Sunday, September 16, 2007

Jury Duty

THE TIME ARRIVES, as it does every few years or so, when one has asked for and received the requisite number of postponements and actually has to call in and perhaps show up to assist in the judicial process that guarantees every person her or his right to a trial by their peers.

Yes, Rebel Girl has jury duty.

And not just any jury duty. Noooo.

She has been called to the Harbor Justice Center of Newport Beach.

Jury duty with a view, no less—and the option of eating out at some of the finer establishments that Orange County has to offer (though actually she plans to take her lunch, gobble it down in the car and spend the rest of her time at the Friends of the Library Bookstore in the Newport Beach Public Library where the pickings are great).

She does entertain an elaborate fantasy of being installed on a jury of a high profile trial (the Jeffrey Neilson case, perhaps?) which will result in being sequestered in the Four Seasons hotel, with cable TV and room service and strict admonishments to cut off all ties to the outside world. She hopes the hotel has a spa with as steam room and that the air conditioning isn't too cold.

Rebel Girl was instructed to call in and listen to a message on Friday and she did. The recorded message directed her to call back on Monday at noon – and see if her services are needed at 1:15 on that same day. Yes, she teaches from 11-1, so she'll dial from the classroom, mid-class, and see what her fate is.

All things considered, she is happy to serve. Rebel Girl is a girl scout in that way. Six years ago, in the first week of September of 2001, she served on a civil case in Santa Ana. Back then, most people she saw tried their darnedest to disqualify themselves. Rebel Girl was certain that the man she saw with his hands and feet wrapped in plastic grocery bags was sure to get bounced – but later in the week, she saw him marching along with another jury, his hands and feet still bundled in plastic.

Usually, simply stating that one works as a college professor is enough to be removed from a jury once the defense and the prosecution start playing poker with their recusals, but we'll see. Maybe she'll just try and work Erwin Chemerinsky's name into the proceedings and see what happens.

Last time, the case was moved along well, with a few disagreements and some surprising but entertaining drama during deliberations. Rebel Girl enjoyed the experience. Midweek, she discovered that she was pregnant and that the pregnancy, unlike previous ones, was viable. She was keeping that to herself though, on the advice of her doctor. Better wait and see. It's still early yet. But on that last day, Friday, as they were all walking out of the courtroom, people who would never see each other again, she matched stride with an older woman she had been friendly with during the week. A retired stewardess. A grandmother. I'm pregnant, she told her, I just found out. The woman stopped walking. That's wonderful, she said, good for you. Congratulations. They smiled, hugged, went on their way.

Rebel Girl was practicing, she sees now, just wanting to see what it was like.



Last week Rebel Girl received the gift of five CDs in the mail - the live recordings for five recent concerts by Lucinda Williams, each concert dedicated to one album in its entirety.


It's nice to have friends out there, especially ones who still go to concerts.

Rebel Girl used to see Lucinda Williams back in the day when Lucinda played fish restaurants in Culver City. She knows all the words to Pineola, including the verse that Lucinda doesn't sing anymore.

Lucinda's music meant a lot to her then, still does now.


Anonymous said...

Being a professor does not any longer get you immedieately removed, perhaps that since it is during the semester it might.

Anonymous said...

You're out of your mind if you imagine that they'll put the likes of you on the Jeffrey Neilson case - but maybe you can get some nice pics of the fella if Chunk lends you his camera.

Anonymous said...

To make sure I wouldn't be chosen to serve during a long jury trial, I wore a T-shirt that said "Lobotomies for Republicans: It's the Law!"

It worked like a charm.

--100 miles down the road

Anonymous said...

I just offer my opinion on the jury system, as it is now configured. I'm agin it.

That gets me bounced every time.

Too bad. I'd like to examine the jury system from the inside. But they always spin me out the door and send me home, especially if I reveal that I'm an academic.

Anonymous said...

They never ask me. They always ask my father, though. And always throw him out when they discover he speaks Spanish. This has happened in both Santa Barbara and San Rafael.

Anonymous said...

Definition of Democrats - Republicans that have not yet been victimized by crime.

Or, in other words, naïve twits living in a dream world who think themselves intellectually superior to all others.

--150 miles down the road

Anonymous said...

Too bad you don't reside in Vegas, Reb. Who knows, you might've had a chance to get OJ's autograph.

Anonymous said...

150 miles down the road puts you somewhere near Ensenada, 11:47. Do you know what a pendejo is?

Anonymous said...

Definition of Democrats: open minded people who are tired of having their personal lives legislated by theocratic hypocritical hatemongering Republicans, using the rubes for a cheap vote.

Anonymous said...

Sí Ensenada, 1:17, les mierda cabeza.

Rebel Girl said...

Update from Rebel Girl - today my service wasn't needed (to the dismay of my stduents) - I call back tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon to see where I stand. The suspense builds.

Anonymous said...

I've been picked three times--even after indicating that I taught critical thinking and having to explain to the defense attorney what that meant (first bad sign). I found the system fascinating and overwhelmed by jurors who are anything but "peers" of the accused and who were prone to jury nullification. Intelligent people should serve--don't shirk next time, guys. American needs you!

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...