Both Novak and Fuentes are on the board of trustees for Phillips Foundation. There are five trustees, including Thomas L. Phillips and Alfred S. Regnery--remember that name. (Phillips’ name has come up before in Dissent. Some of the trustees showed up at a ritzy party put on by Phillips in Corona Del Mar--days before Fuentes was appointed to the board.)

Fuentes seems to be a “director” of Eagle Publishing, and Eagle Publishing appears to be the parent company of Regnery Publishing. --Yes, Regnery.
(Digression: according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, in the 30s, a man named William Regnery was one of the signatories of incorporation papers for the "America First Committee," an organization opposed to fighting Nazi Germany. William's brother, Henry, created Regnery Publishing. Henry's son (I think), William Regnery II, is a prime mover in the "white supremacy" movement in the U.S. William II is an heir to the Regnery fortune. As far as I know, William II is not otherwise tied to Regnery publishing. Alfred Regnery, the current director of Regnery, is Henry's son. Got it? Wait a minute! So Alfred is William II's brother, is that right? D'oh!)
If one goes to the website for Regnery Publishing:
--one will find a section on “corporate information.” There, one finds that, indeed, Fuentes is one among six of the publisher’s “external directors.” (Pat "Wheel" Sajak is another one!)
Regnery’s catalog includes crackpot diet and health books, crackpot conspiracy books, crackpot anti-evolution books, and crackpot Ann Coulter books (is there any other kind?).
Here are some of the fascinating titles I found in Regnery’s catalog [see: http://www.regnery.com/catalog.html]:

Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish, … “Filled with hunting anecdotes, detailed instructions on cleaning and dressing your game, helpful hints for those new to cooking wild game….
God, Guns & Rock and Roll, … "Rock and Roll legend, Ted Nugent, contends that a lot of what is wrong with this country could be remedied by a simple, but controversial concept, gun ownership….
Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption Into the Catholic Church, Michael S. Rose…“For anyone who has asked how pedophiles or predatory homosexual priests could possibly have been tolerated—here is the answer, in the most explosive book on the Catholic Church in a generation.”

Profscam: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education, Charles Sykes…“Sykes argues that the American universities are turning into professorial clubs where deviation from party lines means expulsion and exile, where perks are paramount, and where taxpayers, parents and students are treated with contempt”
Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry , John E. O'Neill and Jerome R. Corsi…“A shocking indictment of John Kerry by some of the men who know him best.”

For an old Dissent article about Fuentes’ associations, see “Trustee Fuentes: some background” in ARCHIVES: September 2002
So, it is true: Orange County is built over a hellmouth from which all the evil in the world erupts. That explains everything.
Now, I dare you, just connect the college district to Department of Homeland Security (sic).
Double dare you.
As I recall, SOCCCD has received Federal grants to open a new program in Homeland Security. In addition, hastily added classes on computer forensics are being billed as part of the Homeland Security effort.
See page two of http://www.socccd.org/pio/documents/SOCCCD_Jan05_NL.pdf
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