. She doesn't know about you, but Rebel Girl sure got inspired when she received this email:
. On Monday, April 21 your district news update included a request for letters of support. The letter you received with suggested copy has been revised. If you are interested in writing a letter for Chancellor Mathur to deliver to the Governor's Office on May 8, you may use the sample letter, or you may wish to customize it with personal stories about your students or your programs. This letter was intended only as suggested copy. Please transmit your letter (by campus mail or attached to an e-mail) to Tracy Daly in the district office by Friday, May 2.. It's not often that we in the district have an opportunity to have voices and stories heard directly by the state legislature and the governor. As numerous emails attest, Chancellor Mathur plans to carry our letters with him when he travels to Sacramento!
. If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Daly at tdaly@socccd.edu.
. We here at Dissent encourage our readership to write letters and let the Chancellor deliver them for you. While the district has provided sample copy, please note that we're also encouraged to "customize it" and tell our own "personal stories." We here at DISSENT know we all have stories to tell. You tell them to us all the time. Now's the time to share them with a wider audience!
. It is true that our district is threatened with proposed budget cuts and that we should lobby against fee increases and for increased funding. But we're also threatened by forces much closer to home. Some people may even suggest that the board and Mathur are greater threats. We suggest that you write letters addressing the nature of both threats and asking for relief. (See RG's customization below.)
. So, do write your letters and send them on to the district.
. Consider this: If you all seal the envelope, they'll have to cut them open to decide which letters will actually make it north!

Wow! The Governor will likely respond with instant vigor and grace and make everything all right for you, Reb.
Reminds me of the year we wrote letters to Roquemore about Gensler. Dear Pot, one of your Kettles is black, corroded, and leaking all over your reputation. They were in the same cupboard, shoved to the back by that broken but huge Pressure Cooker, Mathur.
quell the evil - hee hee hee
Where'd you get that grainy picture of Reb?
why is Raghu really going to Sacramento?
Can you tape it to a pizza and have Mathur deliver that too?
I remember when Davis said that - "I'll fight him like a Bengal Tiger!"
It was all over then.
What a putz!
Why is RON PAUL missing from your poll about presidential candidates?
This is NOT a letter writing kind of district. When I working in K-12, the only time they got these kind of letters written by staff was when they organized a 15 minute "break" specially dedicated to letter writing and stood over you watching you write.
The reason they keep sending out "reminders" is because NO ONE is writing letters.
Did you notice the boo-boo in the last sample letter they sent out?
At the end, the letter asks the legislators to do THREE things to help the colleges fulfill their mission but then goes on to list only TWO.
How do you know people aren't writing letters?
Who do YOU know - aside from the rascally Rebel Girl - who has actually written a letter?
Not thought about writing a letter, but has written one?
According to the OC Register, former Saddleback College president, Ned Doffoney, is a finalist for chancellor at North Orange County CCD. GO NED!!!
No one is going to write letters, except maybe Rebel Girl.
This whole thing is to let us know that Ragh1u is going to be out of town, up north with the some big wigs.
We're supposed to be jealous and impressed.
I hear Raghu is making people on the third floor write letters. You know how he does.
Did you guys notice they sent out a new sample letter with one mistake fixed? The mistake that was pointed out on DISSENT yesterday?
Too bad they didn't fix the other mistakes!
For how long will Raghu be gone?
Has everyone written their letters?
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