Boy, this is quite a place to spend your professional life.
For instance, over here, we’ve got an elephant-footed, hardball-playing trustee who, when he isn’t taking the lowest of roads (stationing guards at polling places, nixing study-abroad programs to punish critics, etc.), he’s praying to the Lord or calling insufficiently pure Republicans “whores.”
He’s got a team of sorts, including a lawyer. A big fat card on his Rolodex is dedicated to one Phil Greer, attorney to the right-wing OC stars, such as the ethically challenged OC Treasurer, Chriss Street, the junket-loving and incompetent OC Guardian/Administrator, John Williams, all but one of the brainless OC Supes, and—well, Raghu P. Mathur.
Greer is the OC Republican mafia's consigliere. He's a total creep.
I’ve been assured by a reliable source that the SOCCCD recently paid the fellow $25,000. What for? Well, for participating in that heart-warming endeavor called the “Mathur settlement,” aka the Twilight Zonean saga of Mathur playing every desperate card up his sleeve (and one or two cards that he only imagines) while determined former admirers hustle him forcefully out the door, and for good.
But wait! This Phil Greer fella must be a pretty good lawyer, right?
Dunno about that. I’m more interested in his ethics. Now, what manner of ethics do you suppose the fellow has? HINT: he’s Fuentes’ go-to lawyer. He represents Street, Williams, Mathur, and their pals.
That’s right. NONE.
Here’s what the LA Times had to say about him a couple of years ago:
Rebuked O.C. lawyer keeps busy (H.G. Reza)
Janet Nguyen was barely losing the February election for county supervisor. When she decided to ask for the recount that would eventually put her ahead, she did what many Orange County Republicans do when they need election law advice. She hired Phillip Greer.What a freakin' creep. C’mon. Aren’t you sick and tired of the district being saddled with the likes of Tom Fuentes and his creep brigade—Chriss Street, Mike Carona, Raghu Mathur, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Adam Probolsky, Jack the Ripper, Phil Greer, Arlene Greer, Rosy Greer, and Pam Grier?*
. . .
Despite his status as an advisor to Orange County Republicans, the State Bar of California has disciplined Greer twice in the last 11 years and ordered him each time to take ethics courses. His advice to Nguyen that she set up a secret defense fund, which was later ruled illegal, led state election officials to rebuke the supervisor. When Greer returned the donations, which had been sent to one of his accounts, at least one of the checks bounced.
. . .
This month, Nguyen agreed to pay $5,000 in fines to settle investigations into the fundraising scheme. The county supervisor has said she acted on Greer's advice. Nguyen did not return phone calls seeking comment for this article.
. . . [The Times goes into the details; check 'em out.]
According to state bar records, Greer represented a Georgia firm in one lawsuit at the same time he was suing the firm in another case in 2002. The state bar investigation found that Greer's representation of both parties was a "willful violation of Rules of Professional Conduct."
In the earlier disciplinary action, Greer settled a client's personal injury lawsuit for $5,000 in 1990, withholding $1,634 to pay her medical bills. The money should have been kept in Greer's client trust account.
In 1991, the client asked Greer for the remainder of the money because her insurance had paid the bills, records show. Greer did not pay her for three years, and when he did he used a cashier's check instead of one from his client trust account. According to the state bar's findings, his trust account daily balances "consistently fell below $1,634," the amount that should have always been in the account.
Greer blamed his office manager, saying the employee had removed client files, which he discovered after closing his Long Beach office. The state bar said Greer's failure to supervise the office manager prevented him from properly representing the client.
Greer was required to take ethics courses in both cases.
There were also apparent problems in repayment of at least one $5,000 contribution made to Greer's client trust account for Nguyen's defense fund. The refund check was written from Greer's office account to Townsend Public Affairs, a lobbying firm based in Irvine, and marked "Nguyen refund." The check was dated April 15, 2007, but the firm did not receive it until June 7, according to sources familiar with the transaction. It bounced June 12. Eight days later a firm official wrote Greer, asking him to mail another check. It did not arrive until Oct. 18, sources said. This appears to conflict with the finding that Nguyen returned the donations within a month of receiving them.
In an e-mail to The Times, Greer wrote, "I have no idea as to why the April check was not tendered till June, and it is my understanding that they were made good as soon as we were informed there was a problem."….
I don’t care how many times the guy prays to the Lord and rolls his eyes to Heaven. He’s a creep. And our district is up to its eye balls in his rotting, sulphurous creepitude, mixed with various exotic other varieties of appalling, epic creepulescence: Mathur-creep, Gensler-creep, Fennel-creep, Sherry-creep, “sorry, Roy, but I’ve got to play the game to protect my program”-creep, “It’s a new era of trust!”-creep, “how-come-you-didn’t-hire-our-favorite-adjunct?”-creep, and all the other f*cking creeps.
Our district will now move forward with a chancellor search. (And, after that, there will be other hires.) Given our district's record with such hires. I'm worried.
I have no doubt that Board President Wagner is a better man than Mr. Fuentes. I’m not even gonna call him a creep. But better-than-Fuentes creepitude is not good enough.
I want some freakin’ decency. At long last!
This aging Eagle Scout is dedicating himself to one thing. I want honest hiring processes. I don’t care who we hire. I’m beyond caring about that. For me, it’s simple. I wanna work at a place where, fundamentally, decency and honesty prevails. That means that there’s no FIX. Not to any degree—and, yes, this admits of degrees, and you know it. They can hire Nixon’s corpse for all I care. They can hire Dr. Laura or Michelle Maulkin. I DON’T CARE, as long as she’s the best hire, straight up.
There was a time when more of us than now stood together and said “NO WAY” to hinky hires, including the kind where “good” people get to know each other and depend on each other and, hey, even do good work together—and, so, naturally, they make damned sure that the “right” person ends up with the right job.
I don’t give a shit anymore. I don’t care how good the person is. I don’t care how freakin’ wonderful it would be if they got the job. Unless the process is clean, it’s flat wrong and there’s no way we’ll ever get healthy around here with that stuff in the background, like the miasma of rotting pools of bubbling moral rot.
*OK, I don't really have anything against these last two "greers."
Anonymous said...: Since Chriss Street spells his first name with two S's, it seems natural to me to pronounce Chriss with an emphasis on the "iss," so that it rhymes with "hiss." He is a snake, after all. ~ 8:56 PM, February 10, 2010
Anonymous said...: It's true that their creepy attitude has spread throughout the district -- little matters to folks anymore, even the ones who make the nicey-nice speeches. Sigh. Everyone is just out for their own. ~ 9:35 PM
Anonymous said...: No fix! I'm with you Roy but I think we're outnumbered. ~ 9:36 PM
Anonymous said...: Pam Grier is great. (Do you know something we don't know, Roy?) ~ 9:47 PM
B. von Traven said...: See the asterisk? Yeah, she's great. I just wanted to write "Pam Grier." ~ 9:48 PM
Anonymous said...: When you're kids, everyone wants you to be good little boy or girl scouts -- then when you grow up they want you to forget all about it and do the expedient thing, to sell out, yourself and others. ~ 9:51 PM
Anonymous said...: I think it will come down to two choices for replacing Raghu. Glenn or Tod. With the current Board hiring policy it seems they could find a drunk bum passed out in front of the "Ronald Reagan Board of Trustees Room" and pick him/her (assuming they have the proper conservative credentials). That's one hiring committee I wouldn't want to be on. It would be a total waste of time. ~ 11:14 PM
Anonymous said...: I like it when Roy gets all idealistic. ~ 6:40 AM, February 11, 2010
Anonymous said...: I'm with you. $25000! ~ 8:56 AM
Since Chriss Street spells his first name with two S's, it seems natural to me to pronounce Chriss with an emphasis on the "iss," so that it rhymes with "hiss." He is a snake, after all.
It's true that their creepy attitude has spread throughout the district - little matters to folks anymore, even the ones who make the nicey-nice speeches. Sigh. Everyone is just out for their own.
No fix! I'm with you Roy but I think we're outnumbered.
Pam Grier is great.
(Do you know something we don't know, Roy?)
See the asterisk? Yeah, she's great. I just wanted to write "Pam Grier."
When you're kids, everyone wants you to be good little boy or girl scouts - then when you grow up they want you to forget all about it and do the expedient thing, to sell out, yourself and others.
I think it will come down to two choices for replacing Raghu. Glenn or Tod. With the current Board hiring policy it seems they could find a drunk bum passed out in front of the "Ronald Regan Board of Trustees Room" and pick him/her (assuming they have the proper conservative credentials). That's one hiring committee I wouldn't want to be on. It would be a total waste of time.
A drunk bum with a Ph.D.
I like it when Roy gets all idealistic.
I'm with you. $25000!
hey, Greer worked hard for that money - at what? $400.00 per hour? AND he got a good deal for Mathur! So everybody gets big checks and is happy.
I don't doubt that Greer worked hard for his money. But it doesn't look good when the district spends public money on the local right-wing consigliere. In fact, it looks horrible, like the district is an annex of the local GOP. Now, it is possible that the district can do nothing about it; possibly, Mathur is entitled to hire an "advocate" and he chose Greer (no doubt in consultation with Fuents). I dunno. If that is the situation, it remains true that the line between the top leadership of the SOCCCD and the local GOP "mafia" mix together most remarkably, producing ugliness and further politicizing the doings of this district. Ugly, ugly, ugly. --RB
$25k at 400 per hour works out to over 60 hours. That means he worked a week and a half, full time, doing nothing else in that time to negotiate a basic contract termination.
Full on mediations or arbitrations with multiple parties, and with complex issues, do not take this long. The rat like odors are palpable.
Try more like $600 per hour, the going rate.
Even so, there was no litigation, and the subject lawyer was wildy overpaid. Two days at $600per, should have easily done it with time for lunch.
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