Chunk with symbols whilst monkeying around: Contra PalaOCBluePhilospherverities
Actually, I'm not even sure Chunk really "generates" much on DISSENT (aside from photos and such). He more like "gathers." The OC Blue Philosopher has more of Chunk's creations... things he "generated."
However, Sir Chunk: I'm not quite sure I like the new name, are you really prepared to 'take a stand' so to speak? Are you really 'blue'?
Dude, I can think of at least three ways to be blue. I'm blue in at least two of 'em. Which ones do you have in mind?
Only question I have is, what has Neil Diamond ever done to deserve Goo impersonating him? There has got to be a better way to get your in service credits in. Of course, can't you get out of going to his opening session (which I understand is up at IVC) by going to other sessions? You know, you have to get so many credits, & you can get out of going to his? To be honest w/you it absolutely scares me to even think about Goo impersonating Mr. Diamond. You know, I like the "Jazz Singer," but not enough to listen to anyone butcher it.
And Roy complains about the quality of discussion on his other article, "They Got to Watch it on TV." I think I'll go back there, even with all the back and forth pissing going on. As for you people here, please, for f*ck's sake, stop talking about Neil Diamond.
As I said, I like Neil Diamond (well, at least in the remake of "The Jazz Singer") but the idea of Goo doing any numbers by him frightens me. I'm just glad that I don't have to go to any of those. Of course, as I asked before, isn't there a way that any of the faculty can get out of going to his "opening session," by attending others to get their in service credits?
Are you Democrat? Did you throw a fit and eat Bill's Blue Berries? Do you reject the idea of 'going green' and promote, instead, 'going blue' in which we all try to fill the atmosphere with methane?
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