Well, now it's in the paper:
Classes start at IVC without portables.
Somebody must've called the Reg.
Faculty sure are pissed off.
Again, I want to emphasize that lots of folks--including administrators, classified employees, faculty--worked hard yesterday overcoming a difficult and unexpected situation.
Indications are that the the CEC portables will be ready by Monday, next week.
The Reg got it wrong.
Faculty were informed a mere 2-3 hours before classes began on Monday mroning that the temp classrooms were not ready.
Not on Friday.
If it was on Friday we wouldn't have had to witness the embarrassing mad scramble that took place yesterday.
Yes, folks were noble and puled togther to serve the stduents -- though Glenn deigned to notice and thnak all of them - but it was mad scramble, emabarrassing especially when one remembers the parents who accompanied their young students to college on the first day.
I watched them as they cast their eyes around the cyclone-fenced playpen of debris that closed off the undone classrooms.
For shame.
Can Glenn prove that they informed people on Friday? Is there a paper trail or just a cover-up?
Is the plastic bag from El Pollo Loco still tied to a handrail? it appeasr to be filled with what's left from someone's lunch? How about the pile of empty soda cans and water bottles? Are they still rolling around in the playpen of the cyclone fence?
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