It's been a long day. Just sat down to check out the program for "professional development" week at the college, which starts on Monday and plods all the way to Friday.
Classes start three days later, I guess. Sheesh, it's always a drag when my summer break from teaching comes to an end. But it's been a great summer.
I see that, for once, the "Chancellor's Opening Session" (on Tuesday) is streamlined. All the schedule shows is Acting Chancellor Dixie Bullock's address on “Stability and Civility.”

There are cool pictures from IVC's past strewn throughout the schedule. I guess that's 'cause IVC is celebrating its 25th Anniversary as an autonomous college (it existed as Saddleback College, North Campus, from 1979-1985).

I think this is IVC's PE complex under construction. In the old days, the college was determined to avoid competitive sports in favor of fitness programs and the like. That all went by the wayside about the time Raghu Mathur, the corrupt union leadership, and the original right-wing "Board Majority" took over the district in 1996-7.

Who's the lady next to Terry Burgess? (Joan Hueter?)

I'm not sure what this is. Shirley Gellatly seems to be wielding enormous scissors with the help of Pam Deegan (but I don't think her name was Deegan back then). I think that's Richard Sneed to her left (no?) and original IVC President Ed Hart fourth from the left. But isn't that President Ron Kong next to Shirley? He wasn't hired until 1987, so I dunno.
In 1985, the board comprised John Connolly, Gellatly, Eugene McKnight, Robert Moore, Robert Price, Walther, and William Watts. (I think that Marcia Milchiker entered the scene in November of 1985.)

I guess this is the communal garden. I doubt that such a thing exists nowadays on campus.

Some familiar faces, circa 1986.
I think that's Jan Rainbird third from left. I do believe that he was hired (as an adjunct film instructor) by Peter Morrison during a poker game.
Ah, the old days.
11/12/15: You might want to check out IVC's Pinterest page: IVC then and now. Lots of cool old pics.
I think that's Jan Rainbird third from left. I do believe that he was hired (as an adjunct film instructor) by Peter Morrison during a poker game.
Ah, the old days.
11/12/15: You might want to check out IVC's Pinterest page: IVC then and now. Lots of cool old pics.
Is that Richard Prystowski? He was a good professor but seemed to have an unhealty obsession with the Holocaust.
Jan, you cutie!!!
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