.....Professor Lewin’s videotaped physics lectures, free online on the OpenCourseWare of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have won him devotees across the country and beyond….
.....…Professor Lewin delivers his lectures with the panache of Julia Child bringing French cooking to amateurs and the zany theatricality of YouTube’s greatest hits. He is part of a new generation of academic stars who hold forth in cyberspace on their college Web sites and even, without charge, on iTunes U, which went up in May on Apple’s iTunes Store.
.....In his lectures at ocw.mit.edu, Professor Lewin beats a student with cat fur to demonstrate electrostatics. Wearing shorts, sandals with socks and a pith helmet — nerd safari garb — he fires a cannon loaded with a golf ball at a stuffed monkey wearing a bulletproof vest to demonstrate the trajectories of objects in free fall.
.....He rides a fire-extinguisher-propelled tricycle across his classroom to show how a rocket lifts off….
From this morning’s Inside Higher Ed:
As expected, the U.S. Education Department has imposed a major fine — $357,500 — on Eastern Michigan University for its failure to notify students and others last year that a student had been murdered….
The only people more ridiculous than Steve Rocco, Orange Unified School District conspiracy-nut trustee, are the people who voted for him—and the people who can’t seem to get rid of him. ¶ In this morning’s OC Register: Orange school trustees recommend boundaries change:
.....ORANGE: Orange Unified School District trustees are recommending a plan to adjust boundaries for which areas they each oversee – a plan that would effectively prevent some current members from seeking re-election to their seats.
.....…Steve Rocco, a controversial trustee who often speaks during board meetings about perceived conspiracies against him, would be the first trustee affected. If the changes are approved they would take effect by the November 2008 election. Rocco's seat is up for re-election then, and he would no longer live within the area he represents – Area 6.
.....…District officials say the proposed changes are based solely on population and are not meant to target current board members.
• "WE'RE ASKING THE SCHOOL TO TAKE HIM DOWN." The Reg offers the latest on that religion-bashing San Juan Capistrano high school instructor: 200 rally for Capo teacher accused of anti-Christian remarks :
.....Corbett was sued last week by student Chad Farnan, who alleges Corbett made anti-religion remarks in his Advanced Placement European history class.
.....Under the morning drizzle, the protesters lined Via Escolar in Mission Viejo with posters that read “Keep Corbett,” “Alums for Corbett,” and “Honk 4 Corbett.”
.....“I support Corbett because he was a teacher who supported free speech and allowed us to discuss in an intelligent way,” said Matt Yee, 17, a junior at Capo Valley who took Corbett’s AP European history class last year.
.....At issue in the lawsuit is whether Corbett violated the separation of church and state as outlined in the First Amendment's establishment clause.
.....Court papers cite statements tape-recorded by Farnan such as “From conservative Christians in this country to Muslim fundamentalists in Afghanistan … it's stunning how vitally interested they are in controlling women” and “When you put on your Jesus glasses, you can't see the truth.”
.....Down the street from the school, at Via Escolar and Marguerite Parkway, about 10 supporters of Farnan, 16, a sophomore, held up signs in support of Farnan, such as “Freedom from hate” and “Teach Don’t Preach.”
.....The lawsuit has attracted national media attention and created a bitter divide in the Capistrano Valley High community about whether Corbett, a 19-year teacher with the district, should be censored.
.....Many of Corbett's current and former students have rushed to his defense, saying he not only has the right to comment on traditional Christian viewpoints on topics such as birth control, teenage sex and homosexuality, but that his talks force students to think critically about their own views.
....."I never felt like he was biased," said junior Sunny Bhatia, 16, of San Juan Capistrano, who took Corbett's class last year. "He always used to say, 'Just think about that.' He was able to bring current events into the classroom and relate them to what we were studying. I never felt he was trying to impose his own ideas on us."
.....But Corbett's critics say he monopolizes much of his class time promoting liberal viewpoints and leaves little room for students to interject.
.....The Capistrano Unified School District has not yet responded to the lawsuit, which alleges a violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause prohibiting government from promoting hostility toward religion.
.....Farnan says the lawsuit would be dropped if Corbett were removed from his post.
.....Also Wednesday morning, Pastor Wiley Drake of the First Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park visited the school area, giving his view on the controversy.
....."We're glad that Chad is standing up against this discrimination against Christians," Drake said before the event. "This teacher is teaching his own version of religion, so we're asking the school to take him down."
.....Irvine artist Michael Harrison has thought about joining a gym, but they don't take attendance there.
.....They do, however, in his weight training class at Irvine Valley College, giving him added motivation to exercise.
.....…Registration is under way at local community colleges, a sometimes overlooked option for quality fitness at a cheap price, according to school administrators. Colleges offer everything from tai chi to tennis and often provide needed equipment. Fees are based on the number of units.
.....…But while a twice-a-week Pilates class at Fullerton College averages about 50 cents per session, there are tradeoffs, such as parking hassles and no classes during semester breaks.
.....One student, Becky Millman, 53, has taken the class eight times.
.....She started in a golf class and noticed that her swing was weak. She signed up for weight lifting to build some upper body strength. Her golfing improved quickly but she discovered she was more interested in the weights workout.
....."I couldn't lift more than 20 pounds," she said last week while doing squats. "I'm lifting 50. I feel good about my body. I feel strong."
.....Millman, a graphics account coordinator, pays about $35 dollars for the 16-week course and a parking permit. She said she's slimmed down and lost inches since signing up.
....."It just changes my mood," she said. "I can come in filling a little blah and I go back to my office feeling so happy."
.....Pestolesi helped Millman tailor a workout and taught her what machines target particular muscles.
.....Millman said she enjoys the social atmosphere of the class. She's made friends and loves helping younger women with their technique.
.....…Keith Shackleford, dean of health sciences, said the classes are a non-threatening way to pursue a new hobby or get in shape.
....."It's not just weight training," Shackleford said. "It's tennis classes, badminton, soccer. We have things like theory of coaching for those involved in youth coaching. Your investment is $20."
What's the "Agape Academy" at Saddleback College all about?
Evidently, it's a nondenominational Christian private school. I don't know it's affiliation (if any) with SC.
Why doesn't little Chad go over there for his schooling? Then he won't be troubled by having to think.
But the Register article said this:
" "I love what Chad’s doing,” said student Cale Crawford, 16, a junior at the Agape Academy at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo."
SO - what is the Agape Academy doing at the college? Do they rent it out?
OR is the Reg WRONG?
We have an Agape Academy that meets at IVC.
I think it's pretty routine for public institutions to rent space (e.g., on weekends) to private organizations, including church congretations. I know that IVC used to allow use of its facilities for a church, long ago. No biggie, near as i can tell. I mean, they didn't slather the place with Jesus sauce or anything. They didn't leave any miracles laying around.
Maybe not in YOUR classroom, Chunk, but I regularly find detritus from religious services in MY classroom.
What do they leave in your classroom?
Matches. Bibles. Chicken feathers. Empty bags of potato chips. Half-filled strofoam cup of coffee. Melted wax on teh carpet. A feeling of joy.
Agape Academy is a K-12 private school in Mission Viejo with about 70 students. But its address is on Trabuco, not at Saddleback College. The 16-year-old junior might be from there. (Anyway, I know we at Saddleback don't have any 16-year-old college juniors.)
Right now I'd take Steve Rocco off their hands if they'd take Don Wagner and a Chancellor to be named later.
I find that kind of stuff in my classroom ALL the time. Except the chicken feathers.
A side note: Perhaps the REg just didn't check what the kid said.
I could care less about the hoopla, the big news is that Jesus wears glasses! Now what I want to know is whether Jesus is near or far sighted. Can someone out there help me out with this portentous question?
"BREAKING the first amendment," the young man said??? What are they teaching those kids down there anyway?
"BREAKING"....grumble, moan, despair.
I'll buy that the teacher may have been breaking the first Commandment. Does Agape Academy have Amendments and Commandments confused? I sit here agape.
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