dory among groups at IVC. Is that true?
In January, Irvine Valley College received seven recommendations—six “district” recommendations plus one “college” recommendation—from the accrediting agency (ACCJC). Let's focus on the "college" recommendation (CR6):
Although the college and its constituent groups have achieved a collegial working relationship with the current president to address issues with a new optimism, the college does not have this same type of relationship with the district leadership and the Board of Trustees. While some progress has been made and policies have been developed, the team feels that Recommendations 7 and 8 ... of the 2004 visiting team Accreditation Team have not been fully met. (See recs 7 and 8 here.)

The draft (of the follow-up)—about which input is due tomorrow—exploits that assumption, asserting that
At the college level the [Accred] team validated a solid working relationship among the administration, faculty, and classified staff [within the college]. Furthermore, various college climate surveys provide evidence regarding this assertion. The team went so far as to commend the college for the positive change in campus climate since the last accreditation visit.Note that the draft does not address relationships within the college. It addresses only the relationship between the college and the district.
Ah, yes, but things change, and that makes the glacial Accred review process vulnerable to failing to take important changes into account. The draft explicitly acknowledges this phenomenon:
Dialog at the campus level after receipt of the Evaluation Report indicated a disappointment that the snapshot in time was not taken a month or two later. With changes in Board membership, Board Leadership, and the seating of a new chancellor the relationship between the college and the district leadership and Board of Trustees had already improved markedly by that time.
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Glenn, Gwen, Craig |
Until about two years ago at IVC, faculty and administration (and other groups) had a common enemy, namely, the Chancellor (the odious Raghu Mathur) and the board (dominated by the Fuentes/Wagner block).
That enemy is essentially gone. Meanwhile, in the last two or so years, it has seemed clear to at least some of us—our carping has been much in evidence on this blog—that the relationship between faculty (and other groups) with administration “at the campus level” has grown increasingly unhealthy.
I believe that one can get a good sense of the problem by reviewing the history of IVC's “Early College” Program. It was originally foisted upon faculty several years ago (during the Dennis White era), despite expressed faculty concerns. Soon after its launch, severe difficulties of the sort predicted seemed to surface, and that led to a survey of participating instructors conducted by the Academic Senate. The survey indicated that there were indeed serious problems with the EC program. The Academic Senate continues to have serious concerns about it. It is pursuing further investigation.
IVC administration has responded to all this with a degree of reassuring blather at Senate meetings—and, apparently, a total commitment to proceed with the EC Program. Indeed, just a month or two after the dismal findings of the survey were discussed on the senate floor, Pres. Roquemore, standing before the board of trustees, celebrated the alleged success and virtues of the EC Program as though it were the Crown Jewel of the college.
It was as though the senate and its concerns did not exist at all.
In my view the problem “at the campus level” more fundamentally concerns these facts (that I allege):
• The VPI, an intelligent but ruthless and crafty individual, actually runs the college, instilling fear and causing low morale. He does not take others' opinions seriously.That's my opinion. What do you think? Let us know.
• The President, an obtuse fellow, seems oblivious to this circumstance; he has never “connected” with the campus community and seems forever unaware of its denizens' concerns. (He responds to crises of confidence by arranging to drop out of military aircraft and then showing video.)
And don't forget to pass along your input re the draft. Due tomorrow.
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So says the draft |
You nailed it.
That EC program - a pet of BOTH senate prezes by the way - is a symptom of the larger disease.
By the way - for the record, this anon doesn't think the college admin was ever really united against Raghu - only when it benefited Glen and his pals. They do what they have to survive.
bvt, I agree with you, and I admire that you are steadfast in your convictions. We spent all that energy fighting, meanwhile we have lost the senate to ineffective leadership, faculty rights are being ignored, shared governance exists only in the minutes of a meeting, and the classified staff and students are getting shafted! First order of business is to clean house. Wake up senators. Listen with a critical ear. Dropping a vague comment at a meeting does not shared governance make.
Bvt, I believe your assessment of the VPI & Prez is dead-on accurate. What do you think can be done about it?
The admin and others count on faculty being gone in the summer and overdrawn (and looking for parking) at the beginning of the semester....but I doubt this poorly written and poorly reasoned response is going to work for them.
I know few faculty when given a choice to serve their students or write a romanticized report for Glen and Craig and Lisa who would choose the latter. But maybe they could find a part-time English teacher who could clean it up for them in exchange for a parking spot. Me, I am going to go teach.
I wish the snapshot in time were taken today. It would show that the accred self study was pretty much window dressing. There is no real effort to have open and transparent decision making. Program review doesn't drive the budget, and there is not a climate of trust on the IVC campus. There is a double standard, maybe even a triple standard, in how resources are allocated. The way some people are treated is despicable, especially the classified staff. The primary self-governance bodies, the senate and the curriculum committee to name two, are overly influenced by the office of administration. The deans are powerless (that may be the only bright spot).
We know what to do. We’ve had these kinds of problems in the past. The first order of business is to make sure everyone is aware. Thanks for hosting this blog so we have some forum for honest discussion without fear of reprisal.
The admin has everyone afraid that honesty in the report will doom us -and in this climate of economic uncertainity, people are falling for it.
But we need to understand that these problems have been around for ahwile - deeply rooted on both sides, admin and senate leadership sold us out long ago, slowly but surely. Actaully, admin bought the senate leadership.
Remember that what they care about most are their own jobs, not ours and not our students.
What can we do at this point? If we raise objections to the draft, we'll find our programs and classrooms (maybe even parking) at risk. Witness the MRC. BTW, my students were furious about the closing of the MRC. bvt, your descriptions of the prez and vprez were spot on!
Frick and Frack.
Ask the Senate President to step up, or step down. Is the Senate vp ready to step in?
The vpi must step away from the trough, and the prez needs to wake the f@@k up, and stomp the vps arse. Others in that admin camp: watch your step.
Dear IVC faculty colleagues,
Only the faculty elect the senate prez. The administration does not have a voice in the election of the senate prez. Therefore, HELLO? Who is willing to step up? We'll get LDA again and her re-election will have nothing to do with the admin. since only faculty elect their senate prez. The ball is in our court. What to do?
Vote of No Confidence!
Re. The above pic: Would you trust that guy to serve you up a steaming platefull? Could anyone honestly believe there's no alterior motive involved? I think not... No confidence!
What if the Senate Prez resigns?
Bvt, why not conduct a formal confidence/no confidence vote on this group like with past admin?
Bvt, why not conduct a formal confidence/no confidence vote on this group like with past admin?
People, people - it's YOUR college too. Do it yourself. Geez. Give Roy a break - he's on sabbatical.
People need to either step up - or else shut up.
I never supported the former admin, but I do recall like 3 votes of no confidence that came down and it was all stategicly planned right before the accred. Why the double standard with this admin? The situation certainly seems much worse now. What gives?
First, you never want to hold a vote of "confidence/no confidence" unless you know the likely outcome. I'm not convinced that all faculty understand the issues, what's been going on.
Second, even if you know the likely outcome and it is likely to be harsh (toward its object), you need a follow-up. What's supposed to happen, no that we know that the leader has no followers? The trustees seem to be in the dark as always about conditions at IVC. Trustees have an amazing capacity to resist enlightenment. Even if they get the message, they need help understanding what can be done.
I would suggest instead getting the senate(s) on board (re the issues); then communicate with Chancellor (directly or indirectly) about the problem. Slowly get your ducks in a row.
I agee with the last post. Most people are not aware of the problems some programs and people are facing. It is so easy to look askance at someone being bullied, and think they must have done something to deserve that. That is especially easy if your department or program is benefitting.
"First, you never want to hold a vote of 'confidence/no confidence' unless you know the likely outcome."
OK, let's find out. How many faculty would vote "no confidence" in the upper IVC administration (two VPs and president) right now? Let's hear from you.
"I would suggest instead getting the senate(s) on board ....Slowly get your ducks in a row."
BVD, wake up! The senate is in the administration's pocket. Go "slowly"? Rome is burning! Another year of these corrupt incompetents and there'll be nothing left of the place!
Listen, 11:10, I've been on the senate for years. I know what's going on there, and I think you'll find that there are many on the Rep Council--and I suspect more than a few on the cabinet--who see Glenn/Craig as I do, more or less. The problem, it seems to me, is the Senate Prez. Amazingly, she doesn't perceive any great problem with Glenn/Craig. That must be overcome.
Uh, I don't think anyone needs to tell the Dissenters to wake up - consider who you really want to reach and direct your remarks in that direction.
BvT, that's because she's retiring soon and doesn't really give a crap! What the hell does she care if she's not going to be around for too much longer? You see, it's not so "amazing" after all! I bet she's already got a nice, big golden handshake package all lined-up with the district for selling us all out! So, get ready to bend over and grab your ankles!
Lisa doesn't want to retire - just move up - like Wendy before her.
But look what happened to Wendy. They made all those deals with her and she went along with the whole thing (Early College program, all those other accred reports,etc) and allowed herself to be co-opted - then, they threw her away.
Same thing will happen to Lisa. They'll get what they want from her - as they are are now until she's all used up. Faculty, staff and students suffer.
We need strong, independent leadership. Not cozy co-opted leadership.
Yes, they buy off who they need - cozy is the word for it.
Did Glen really jump out of a plane to impress US?
I'd rather he check out the numbers of students waiting to add my classes, help me find a parking or post or just drop by faculty offices and ask what's up. Perhaps he can find some computers and phones for the two desks (!) in the "new" part-time A-200 office. Maybe he'd see why part-time faculty need more office space (hint, hint - big ole empty MRC). He should keep his feet on the ground and get out out of his office more.
Did he really do that jump as some kind of stunt for US?
They count on faculty to be too busy and too trusting to notice.
In their defense, both Wendy and Lisa thought/think they know better than the faculty what is best - and they operate from that perspective. They really believe that. They're doing what's best of us - they don't see it as selling out.
Our passivity allowed/allow them to be powerful.
Lisa won't wind up like Wendy though. Just watch.
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