What's up with that?
The board is, however, set to discuss the "hiring of relatives" in the district. Expect sparks to fly.

4.1 Saddleback College, Irvine Valley College and ATEP: Academic and Career Technical Education Programs
Among the “general action” items:
6.1 ATEP: Recess to Public Hearing: Waiver of Education Codes for the Development of the Advanced Technology and Education Park:
Conduct a public hearing to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the subject of requesting a waiver from the Board of Governors.
6.2 ATEP: Resolution No. 08-04 Authorizing a Request for Waiver of Education Code Section 81360 et seq. and Education Code Section 81390 et seq. in Relation to the District’s Development of the Advanced Technology and Education Park.
Adopt resolution authorizing the submission of a waiver application to the Board of Governors.
6.3 SOCCCD: Institutional Membership: Association of Governing Board of Universities and Colleges
Approve membership in AGB for 2007-08. [This seems to be a hot-button issue for some board members.]

Approve concept of the Veterans Tribute Tower to be constructed at Irvine Valley College. [You'll recall that they tore down IVC's original clock tower some time ago.]
6.6 SOCCCD: Board Policy Revision: BP 3100-Budget Preparation, BP 3101-Budget Management, BP 3101.5-Fiscal Management, BP 3105-Audits, BP 3200-Purchasing, BP 3200.1-Contracts, BP 3520-Refreshments and Meals at District Functions, BP 3600-Disposition of District Property, BP 4001-Personnel Use of Public Resources, BP 4000.5-Prohibition of Harassment and Discrimination, BP 4010-Commitment to Diversity, BP 4012-Academic Administrators and Classified Managers Personnel Files, BP 4021-Classified Managers, BP 4072-Domestic Partners, BP 4101.2-Number of Pay Installments for Academic Personnel, BP 4113-Parental Leave for Administrators and Classified Management Personnel, BP 5301-Course Repetition, BP 5405-Student Complaint Policy, BP 5600-Associate Degree Requirements, BP 5601-Certificate Programs, BP 5606-International Student Admissions
Accept for review and study.

7.1 SOCCCD: Hiring of Relatives Report regarding hiring of relatives in the District.
Why do we need a waiver? What for?
Whose relatives? Where?
Veterans Tribute Tower?
Uh, where is THAT going to go?
The veterans tribute tower idea is nice and all but it smacks of obvious political machinations designed to appeal to the overtly patriotic.
Why not an educators tribute tower? Or an inventors tribute tower?
I object to the alliteration. And, no doubt, the poorly placed apostrophe.
Plus, the Tribute Tower seems to have been created outside of any kind of open, public process.
And where's it going to go, anyway?
(psst: who is hiring relatives? why would people do that to a loved one?)
The original plans had America's Sheriff and IVC's HOmetown Hero (sic)Mike Carona dedicating the tower.
Why does ATEP need a waiver? Isn't it doing what is supposed to be doing? Being a park and all?
Haven't you seen the depiction of the "tower" in fliers and such? It's around. The tower will be placed in front of SSC and B100--along that traffic "circle." Four posts, brick--the predictable thing.
Yeah, I know when I walk into my classrooms that lack clocks and steady podiums, the ones with holes in their ceilings and walls thin enough to not only hear every word uttered in the honors lounge next door, but also smell their popcorn and assorted food stuffs, when I teach in temporary classrooms that you and I know will be there when I retire (temporary, yuck, yuck yuck!) - well, when I cast my gaze across the campus and see its various needs, I know that a Tribute Tower is the most important one.
Don't buy batteries for the clock in classroom (my students will do that!).
Don't fix the podium.
Leave the hole exactly where it is in the ceiling.
Don't sound-proof the classrooms, especially when you subdivide buildings in order to create more classroom space and office space.
Don't design an all-purpose classroom building, whatever you do.
Build a Tribute Tower instead (WE NEED ONE!) so that the president and the board and the chancellor can get their pictures taken raising the flag. If we're really lucky, there will also be a dedication plaque installed with all their names on it.
NOW - back to work!
The Tribute Tower will lift everyone's spirits, helping to dissipate the plague of depair.
We're the only college that doesn't have one.
Martinis would be better, and much cheaper.
How much will the Tribute Tower cost?
Who is designing it?
hmmm, maybe we could get a Humanities Building instead?
No, I know the answer about THAT.
Tribute Tower it will be.
high ho!
When do we see the report, "Hiring of Cronies and Toadies," and its follow-up, "Protection of Cheerfully Obedient Incompetents"? I know they must have been produced . . . .
Hmm, Alannah has a point!
I bet that report regarding the Cheerfully Obedient has our fromer dean at the top!
He's delusional (unless YOU belive that HE saved China's economy) and sexist - why not put him in the classroom?
Hmm, who was it that got an Adminstrator of the Year award? Was it that nutty, violent dean who had the cops called on him? The one with the record that the interveiw never turend up The one who they hired insted of Cely? Will he be at the party?
If we lose Accreditation, will we be able to keep the Tribute Tower and the technology park - or will they take them away too?
Will they take away the Chancellor's CHAIR?
Who does the hiring?
Something to think about!
ATEP needs a waiver so that Camelot can develop the site to include regular business. With everything Camelot has conceded to district demands (blossoming an $800 mil. Budget to over a billion in development costs), they need to be able to recoup some of the development costs. In addition to all the development being underwritten, the SOCCCD actually expects Camelot to pay them on top of what they are investing. So, Camelot got them to seek this waiver.
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