"I love this Middle America shit," he added. "Want me to shoot 'em again?"
The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...
Any chance he got a shot off at any of the bankers who are behind this sub-prime financial meltdown?
Still, better then a mormon. I guess.
And much better than the liberal wicked bitch.
Yes, we sure don't want a liberal woman when we can have a pair of primitive religious fanatics running for the highest office.
So what's the story on his son? Missed that somewhere along the line.
See Mike Huckabee's son arrested at Little Rock airport
Oh there's nothing wrong with liberals running for office, 9:28,regardless of gender. This simply provide a lot of proof to patriotic Americans as to why we don't want to elect them, especially one woman who already is so corrupt she smells like Chineese money.
Huckabee is not a conservative. He is a populist, like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Hewey Long.
Well, 5:06, how do you "patriotic" types fees about war profiteering by companies like Halliburton and Blackwater, companies that line the pockets of the current "patriotic" administration?
We'll wait for a cogent response.
Response = Whitewater
Oh yes, Whitewater, a petty little investigation that came to nothing.
Do better, young fellow.
10:11 A.M. 14 Convictions went down around the Whitewater land scam. That is a far cry from nothing. Everyone connected was examined. As in the case with my College corruption the Clintons involvement did not rise to a triable case. Bill Clintons involvement, from all I have read, was a far cry from criminal. His name and signature were being used by Hillary and others, to give legitimacy to a corrupt Ponzi scheme. Hillary's involvement was neck deep and if it wasn't for her connection to Bill she probably would have been charged. The far left would crucify a Republican for doing what the Clintons did with Whitewater. I believe in a fair application of the law, regardless of a persons status or political affiliation. Whitewater was a criminal enterprise...never forget that people!
Thanks so much for the update on the petty Whitewater issue--maybe now you'll follow up on that awful blowjob concern. The right wingers are pretty good crucifiers, from what we see here.
Now, back to Halliburton and Blackwater and war profiteering--oh, and outing a CIA operative and what else? Oh oh I know, altering evidence so we can invade a sovereign country.
mmm yes, Whitewater, quite the issue.
1:06 As you pointedly ignored, I stated that fair across the board application of the law is a must. As for "petty" perhaps you have never fallen victim to hucksters, con artists, and grifters. My College fell victim to such a "petty" criminal (its President) and it is taking state intervention in an ATTEMPT to save it from closure. The damage done by willful misrepresentation, embezzlement, and plain lying are incalculable to its victims. Financial crimes are a form of rape. Do NOT underplay the effect on its victims! As far as "war profiteering" goes I suspect making a profit in a combat zone should be a crime in your book. Or perhaps anywhere. There is in fact though, compelling evidence that KBR (a Halliburton "finger on the hand")employees raped a fellow employee in theater. The accused need held to the bar and corporate personnel who aided a cover-up as well. Every one of us, including you 1:06 P.M. need to comport ourselves within the law.
Chunk, thanks for highlighting one of the most disgusting aspects of politics (and that is saying something): the competition of many on both right and left to show that a candidate is "normal" enough to maim, hurt, and kill defenseless animals.
If you ever want to make a point that has any substance, 2:02, please do so.
You neatly dodged the fact that billions of dollars have been overcharged by Halliburton, etc., (and several billions in cash just disappeared) but you want to avoid this altogether.
After all, it's only the taxpayers who are the victims here, not some alleged land developers who may have been cheated by some uncharged and unconvicted (after many millions spent in a witch hunt)presidential candidate.
The failure of the good folks in Ar Kansas to go after Whitewater themselves let the Clintons ascend to the White House.
This led to the ascendancy of Governor Tucker who, despite his deep connection to the Clintons, found himself in prison.
That led to the ascendancy of Huckabee as Governor of Ar Kansas and gave him cachet to run for the Presidency.
If the Hucksterbee gets elected we are all gonna have much bigger problems than Haliburton.
If you try and avoid historical revisionism, you'll see much federal money spent, with Starr at the helm, going after Whitewater issues. Nothing there, folks.
Huck is pretty awful, but could he be worse than W? Worst president ever.
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