That the district seized Kreza and Duncan's computers is peculiar. According to established procedure, the college's own IT personnel would handle any movement or processing of college computer equipment.
I also have it on good authority that a cop from Saddleback College, Deputy Chief of Police James Pyle, is now serving as "Interim" (or possibly only "acting") IVC Chief.

After his service with IPD, Kreza had a colorful second career. According to the Irvine World News,
Since retirement, Kreza has worked at Concordia University and UC Irvine, and operated his own executive protection agency where he provided security to country music stars, business moguls and the family of the Sultan of Brunei.See College police chief named. (6/7/01)
Kreza was named IVC Police Chief in 2001.
Kreza's private firm is Owen Kreza Professional Services of Foothill Ranch.
MS. HAMMEL'S RETALIATION COMPLAINT: In April of 2006, a formal "retaliation complaint" was lodged against Kreza by IVC classified employee Suzanne Hammel. (See April board agenda/closed session.) In July, Ms. Hammel appealed the board's April decision (see July board agenda/closed session), but, after the July closed session trustee meeting, no action concerning the complaint or the board's decision concerning it was reported.
It is not known (not by me, anyway) whether the Hammel matter had any bearing on today's action.
I'm told that Robert King, SOCCCD's Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, was involved, and perhaps directed, today's action.
ONCE AGAIN, MATHUR'S LEGACY: Naturally, Kreza was a Raghu Mathur hire. Mathur served as President of IVC from 1997 to early 2002. During Mathur's tenure as President, he experienced two votes of "no confidence" by college faculty, in part owing to some of Mathur's administrative and managerial hires.
One hire, Rod Poindexter, Dean of Health Science, PE, & Athletics, was fired after a series of embarrassing episodes, including one reported fracas and alleged threatening behavior. (See Irvine Valley A.D. taken off job.)
Another Mathur favorite, Humanities and Languages/Fine Arts dean Howard Gensler, stepped down not long after reports revealed that Gensler, along with Mathur, pursued a $900 million private Hilton Hotel/Theater complex at IVC (it was dubbed the "Howard Hilton" by denizens of the college). Evidently, Gensler and Mathur had failed to consult the city regarding these unusual--and, to some, absurd--plans.
Both Poindexter and Gensler were despised by their faculty. But the low estimations of Poindexter and Gensler by faculty had no bearing on either dean's exit from administration. (Gensler is now a tenured Econ instructor at Saddleback College who is pursuing a suit against the district.)
Despite these and other embarassing episodes--Mathur also sued the district when his attempt to sue Dissent editor Roy Bauer backfired, leaving him with whopping legal costs--in 2002, the SOCCCD board of trustees appointed Mathur district Chancellor. As Chancellor, Mathur soon experienced a 93.5% vote of no confidence by faculty. If anything, Mathur is even less popular with faculty today.
The conservative SOCCCD board has recently granted Mathur raises and perks. He now makes roughly a quarter million dollars a year, including a generous car rental allowance. (Mathur drives a Mercedes.)
wow - just like an episode of Law and Order!
Didn't Owen show up at various board meetings to opine about Raghu's charms?
Why was Owen an "unpopular" hire?
Where'd he come from anyway?
Kreza became unpopular in the course of his tenure. There are many stories concerning his, ahem, conduct.
Did Owen take all the keys to our offices when he left, er...was escorted out? Will Howard represent Owen in a sure-to-be-filed lawsuit against the district?
Boy, your college just gets crazier by the week. And you wonder why enrollment is going down?
Does this mean the College President isn't going to give those people their money?
"As IVC Turns" soap opera continues...
This is wild - I keep telling people that it is corrupt back home as it is here, and you're giving me the evidence!
Another one - er - two, bites the dust.
Chunk - they're dropping like flies over there! I'm predicting you will be the last man standing and when that day comes, you'll be the new IVC president by sheer default.
Just one screw up on top of least I got a new computer and it works...that's about the only department around here that seems to function normally. Go tech folks!
Check out the Exchange Club of Irvine.
The club is dedicated to promoting "Americanism."
IVC Prez Glenn Roquemore is a member and has been active in club leadership.
Owen Kreza is on its (4 member) board of directors.
Dennis Duncan is also a member, I believe.
Nancy Padberg visits the club.
See .
A little more info about the Exchange Club of Irvine:
Dave Anderson--who is on team Roquemore at IVC--publishes the EC's newsletter, the "Windsock."
Long-time Mathur (then Fuentes) mentee Anthony Kuo--who is also active in the county GOP--is also listed as among the club's Board of Directors (along with Kreza).
It's one big happy family!
Club meetings appear always to begin with prayer. That's OK by me, but it is also a sign that Tom Fuentes is hiding in the bushes somewhere.
Does anyone have a good source or database for sexual misconduct in police departments? I have suddenly developed an interest in that subject. Not that it has anything to do with the Exchange Club. As near as I can tell, they are officially opposed to sex.
Not surprised!
Anyone heard of the code-4 club?
Please tell us about teh code 4 club!!!
Then tell us why the exchange club chose that odd verb: "to implant" - what does it all mean?
"Code-4" - Nothing to do with the exchange club members. Check previous news papers before 2001 regarding Irvine Police Officers. (Not IVC Police Officers) Kreza again. It gets interesting.
Thanks for the tip.
This is what I found via the LA Times archives:
From August 22, 1993: title: Chief Says Officers' Offenses `Stupid' but Not Criminal. In the brief abstract of this article it appears that Kreza was one of 3 officers facing suspension but remaining at work; three others were informed that the chief intended to fire them and placed on paid leave. The chief characterized the conduct as "absolutely stupid" minor violations of policy but not criminal misconduct.
From August 27, 1993: title: Irvine Chief to meet with Six Accused Officers. In this abstract, it was announced that the police chief was scheduled to begin to meet with the officers.
Another article indicated that a Officer Boggs was cleared of charges.
It seems that because this was personnel matter, there isn't an indication of the nature of the conduct and/or absolutely stupid minor violations.
That's all I could find – anybody else?
Someone knows something and they're not saying.
Come on.
Hint To be a member of the code-4 club, you had to "Do Something". You then received a pin for your accomplishment.
You need to be looking in the old Irvine World News, and Register for more details about the Code-4 Club. It names some individuals specifically.
What a shame for the students of IVC. The SOCCCD police departments have been in varying degrees of turmoil for decades, going back to at least the Rotzell days ! But he's probably all but forgotten since there is always "new" turmoil.
who is Rotzell? we lost our institutional memory long ago - please help!
Wow, I actually almost applied for the Chief of Police position at IVC back in 2001. However, the retirement was not sufficient considering that the industry standard for police safety retirement was at the 3% @ 50 formula. I too remember the "Code 4 Club" from my law enforcement days in Orange County. It was a huge scandal! Why would the community college district hire a chief who had absolutley NO supervisory or management experience anyway?
To almost ran.. waaaaay to much time on your hands.
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