Saturday, February 16, 2008

Odd place

We live in such an odd place, really.

• Do local right-wing ministers (named “Wiley”) ask God to off their critics? Indeed they do. (See WILEY DRAKE: REVEREND OR AYATOLLAH?, Buena Park pastor again prays for critics' demise, God, justice and the infidels.)

• Do big newspapers utterly drop the ball on corruption in the County Sheriff’s Office and then refuse to acknowledge the droppage or the abysmal extent of said droppage? Again, indeed they do. (See REGISTER "DIDN'T HAVE THE GOODS" ON CARONA, Was media too slow in Carona case?.)

• Do public officials get paid a shitload of money for doing virtually nothing—or, worse, for doing a phenomenally shitty job? Indeed, they do. (See Some in public still angry about salary increase, Turd.)

• Great weather, though.

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Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

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