"Last Tuesday I read in the LA Times…that the CEO of Morgan Stanley had been asked to resign. As I read that, I was struck by the irony that, in the private sector, when a corporation is experiencing difficulties, the CEO is asked to resign. Apparently, in the public sector, when the corporation is experiencing difficulty, the CEOs are awarded a new contract and a raise….”
—An IVC instructor, urging trustees not to grant Chancellor Raghu Mathur a new contract & raise (during the 6/21/05 meeting of the SOCCCD Board of Trustees). Hours later, Mathur was granted a very generous new contract.ITEM 6.3 of the South Orange County Community College District’s Board of Trustees
agenda [pdf file] for the Nov. 13 meeting is:
Compliance with the 50% Law.
As you know, the SOCCCD is in the midst of a
huge fiscal FUBAR, owing to mismanagement by the district. The
50% Law requires that at least 50% of expenditures (by California school districts, including community colleges) be devoted to "instruction," but, over the last five or so years, the district's instructional expenses have dipped increasingly toward the 50% line and, for 2007-08, those expenses will descend to 46%, according to district projections. (See graphic below.)
It is not clear what this violation will mean for the district and its two colleges (and one park), since, evidently, it is unprecedented for a "basic aid" district (i.e., a district that relies on local property taxes, not state money) to be out of compliance with this law.
MASSIVE HIRING OF FACULTY. In response to this crisis—which, somehow, was recognized only recently—the district is moving toward a huge push for new faculty hires—perhaps 30 at Saddleback College and 15 at Irvine Valley College. Naturally, the hire of full-time faculty is an important and time-consuming process—something that should be done carefully and deliberately, not hurriedly—and thus considerable resistance is growing among faculty to this massive hiring initiative.
The Chancellor of the SOCCCD, Raghu P. Mathur, is widely seen as the conservative “board majority’s” hatchet man, one who is willing to do the board’s bidding, even when the bidding involves highly unusual and unpopular (and even
illegal) measures.
A few years ago, Mathur received a 94%
faculty vote of “no confidence.” It had no evident impact on the Board Majority’s support for Mathur.
Indeed, at the urging of Trustee
Tom Fuentes—former head of the Orange County Republican Party—Mathur has been showered with rewards. At present, he receives a salary of about $300,000—an amount that is, at best, unusual for the Chancellor of a district comprising only two campuses. (Naturally, this kind of expenditure only worsens the 50% issue.)
Tuesday night’s discussion is liable to be interesting. Just how "fiscally conservative" are these board members? Do they really believe in accountability? Will they fail to state clearly what the data shouts: that their man Mathur has screwed up?
And not just a little!
Luddites: don't forget to click on the
blue words. But skip "agenda."]
The ratio that must exceed 50%: instructional expenses in numerator, non-instructional (meaning all District Office and virtually all ATEP) in denominator. How to increase the ratio without (gasp!) cutting expenditures at the District or ATEP? Have the college hire more faculty! Lovely! BUT:
Do the colleges get more money to hire these faculty members? NO.
Result: The colleges' non-instructional denominators must shrink. The colleges' classified staff, administration, and supplies must be cut. How convenient!
Message to newly hired faculty: "Welcome! Do remember to pack your own desk, chair, computer, printer, paper, chalk, markers, toner, lightbulbs, . . . . Your day to answer the phones is Monday, and that section of the quad over there is the one you mow. How are you at plumbing?"
I thought the Republican Party stood for fiscal responsibility? How could your trustees allow this sort of mismanagement to occur? And over years? It's amazing.
Reminds me of the Republicans in Congress. And Bush.
The Copy Guy is toast.
How come so many of the people that Fuentes associates with turn out to be total creeps? Does he make 'em into creeps, or does he seek them out?
Why doesn't that awful man just go away?
Lord help us!
Demagoguery at its best. Congratulations, Chunk, you are the master.
Thanks, Tom.
Take a good look at the SOCCCD CCFS 311 report. This is the official budget report all community college Districts must file with the state every year.
It contains the 50% calculation, and yours reveals that at the beginning of this fiscal year, your district had over $25 million in reserves--they're called the beginning balance, and you'll see them on page 1.
Here's where you can find and verify this information, and because similar reports are here for all community college districts, you can compare your budgeteers to others
--100 miles down the road
Thanks, Terry.
12:26 and other interested parties; The aforementioned web site requires a password. I emailed for one and will let you all know if they will let a citizen have one.
torabora: FYI: When I put in the web address it took me right to the site...no password required and open to all. VERY interesting info. Thank you to 100 miles down the road.
I didn't need a password, either. Nor should I: this is public record information.
You might want to get copies of the CCFS 311 from the past three to five years from the District, so you can track how budgeting has changed.
Your union is a CCA/CTA affiliate, so those folks could ask Alan Frye to come speak to faculty. He's an absolute ace at taking you step-by-step through a budget report. He'll also do a three-to-five year breakdown for you.
--100 miles down the road
10:02...Got it! I couldn't access through the "front door" at cccco.edu. I've read what's there and what is NOT there is of total interest. Where is the revenue for the Dorm? Where are the Districts hated Keenan and Associates (Insurance) expenses? Where are the personal service contract expenses? And Yes, we are way out of whack on the 50% Rule too! The Cissellmonster has indeed left us "well positioned".
Our secretarial staff was all but laid off 5 years ago when that rat bastard took our District over. This classified crew is a skeleton. Coupled with the faculty cuts and FTES decline, I would not be surprised to find the system office taking us over. This is in the cards as our erstwhile "monitor" has recently had himself retitled as a "special trustee". He was the "special trustee" who presided over the passing of the late Compton College. He IS a good man but he has a real mess on his hands. I wish him success and hope I have a job here when he makes HIS moves on the dastardly Board Four.
A few of us attempted a recall on the Board Four but it failed because we couldn't get enough people to get signatures. The public apathy about the local College is palpable and sad. This is "Prisontown" (as featured recently on PBS) after all. My neighbor wouldn't sign the recall even after I gave him the Lassen County Grand Jury report! He didn't say a word...just handed it back after he had it for a week. He has two young sons and works at the prison, you would think he would care. CCPOA were no help.
Mr.Frye and I know each other and are allies in this fight. We need to forge a closer bond.
Thanks for your interesting link. BTW have you checked out the 990 finder for Irvine Valley Foundation @ Foundation Center? Since my Foundation is a corrupt cesspool you might find similar turds in your Foundation. Your Goomonster is a Director!... As are some other notorious personalities.
Love the picture of Fuents with the gap toothed smile, like he's being blown under the table.
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