Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Chancellor's Opening Session (video, part 1) & today's senate meeting

The general assembly of the Irvine Valley College Academic Senate met today, mostly in order to update faculty on the Accreditation Progress Report (which was formally presented late yesterday afternoon).

The turnout was remarkable—every seat in the room was taken. I don't think I've ever seen a larger turnout for a senate meeting.

Unsurprisingly, the report, the product of many months' work, was very well received by faculty.

We were informed that the senate would soon be visiting with a "consultant" who, I guess, will help us with accreditation. —A fellow named Bill Vega, the former Chancellor of the Coast Community College District.

That seemed swell to everybody, but, to me, there's something hinkey about this whole "consultant" business. So I asked two questions: (1) Who chose Dr. Vega? (2) To whom will he report?

All of a sudden, everybody clammed up. Senate Prez Wendy Gabriella said, I think, that she didn't know who selected Vega. We turned to the Vice President of Instruction, Craig Justice. Craig was pretty vague, as I recall. I think he (and/or others) said that the destination of the report is somewhat nebulous at this point. It sounded like we were paying for it and that "we" would receive it. Not sure.

How very odd. I still wanted to know who had selected Vega. Another senior administrator then spoke up to say that she did know this much: that the ACCJC (the accreditation agency) had selected Vega.

Oh. So the ACCJC chose a consultant for us who will write a report and then hand it over to us. OK.

I don't get it.

As promised, here's some video from yesterday's "Chancellor's Opening Session." This is part 1. It starts with a rock band and ends with a performance on the piano by IVC's Daniel Luzko. I think you'll enjoy it.

Part 2 will present excerpts from Scott Lay's presentation, etc.


Anonymous said...

Isn't Vega a kind of 70s car?

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay but WHY isn't Raghu mentioned in the document? Why not?

Anonymous said...

Check the Vega connection out more.He was not well liked in the Coast District.Consultants are nothing more that well paid retired folks who ride their resumes out for the $$$. After he writes his report, compare it to the write up at Coast. I think you'll see the same stuff.

Anonymous said...

I think it's GREAT that guys like Vega and Raghu make so much money for doing what they do - boy, makes me proud of a system that rewards mediocrity and, in Raghu's case, outright, blatant failure. And then we all sign off on it to boot! Boy. It's a great system.

Anonymous said...

Raghu's pal Armando Ruiz knows Vega...

Anonymous said...

Raghu is mentioned in the report. But Wagner made clear from the start that this report would not be about getting rid of Mathur, who continues to have the support of the board. The committee did the best they could do. All issues in fact pointed to Mathur, and Wagner knows it. The report is in fact damning, even without naming the 800 pound gorilla. Do not underestimate the report or the committee.

Anonymous said...

I don't underestimate the report its just that we have been here before havent we?

The board and Wagner and Raghu never hesitate to blame us nor do they hesitate to deny us a contract but then we end up giving them what they want anyway.

In Oct they will have the accreditation report they want and we still will not have a contract.

Anonymous said...

Armando Ruiz - don't remind me!

Anonymous said...

The conservative commentators on this blog should be outraged by this waste of money.

Anonymous said...

9:26 - it's important to not relate the accreditation process to labor negotiations. That gets ugly real quick.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have a question: Why is Wagner driving the accred report? Isn't this the faculty and the college's responsibility? If Wagner doesn't agree with it--and there appears to be the necessary "consensus" from the others to identify the problems still existing because of Raghu--let Wagner opt OUT of that claim or sentence or paragraph. He doesn't have to agree with everything--it's NOT his report! The group did its best--but it's going to be a white-washed Rec #8 if it stands as it was written. Sorry's not quite there yet.

Anonymous said...

good point! People seem to have a sudden trust in Wagner - I don't. He says what he needs to say to get what he wants - and then, after that, well, we're the enemy again.

And then the Accreds can just look at us and say, well, why didn't you come right out and say so?

And the Board, well, we KNOW what they will say.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...