● A month ago (Custodians vs. Wayne Ward), we reported that the CSEA local had written a letter to district HR officials regarding the case of Facilities and Maintenance worker Ruben M. In that letter, CSEA threatened to pursue a “hostile work environment/retaliation complaint” against IVC F&M Director Wayne Ward. Ward had decided to move Ruben to the swing shift, despite knowing the extreme hardship to Ruben's family that the action would create. In the letter, the CSEA suggested that Ward was taking this action to retaliate against Ruben for his involvement in the filing of an Unusual Occurance report against Ward.
A few weeks ago, Ruben and another F&M worker met with IVC President Roquemore concerning the alleged retaliation. Roquemore, I was told at the time, seemed sympathetic. He will not abide retaliation, he said.
Right. Ruben has now been moved to the swing shift. The union did not prevent it. Roquemore did not prevent it.
I'm told that Wayne now says that Ruben is being moved because he is a good, independent worker, just what is needed for the swing shift.
Ruben is also a very unhappy worker, as are many others in F&M.

● Today, a friend told a story about an attempt to replace a light bulb in one of the offices. An F&M worker was told about the need for the bulb. He said that he would have to get a ladder, and that would involve waiting until later in the afternoon, securing an electric cart, and then bringing the ladder (and, presumably, the bulb) to the office.
"Why not just use your radio to get somebody to bring a ladder and bulb?"
"Can't do that."
"How come?"
I've already forgotten the punchline. I think the F&M worker said that Wayne does not permit sudden variations in a worker's scheduled duties. Or maybe he said that two workers must not work together, cuz they might, um, something. I forget.
The point is that, owing to Wayne's absurd management policies, whatever they are, it now takes a great deal of time and effort to change a goddam light bulb.

● More than a year ago (Padberg visits), Trustee Nancy Padberg visited our college (IVC) and got a chance to tour several buildings, including A200. Inevitably, therefore, she encountered what we in the A200 building laughingly call the "faculty lounge."
It looks like shit. It's got no furniture, really. The floor is linoleum. Unmatching tables and chairs come and go. One finds students on the floor late at night.
Well, not long after that, we (with Nancy's help?) secured a promise from Prez Roquemore that things would change, that we'd finally get some real furniture for our "lounge," that all would be well.
A year later, we're still waiting.
Today, I was talking with someone in that big dumb empty space and they noticed that each of the four chairs around the one dumb table at the center of the "lounge" is (a) ugly and (b) different. (See picture.)
"Yeah," I said. "That really looks like shit."
Next to the ugliest of the four chairs is a big gaping trash container with one of those Hefty bags inside it. Lovely. Three feet from that is a paper shredder that no one uses. It's got a big plastic bag taped to one end of it. It's strictly Soviet Union, circa 1988.
My eyes wandered further to the right, where I noticed that, recently, an abandoned file cabinet that stood there for years had been removed. The removal left an ugly brown stain on the shitty linoleum. (See.)
"That's the Stain of Turin," said my friend.
"Yeah," I said, ignoring him. "But didn't we just get this linoleum? I mean, they made a big deal about how we were getting this 'new floor,' this linoleum, and now it's got this ugly brown stain."
"Yeah, somebody said they can see a rat's head in it."
We squinted at it for a while.

● The so-called "faculty lounge" is so utterly unfaculty-loungy that it is often used by students. Or it suddenly becomes a classroom annex.
Earlier this afternoon, an instructor was attempting to teach something to three or four of his students at the ugly little table in the center of the room. In the meantime, some faculty had gathered at the edge of the lounge zone to shoot the bull. It's like we were insisting on lounging in the lounge even though it doesn't have a shred of lounginess. This happens all the time.
I mean, where else are we going to hang out? We've got no place else to go!
I think the instructor was annoyed, but we stood our ground, cuz you get to talk to your colleagues sometimes between classes. I mean, that's like a human right or something, isn't it?
Soon, Wendy showed up, so, naturally, she commenced scheming her imminent takeover of the district. I said, "Wait! If we're gonna do that, let's get a picture." So here's what I got.

I hear that a Trustee actually told some faculty that Wendy "runs the district" or that she seeks to do so.
What does that even mean? That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
● On my way out, I stopped by A100, where, on the wall along Glenn's office, official announcements are posted. I noticed something there. Here's what I found:

Hope you can read it. It says that the board will meet with the Accreditation Teams tomorrow (Thursday, the 30th) at 2:30 in the Chancellor's Conference Room (3rd floor, HSB) to discuss the PROGRESS REPORTS. It also says:
An opportunity will be provided at the beginning of the meeting for public comments on this matter.Hot damn!
Maybe the Accreditation team can meet in our faculty lounge! Or in the lovely classroom where I teach! They'd really be impressed! I know I am!
I hear that a certain instructor in physical sciences actually is seen by his students sweeping out his classroom ane dumping the trash! His students tell me this! They say they feel bad watching him do it!
But I think we should all show the same spirit! Imagine, if we were to each bring our own broom and dustpan to work, wow - what a difference it would make!
Do you guys still have the plague of despair t-shirts?
I am a big fan of the band.
Yes wayne got away with it. I am really shocked that the CSEA couldnt stop this from happening. It seems that the only battles they can win are the ones already handed to them.. Sorry Ruben for having a union with no back bone. I have a question? How can we get rid of the e-board that handled this case and get knew members that know how to use the power of the union. I hope they file that Hostile Enviorment Grievance or they will have let all the custodians down.
Yes their are groups of people that Wayne wont allow to work together. Wayne wont allow the custodians to work with anybody when it comes to setting up for activities at school. Many have tried to help but are told by the custodians not to help in order to protect them. He wouldnt let Ruben and Robert work together in the B-Quad and they were just a spit away from each other. Why does the president allow Wayne to continue to bring down the morale of the people under him.
Because he would have to wake up and actually do something other than change diapers. Don't you know he's afraid of him and everyone else?
Anonymous 9:43 has a good point. Have you considered setting up a Dissent: The Blog Cafepress store? Proceeds would benefit the Dissent Staffers Legal Defense Fund -- or help the Library pay its ALA membership fee.
Until Glen gets a back bone nothing
will change.
When all else fails read the SOCCCD/CSEA contract. Management has and will always retain the right to assignment and the taxpayers thank God for that.
So, if Ruben doesn't like his assignment he can exercise his right to choose employment that will be more conducive to his liking. It's as simple as that!
Thank you for your stupid comment WAYNE!
wayne has no life, so he is "trying" to ruin other peoples. GET A LIFE WAYNE YOU REALLY NEED ONE!!
According to Roquemore, Wayne does a good JOB? I wonder where?
To every negative comment made about a man who loses money because a thief takes it from them ( like wayne ) your time is coming or someone in your family will have the same thing done to them. This is a promise because of your negativity.
To 10:01pm If you're talking about WAYNE losing money, "you're right" when he goes back to Disneyland!
Wayne you're very negative....
1:00 Im talking about Wayne taking money from Ruben like a thief . He uses the system to rob Ruben of his money by shifting him to swing shift. Wayne you have a surprise coming I hope you enjoy it.
Reuben for president.
everything you do in life comes back Wayne. You are old enough to know this and they way you act is very childish. what a waste of money you are.
Yo, cracker 182 - Disgis góchí indaa!
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