Friday, February 29, 2008

A Masters degree in bullshit

From Bob Park’s What’s New:

A strong editorial in today’s issue of Nature warns that the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), which moved from San Diego to Dallas last year, has applied to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for the right to grant online master’s degrees in science education. An advisory board has recommended acceptance.

Founded by Henry Morris in 1972, the ICR regards the Bible as an inerrant source of scientific and historical fact. The Board had been expected to vote on the application in January, but requested additional information. The vote is now expected at the boards 24 April meeting.

Steven Weinberg, Physics Nobel 1979, who five years ago defended the rights of Texas school children to learn the natural laws that govern our existence (see), has urged the board to deny accreditation to the Creation Research Institute.

Every Texas scientist should do the same.


Anonymous said...

Your a fool. The work of Dr. Morris is still being used TODAY in secular universitites across the nation. All ICR's PHD's have strong degree's from secular universities like UC Berkeley, Cornell, Texas A&M, Harvard, Montana State . . .

Whatever you do in this life - just make sure that you have counted the consequences to those beliefs. For you know as I do - that their is ZERO EVIDENCE FOR MACROEVOLUTION. Don't live your life based on possibilities. Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the life - and no man comes to the father except thru me." Only real men serve God.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but they can't spell for shit.

Anonymous said...

Hey pal, can you provide some names from those big places?

torabora said...

8:01 Trouble with your reasoning is that the new testament was written long after Christs unhappy demise. So we don't really know what he said.

But we can catch the flavour of his is a wicked world and we should not accept it as such but strive make it a better world for our fellows.

I like that message.

I also like the story of Jesus tossing the moneylenders out of the temple on their asses. It is my special favorite.

There is a temple in OC 8:01. It is dedicated to spreading the light of knowledge in a dark world.It is the SOCCCD.

Deep in it's bowels exists a very disturbing creature the locals call "Goo". Please drive it from it's lair so this blog can end. Please.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...