Monday, August 31, 2020

COVID-19 critical trends, worldwide

This image is from Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, among their charts reporting critical trends. The data are up-to-date.

The good news: the US is definitely flattening the curve (i.e., each day, fewer cases crop up compared to the previous day, although that's only an average; hot spots [states] remain). On the other hand, the US has numbers like nowhere else: 183,000 deaths! The above chart makes that clear. So we're definitely "doing better," though we've been hit harder, by far, than any other nation in the world.

Thanks, Donald Trump and the new GOP.

Brazil is a special case, I think. It is flattening the curve (but not by much), but it is the only country with numbers anything like the US. In Brazil, over 120,000 have died. Many more will likely perish.

India has 65,000 deaths thus far, which is much less than 183K, but that's still a big number, and India's rate of cases is rapidly increasing over time. Very worrisome.


Here's a graphic (hot off the press!) from the New York Times, showing the states with the greatest increases in Covid cases in recent days:

Meanwhile, California is definitely among the states where new Covid cases are decreasing.

Earlier today, I noted that the numbers for OC in particular look much better lately. Today, there were only 94 new cases and 1 death reported. The trends are much better. Whew! (But now's the time to double down on social distancing and wearing masks.)

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